Ed Stauffer
Thanks for your thoughts.
I will try to describe microgravity like perturbations which cause or result in gravity and atmosphere (geodesic or geoid) related effects. Extremely sensitive GPS satellites can measure these effects. My exposure started in 1968 with Lunar Mass concentrations (Mascons) measured in the Lunar Orbiters data (perturbations measurements) and correlated with heavier masses such as below Mares on Moon. Most likely caused by Heavier Meteorites hitting the moon. Similarly, when I more recently (late 90’s) worked at NASA Goddard Center on geospatial data, I came across most effects that you describe. The Geoid (Earth’s Gravity) is not only a quadrupole, it is a series of multipole expansion and some of the higher multipole coefficients are time variants due to tides, matter movements on surface and underground seismic activities such as volcanoes. Yes, a heavy rain and resulting mass increases are measurable. So may be dust storms. These need to be corrected for example for precision guidance needed for defense or missiles. And yes Gravity, oceans and atmospheres are thus correlated, even all the way up where Van Allen belts in ionospheres exist and are affected by solar winds. To a calculable degree effects of other planets affect our gravity.
Now coming to Dark Matter, even though different galaxies show its plausible presence, it is indirect and effects of presence and absence of DM are seen only when matter-energy are created in the regions where very little existed, DM is not caused by collisions and disintegration of matter into those regions. Thus, the DM is everywhere but as far as I am learning about it, it is most manifest where mass-energy (particles) are created and not necessarily needed to explain macroscopic effect such as air pressure. Of course, micro phenomena ultimately aggregate to macro e.g. accretion of matter to form planets, and even nuclei from Quarks and Gluons, but these can be verified by physics that we understand (e.g. Standard Model) without need of DM, once matter-energy are present. But yes DM is around and inside matter in all space-time.
As mentioned earlier I am still trying to fathom the conversion of Matter-energy into DM and Dark Energy?