THE C.E.V. SHOULD BE THE PRIORITY!!!<br /><br />I spoke to an Astronaut recently who said, and I quote; "The sooner the Shuttle era ends, the better." I wont tell you who he was for now, but if you're curious, I might later. Anyway, although I'm very mad they're proposing these cuts, I feel all the more powerless. That's because I'm not an American taxpayer and beyond this forum I just cannot contribute to the fight. And make no mistake: This IS a fight we have on our hands! If the internet and e-mail had been around in 1971, do you think we could have saved Apollo's 18 and 19? I reckon we could!!<br /><br />Although I'd be happier than Zubrin if the Moon was ignored and the U.S. shot straight for Mars, I have to face the facts that the U.S. cannot currently launch any humans into orbit, let alone beyond it. That's why for a C.E.V. I strongly believe in a design that could work equally well for either Moon or Mars with minimal modification. The Moon has to be a proving ground, but not a 15 or 20 year one. Undertake 7 or 8 Lunar missions (long ones) over a 5 year period first, then GET GOING to Mars. And DON'T repeat the I.S.S. near-fiasco with a Lunar base: Just make 2 or 3 SIMPLE semi-permanent man-tended stations on prime Lunar spots (Poles and one on the farside) and get on with Mars!!<br /><br />The C.E.V. should probably resemble the blunt biconic ship that's been used in Nasa's concept art lately (see attached). Tough, reasonably simple and capable of a semi-lifting aero-entry on either Mars or the Earth. On the Lunar version, you merely carry more propellant because of the Moon's lack of aerobraking facility. For that reason you need more Delta-V for a lunar mission than for Mars!! <br /><br />Though this can be offset somewhat by the lesser need for consumables on a shorter Lunar mission.<br /><br />As I said in another call-to-arms post in this forum:<br /><br /> />>> Push, push, PUSH for all it's worth. Then push some more. <br /><br />America, this may be your <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p>One Percent of Federal Funding For Space: America <strong><em><u>CAN</u></em></strong> Afford it!! LEO is a <strong><em>Prison</em></strong> -- It's time for a <em><strong>JAILBREAK</strong></em>!!</p> </div>