Helio, the calculation for the CC and vacuum energy density is done to match the CMBR today, not predict it. Einstein CC in GR originally was never used like this and the CC value was modified later to show the expanding universe vs. a CC value that showed GR calculated a static universe. The modification to the CC allowed the expanding universe but a universe only about 2 billion years old with H0 about 500 km/s/Mpc and no CMBR known until the work of George Gamow and Ralph Alpher, but a very different CMBR than what is observed today these folks predicted, clearly this CMBR constraint for CC is not the same as the modern CMBR constraints for CC you referenced. Thus in my view, CC remains a free parameter, adjusted as cosmology needs arise. You do not need to agree with me, but this is how I see it. Modern BB cosmology today goes back beyond 1 second after BB (t < second back to beginning or at least the Plank time and Planck length), thus we enter the realm of the quantum universe for origins teaching today and exotic new physics, particles, and vacuum energy changes
Perhaps a good chart showing all these changes, CC, vacuum energy density changes, etc. from Planck time until BBN ended, could be interesting to study 
And I will add, from BBN ending until CMBR formed.
And I will add, from BBN ending until CMBR formed.
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