"Lots of big ifs, and lots of expense, which suggest that it will not be done for many thousands of years, if ever. No organization could afford it."<br /><br />We as in 'We the people of Earth' can afford anything that we can possibly do and if we want to do that, the question on which everything hinges in this particular case is 'would we want to' provided that know how to do that was here, why would anyone want to settle other planets in the solar system<br /><br />Earth is what, 3/5th ocean? I dare say it would be far easier and cheaper and desirable to settle either the surface of that water or even the depths of it if somehow we found there is not place enough for all of us on the firm shores of Earth<br /><br />once conditions in the solar system change so we would be pushed off Earth, it likely won't happen that other planets would be somehow exempt from those changes which are billions of years in future anyway and who knows what will be then with mankind<br /><br />any 'baloon living quarters' in Venus atmosphere would be only temporary and purely scientific endeavour, ie no settling of Venus because there is no reason to settle there in foreseeable future<br /><br />people only go settle someplace else for two reasons, either because it is cheaper in the colony relative to current place (settling of America) or because they get pushed out by something, be it tyrany or famine etc<br /><br />IMO, people would seriously consider colonizing other planets only after they would be pushed off Earth for some reason, simply to save their lives, not for economic reasons (even if somehow it was cheaper to live in those Venus clouds in a baloon which I doubt very much), untill that happens all presence of mankind on other planets will always be in the exploratory/expeditionary nature, sort of like current arctic polar stations, although they have permanent human presence all year round, they are not what could be called 'colonization of arctic' by any means (and needles to say, <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>