Dark matter detected dangling from the cosmic web for 1st time

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Mar 8, 2022
Mass responds mass.
Even if DM flows completely through visible matter of necessity it will speed up towards a visible gravity well and slow exiting that gravity well.
That will increase the mass around that visible gravity well.
For the case of uninterrupted flow,
Where has that increase in mass ever been measured?

Now if DM doesn't have perfect uninterrupted flow visible matter will be vibrated by spurts of DM which will confer heat to that visible matter.
Where do we see/measure those vibrations or just odd shifts in visible matter?
Feb 15, 2024
Mass responds mass.
Even if DM flows completely through visible matter of necessity it will speed up towards a visible gravity well and slow exiting that gravity well.
That will increase the mass around that visible gravity well.
For the case of uninterrupted flow,
Where has that increase in mass ever been measured?

Now if DM doesn't have perfect uninterrupted flow visible matter will be vibrated by spurts of DM which will confer heat to that visible matter.
Where do we see/measure those vibrations or just odd shifts in visible matter?
As I said previously - try at least to make sense.
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Mar 8, 2022
Your initial response was a complete non-sequitur.
So guess one can't expect to have a coherent interchange with you.

Smug conciete is not a replacement for rational logical deduction.
Mar 8, 2022
Science is not a 'thing' to 'have' it is about methodology.
The 'fruits' of science are always 'thus far' until time terminates.

What some people have is arrogance and ignorance,
nomatter what they imagine they 'have'.
Mar 8, 2022
My question of where does DM respond to gravity has not been answered.

All i seem to get is evasion that "it flows around a lot".
And it must be perfectly uniform so it doesn't perturb other visible matter.

Unless it is perfectly uniform with space it has to vibrate visible matter.

If it is perfectly uniform with space it is space.
Mar 8, 2022
When two mass particles move past one another there is a changing gravitational force between them,
with the greatest g force when they are closest to each other.

If a bunch/flow of DM mass particles are moving past a mass particle it will constantly be pulled and released over & over & over.
This will result in vibrations of visible matter by invisible DM.
In all likelihood resulting in heat.
There will also be DM with DM vibrations generating heat there as well.

Will the next dodge of fact claim they are sub-quantum vibrations? <shrug>

The other imagined possibility is DM doesn't move around much, but then one would expect pooling of DM around visible [coherent] gravity wells,
which would increase the aggregate mass around visible matter.

The other possibility is actual coherent masses of DM, but that would be obvious because visible matter would fall into those DM gravity 'gutters'.

So can anyone think of any other plausible mechanics for hypothesized DM?

Let's line them up & i will do my best to try to shoot them down one by one.

(i am perfectly happy if someone else wants to shoot them down as well)
Mar 8, 2022
Let's say the DM is orbiting in perfect unison around the galactic center,
so byenlarge it doesn't vibrate itself.
We know visible matter doesn't all orbit in perfect synchrony,
so as DM orbits it will be vibrated/ heated as it passes any nonsynchronous visible matter.
Where is that heat signature in the 'cold dark matter'?
Mar 8, 2022
If there are connecting chords between the central black hole and the interiors of stars this might possibly cause bending of space-time in a higher dimension (probably not in any prospective gravity dimension) and that deformation of space-time is what accounts for what is currently referred to as [not] 'gravitational lensing'.
Jul 6, 2021
And almost certainly won't provide. I've seen his type of anti-science rhetoric before. If I had to guess? I'd say an 'electric universe' follower. A neo-Velikovskian cult with no science and no scientists. Plenty of anti-science rhetoric, but no science!
Just an Engineer keeping with the KISS principle. It doesn't have to be complicated to be true and dark matter is not the simplest explanation! But it does keep all those theoretical physicists employed until a new theory is proposed and rejected.


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