the 40 billion is based off research I found from 2013 saying there is 40 billion earth like planets in our solar system, the 1 out of a thousand is purely an estimate.
I'm not such an expert but if that is true, this means that we are expecial in the Universe. Anyways the Universe is big, really big, for this reason 23 sounds stange in my opinion...Meaning there are (more or less) 23 intelligent species in the universe, and due to how many of those that could be advanced enough to use or understand space travel, is possibly 1 out of 23, maybe 2 or 3 out of 23, and the reason why we haven't discovered them yet.
You're right after all...This is the question to be answered:
'In my opinion, such equations are a total waste of space. Most, if not all, the factors are the subject of pure imagination or sheer guesswork.
Any one factor is enough to render any "result" invalid. '
Of course, this is correct. I want to do this "preface" only because I'm afraid that you can misunderstand the concept I want to introduce: WormHoles. During my life I spent a lot of time trying to understand how is possible that universal distances were so long. Firstly, I thought these distance were meant to be something like a "barrier", such an umbreakable barrier made by a superior intelligence, or even God, if you believe in it, in order to make humans unable to come to other planets. Secondly, I learned to see the Universe as a three-dimesional object in a four-dimensional "space" covered by holes that connect two different part of it even very far from each other.And we can slow down light by passing it through different media. Perhaps we can compress space so we can still keep under c, but travel more quickly through the intervening 'distance'. Use the constant c simply by compressing space as c seems to be constant under all conditions.
(not sure if this is the right place to post this)
Was looking for place to get feedback on this, so maybe this will work. I wrote an equation today after doing a tiny bit of research over intelligent life and inhabitable planets. I want feedback on if this equation works in a way or if it is false and shouldn't be used.
ELP is Earth Like Planets
PLS is Planets inhabited (Planets with livable Species) (what I'm going to use is 1/1000)
SNS is Species Needed to Survive (food and communication reasons)
EIR is Earth Intelligence rate
PIS is Possible Intelligent Species
So what I came up with is:
40,000,000,000 ÷ 1000 x 5 ÷ 8,700,000 = 22.98
Meaning there are (more or less) 23 intelligent species in the universe, and due to how many of those that could be advanced enough to use or understand space travel, is possibly 1 out of 23, maybe 2 or 3 out of 23, and the reason why we haven't discovered them yet.
Any feedback on my equation would be amazing, thank you for reading.
Drake equation - Wikipedia
HUH? Yes, I am being facetious. If that is the only number of intelligent species in the UNIVERSE, then all our attempts at contacting other species is nearly a useless task. So...Heyo,
(not sure if this is the right place to post this)
Was looking for place to get feedback on this, so maybe this will work. I wrote an equation today after doing a tiny bit of research over intelligent life and inhabitable planets. I want feedback on if this equation works in a way or if it is false and shouldn't be used.
ELP is Earth Like Planets
PLS is Planets inhabited (Planets with livable Species) (what I'm going to use is 1/1000)
SNS is Species Needed to Survive (food and communication reasons)
EIR is Earth Intelligence rate
PIS is Possible Intelligent Species
So what I came up with is:
40,000,000,000 ÷ 1000 x 5 ÷ 8,700,000 = 22.98
Meaning there are (more or less) 23 intelligent species in the universe, and due to how many of those that could be advanced enough to use or understand space travel, is possibly 1 out of 23, maybe 2 or 3 out of 23, and the reason why we haven't discovered them yet.
Any feedback on my equation would be amazing, thank you for reading.
A wormhole is more of a concept of imagination than anything else.Of course, this is correct. I want to do this "preface" only because I'm afraid that you can misunderstand the concept I want to introduce: WormHoles. During my life I spent a lot of time trying to understand how is possible that universal distances were so long. Firstly, I thought these distance were meant to be something like a "barrier", such an umbreakable barrier made by a superior intelligence, or even God, if you believe in it, in order to make humans unable to come to other planets. Secondly, I learned to see the Universe as a three-dimesional object in a four-dimensional "space" covered by holes that connect two different part of it even very far from each other.
I know, the first part of the speech could sound like a conception made by me, but the second part is important to take into account. And what's more, if you read well about WormHoles, the explanation of them I gave you is roughly the same!
I nearly forgot, I want to say that these distances can be "reduced" as you said, and maybe you're right, but the thought about WormHoles caould be more plausible...
I'm sorry to reply you just now, I've been busy in this period, but this isn't a news...Hi Vincen, the difficulty I have with wormholes is: is the entry thought to be like a black hole?
In this case I can imagine survival of subatomic particles, but spaghetti effects on objects like humans. Am I wrong here?
And I'm really sorry to reply now under this, but this is very important in my opinion.Equation to Find intelligent life
Sorry, but I think this question is dead duck and we are in danger of diverting in circles on completely different topics.
Thought*, English isn't my first language as you already know...tought