Sep 11, 2020
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E is dark energy
M is dark matter
C squared is the expansion factor

all it takes is for dark matter to be out of a gravity well and have the space to expand. If this is the case the universe will stop expanding when we run out of dark matter that is out of a gravity well.
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"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
E is dark energy
M is dark matter
C squared is the expansion factor

all it takes is for dark matter to be out of a gravity well and have the space to expand. If this is the case the universe will stop expanding when we run out of dark matter that is out of a gravity well.
I DON'T think that when DM is multiplied by C^2 (that is, 299,792,458 m/s multiplied by itself) is the total amount of DE. And DE and DM have completely opposite properties. So, sorry. :)


"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
I think that dark matter is a superfluid and if it phase transitions to dark energy it’s properties change drastically.
Water is normal matter. Water doesn't just change into dark energy or dark matter by heating or cooling or anything else. Why are you saying that water changing into steam is not its density decreasing but transitioning to dark energy? What kind of evidence do you have? Any theory or hypothesis supporting you?

I think you are just making a simple thing complex and nothing else.
Sep 11, 2020
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When water changes to steam it expands by 1600 times.
Dark matter is thought to be created under high temperature and extreme gravity.
I have read papers that theorized that dark matter could be a superfluid.
considering the forces involved to create dark matter it isn’t as big a stretch as it is a big stretch to think enough energy could be released to supply the required dark energy.


"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
When water changes to steam it expands by 1600 times.
Dark matter is thought to be created under high temperature and extreme gravity.
I have read papers that theorized that dark matter could be a superfluid.
considering the forces involved to create dark matter it isn’t as big a stretch as it is a big stretch to think enough energy could be released to supply the required dark energy.
Well, then, if that was true, the same amount of water wouldn't have come back by condensing the steam.
Jul 5, 2020
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Ed, you are a genius! Yes, it's true. The universe has been oscillating back and forth between dark matter and dark energy......forever. Carlo Rovelli calls it the Big Bounce. Time dilation is the holy grail, as dead stars that have collapsed become so dense that their intense gravity puts them in a "future" time zone. (mass converted into gravity) From their point of view, they "bounce" instantly, like a supernova, but we on the outside have to wait billions of years to actually witness the explosion (gravity converting back to mass). Now, the most fascinating thing about this theory is that it proves that there is no "beginning" of the universe- just a permanent "loop", no inception, no end, no problem. And it shows to the dismay of the "faithful" that there was never a "creation" or a god to pull off such a nonsensical event. Oh, and don't forget- the Big Bounce upholds the most important law in the universe- the Conservation of Energy, Time and Matter. It was refreshing to hear some with real intelligence put it so simple and true!!!!!!
Feb 8, 2021
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Ed I just read another article describing DM as a superfluid too, and I wish you would take some more time to elaborate for novices with little or no math....
It's too bad you were met with opposition to your ideas instead of a sense of collaboration.
I feel that the inflation never stopped and being faster than light speed it may be superfluid plasma that our visible universe is expanding into. This being FTLS my also create time distortions that would be like us moving into our past, instead of the future, or that everything is cyclic as others have said(Cat.... and Penrose too).
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Ed I just read another article describing DM as a superfluid too, and I wish you would take some more time to elaborate for novices with little or no math....
It's too bad you were met with opposition to your ideas instead of a sense of collaboration.
I feel that the inflation never stopped and being faster than light speed it may be superfluid plasma that our visible universe is expanding into. This being FTLS my also create time distortions that would be like us moving into our past, instead of the future, or that everything is cyclic as others have said(Cat.... and Penrose too).
You can't travel faster than the speed of light. No matter how fast you travel from point A to point B, during that travel you would measure the speed of light coming from all directions to you, if you could, as if you had never left off, and were never leaving, speed '0' (0-point) regarding the universe, its most distant horizons, and the constant of 'c'. The Universe would be continuously resetting you to '0'. Of course, in your observation of the universe outside of your vehicle, you would observe yourself to be time traveling, and thus space traveling at the same time. You would observe yourself to be fast forwarding in time ahead toward your destination, and in fast rewind in time behind you, for a net of '0' movement out of center regarding the distant collapsed horizon in every direction out from you, and including exactly the same horizon inside you, the distant collapsed Planck horizon. In other words, the horizon you are always centered in, which happens to also include 'c' as component horizon constant.

You can't catch, must less pass something that isn't there, doesn't exist, from the rear or from the side in the first place. A light-time-energy frame is a single-sided 2-dimensional frame. It only has one face, one side. Its stream, its space-time markers, only exists to one side, has only one single facing, always oncoming front. You as a self-propelling traveler under a constant of internal powering and acceleration in the universe, contracting that 4-dimensional bubble of space-time universe between real space and time point A and real space and time point B, are no particle in an closed systemic particle accelerator being driven, accelerated, by an external propelling force toward no where but the speed of light. You won't travel faster than a speed of light constant of 'c' that isn't there -- that is never there (that never exists) -- to be traveled faster than.

In navigating from real time (space) point A to real time (space) point B, you are dealing in point B as an oncoming history, a fast forwarding film of movie history, from the time you are at point A and all during your travel between A and B. Real time (space) point B, the reality of point B, is in a dark future as far as you concerned because you can't observe it due the slowness of the constant of the speed of light in crossing any distance of space. It makes for a geometric triangular relationship between two real points (one dark and unobservable) and one relative point (the observed point B). You, the traveler will close that triangle up to a merger of all three points upon arriving at point B. During which time of closing, you, the traveler, opened a triangular relationship with your departure point, point A. The relationship that had existed with point B, now exists with point A. Point A, to you at point B, is, in appearance, a history into which you have traveled. You maintained to exactitude your centered positioning '0-point' regarding the distant horizons (distantly 0-point in every direction out). Point A, and point B, did no such thing; point B shifting your way from the distant space -- and [[time]] -- horizon, and point A shifting toward the distant space -- and [[time]]-- horizon away from you. If you had traveled far enough from point A to point B, point A would have (observationally to you) traveled back in time far enough to disappear into that horizon, thus [[apparently]] disappearing into history past, the horizon point B would have evolved out of (from its embryonic youth) toward you as you advanced through universes and [[apparently]] times toward its 0-point reality.

We observe a negative (-) of time all around us in the universe going away from us increasing in that negative (-) toward the distant horizon in every direction. We travel that negative (-) positively (+) through and to every arrival at net '0'-point (real time, real space, destination). The traveler gains, and loses, local relativity (local 4-dimensionality) (local universes) all the way. Fast travel, very, very, fast travel is possible in the universe. Faster than light travel is not possible, since, again, the traveler isn't going to travel faster than what isn't there, what doesn't exist, what doesn't have any dimensional facing, to begin with to travel faster than.
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Feb 8, 2021
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I can't keep up with you Atlan, I have to reset my brainial capacitators to keep from frying...You are on a level that I can't stay at and when you get back please be sure to inform the rest of us space dwellers what you found....
I'm glad you are on Alain's page, you two seem entangled and should collaborate...
Peace and try some pasta or brown rice- that should get you grounded and help to sleep a little if you need it....
I will keep reading your views over and see if they settle and resonate and let you know.
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Feb 8, 2021
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.....sorry, this is Ed's page and you should talk with him too...
You can't go faster than light's speed...was the carrier wave....
BH's are FTLS, they capture light and gravity and you could say they are FTLS...and when they reach their density maximum which is equal the the event horizon diameter of...???...trillions of solar masses, which then causes the BH to collapse and rip open a new spacetime and then inflates...forever...and is what about the "not going FTLS conjecture"????
I really couldn't follow the "view of a light beam" you said it is 2 D, ok, but photons spin and are 3D I believe and they have energy/charge which my theory says is mass...spin creates mass, form, memory, time and consciousness...that's a separate tangent though ...
I have read that a light beam or photon is always traveling at the speed of light and the length causes a dilation because the beginning of the wave and the end are "in the same place/time frame"....something like that...which breaks causality and some other things...
The most distant [[collapsed]] horizon from anywhere in any local universe is an identically permanent mosaic made from infinite amounts of accumulations that collapse between infinite Universe and finite universes to '0'. Accumulations and collapse of complexity to a distant representative mosaic is not some place that can be either space or time traveled to. Light arrived everywhere from that distant mosaic, distant from anywhere, an eternity ago. Light arrives from it to anywhere and everywhere now. Light will arrive everywhere from that distant mosaic, distant from anywhere, always.

As to other places under observation at any distance whatsoever, including the distance of a spin in place (and it does have distance), how can any traveler travel to somewhere that only exists right here and now inside light. That no longer exists anywhere else, at all, but right here and now inside that light arriving to here from wherever... wherever here may be. To travel to some time and place that exists only inside a light frame, that isn't anywhere else in [[this]] universe but in the observation of it here, is kind of bizarre.

There is a universe out there, but it is time forwarded out from everywhere in it from split-seconds close by anywhere to billions of years forwarded in time because of a time dragging slowness of a constant known 'c'. That reality of universe is immediate and, therefore, completely dark and unobservable until space-time traveled to wherever out there, at which time and place the traveler will [[observe]] a different [[observable]] universe from that which he originated from. He space travels the dark universe, the reality of the immediate universe. He time travels [[observability]].
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