Re: Comet Hartley 2 Visibility
I've spotted it here in California with the 100mm binoculars, and that was with horrendous moon pollution, but it was a reach. Given rise-and-set and lunar phase, my really good peaking opportunity is Oct 3/4.
I don't know your experience, but if you have a good 4.5" scope, drop in the 25-26mm eyepiece, hopefully a good fully multicoated, remove any light pollution filters, and use the corners of your eye. If you don't have a goto interfaced to the PC it's a bit of a hunt to find. There were great markers during the full moon with it traversing dead center of Auriga, but it's heading into a much tougher region of the sky for guide-stars in a small scope.
Really objects like this are far easier to pick out with dedicated astronomy binoculars. I really have to give the nod to the Celestron 80mm and 100mm binoculars because they're so incredibly inexpensive for a _lot_ of reach (you do need a good tripod for them though). The Orion are also good binoculars for this task.
For ~$150 you can pick up binoculars that will positively destroy a reflecting 'scope for visual observation of barely reachable comets. For locating comets for photography, I combine computer-tracked goto with various visual gridding mechanisms with the binoculars. There's no way I do visual search with a 'scope. Just hard to make it practical unless you're going really deep with computerized gridding and a big scope with an expensive CCD.