When two mass particles move past one another there is a changing gravitational force between them,
with the greatest g force when they are closest to each other.
If a bunch/flow of DM mass particles are moving past a mass particle it will constantly be pulled and released over & over & over.
This will result in vibrations of visible matter by invisible DM.
In all likelihood resulting in heat.
There will also be DM with DM vibrations generating heat there as well.
Will the next dodge of fact claim they are sub-quantum vibrations? <shrug>
The other imagined possibility is DM doesn't move around much, but then one would expect pooling of DM around visible [coherent] gravity wells,
which would increase the aggregate mass around visible matter.
The other possibility is actual coherent masses of DM, but that would be obvious because visible matter would fall into those DM gravity 'gutters'.
So can anyone think of any other plausible mechanics for hypothesized DM?
Let's line them up & i will do my best to try to shoot them down one by one.
(i am perfectly happy if someone else wants to shoot them down as well)