<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Hey michael, if it's your intention to martyr yourself yet again, why not get it over with. Say the magic word. You have already accused me of being Unethical and have not retracted it. You are thisclose to getting toasted.Of course, if you do so, everyting you've ever posted here will disappear. All the work you have put in will be gone. Then you can go merrily along to the next forum to complain about how you were banned here, as you did when you arrived here. But those who have watched this will know that it was your own actions, your own refusal to respond to direct questions, your own violation of the rules, your own failure to follow moderator instructions, and your own persecution complex that precipitated such action. I'm growing tired of repeatedly saving your tail.I'd stongly suggest that you adjust your attitude, and go out of your way to answer specific questions with specific relevant answers without your obfuscating line by line microdissection of phrase by phrase style.How this ends is in YOUR hands and fingers.Just friendly advice. <br />Posted by MeteorWayne</DIV></p><p>You may consider this a formal complaint.</p><p>Michael is refusing to directly address the major questions that are the purpose of this thread, and instead is launching a personal attack against both me and mainstream physics and physicists. I request that he be compelled to address the questions that have been asked. He has made one start, and no more than a start, at answering the first of the 3 questioins which are:</p><p>1. What are the basic tenets of "EU Theory" as you see and practice it ? </p><p>2. If the sun contains at its core a the collapsed neutron star of a former supernova, how do you explain the lack of evidence of the mass that would result as reflected in the observed orbits of the planets ?</p><p>3. If, as you claim, fission is a significant source of energy of the sun, what specific nuclei do you think are present to provide a net energy source from fission ? Also what reactions would provide the muon neutrinos and tau neutrinos that you claim originate from th postulated fission ?</p><p>He has yet to provide any response to even question in terms of statements that are, in princople, confirmable or refutable through physical experiments or theoretical models. He is also clearly avoiding the issue of the relationship between EU theory and the various statements that he has made, and quoted earlier in this thread, with regard to various sub-disciplines within physics. </p><p>He is back to his old ways of attacking mainstream physics and physicists as a ploy to deflect attention from the need for him to directly answer the questions posed. "Compare and contrast that now with inflation, dark energy, expanding space, negative pressure vacuums, etc."</p><p>He has directly accused me of stalking. I demand proof, a formal and clear retractioin or appropriate disciplinary action.</p><p>I also request that he be directed to answer the questions that have been addressed to him, completely and clearly. This thread is making no more progress towards objective scientific discussion of the brand of EU theory that Mr. Mozina has routinely advocated than any of the previous threads. </p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>