Exotic Matter

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Quote taken from wormhole thread. <br /><br />"Exotic matter is repelled, rather than attracted, by gravity and is said to have negative energy - meaning it has even less than empty space."<br /><br />Would this exotic matter be attracted to itself? <br /><br />If it was, would you then be able to make a black hole out of exotic matter?<br /><br />Assuming exotic matter could be fundamentally the same as common matter with the only difference being that it posseses gravity with a reversed polarity. <br /><br />If slightly more than half the galaxies were made out of repulsive exotic matter, would that explain expansion? <br /><br />Imagine trying to land on a planet made of that.


All I can say it is higher physics and not in common rearlm,it is in quantum gravity of black hole interior where uur understanding is difficult.


A gravitational gradient, which is formed by mass, decreases with the square of the distance. When this gradient reaches interstellar space, the vacuum energy is so low, that light travels faster than c (which is the speed of light in a vacuum within the sun's oort cloud), so the index of refraction is less than 1, or c/v. If dark energy is gravitationally repulsive, it must be causing negative refraction.<br /><br />Think of gravitationally repulsive energy not as particles, but as a slippery fluid, a vast cosmic ocean, which keeps matter "buoyant" without any friction - negative friction actually. The very presence of mass displaces the dark energy.<br /><br />If dark matter was gravitationally repulsive and attracted to itself, then it would fly out of the solarsystem, beyond the galaxies, and into the unknown. But if dark energy is like an rarefied ocean, the vacuums of vacuums, then it's density would be proportional to Gravitational Potential Energy to some power and inversely proportional to acceleration due to gravity to some power.


All vague things.What is dark energy is possibly not known so clearly.


Nice fractals. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em>Differential Diagnosis:  </em>"<strong><em>I am both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are</em></strong>."<br /> </p> </div>


Say...is this gonna turn into another Gay thread?!<br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em>Differential Diagnosis:  </em>"<strong><em>I am both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are</em></strong>."<br /> </p> </div>


It's not official till H, or JG, or CE post to it.<br /><br />At least one (preferably more) of the trinity must confer the blessing.<br /><br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#ff0000"><strong>TPTB went to Dallas and all I got was Plucked !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#339966"><strong>So many people, so few recipes !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Let's clean up this stinkhole !!</strong></font> </p> </div>


<font color="yellow">Say...is this gonna turn into another Gay thread?!</font><br /><br />May as well, free space is littered with them. Maybe the word exotic sparked it. Humour is always a welcome change o' pace though.


><i>is this gonna turn into another Gay thread?!</i><p>I thought that was Shuttle_RTF's line?</p>


Humm, what I think of as exotic matter is simply an alternative compliment of quarks in the SU(2) symetry group (as I recall). Exotic anti-matter would only anhillate with exotic matter (as per symetry) and would only weakly gravitationally interact with ordianry matter. However, you would require a large amount of said exotic anti-matter to hold open a reasonably sized wormhole (I believe jupiter mass is what the calculations say). Casamir effect negative energy sources seem to be more practical given current technology. For example, some frequency doubler crystals produce negative energy in entangle photon pairs.<br /><br />Given that quark-stars are hypothesized to exist as a denser state than mere neutron stars I don't see any reason why exotic matter wouldn't form a black hole. Perhaps you could tell from the Hawking radiation what type of matter formed the black hole, but other than that it wouldn't be special to my understanding.<br />


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember that the term "Exotic Matter" was reserved for hypothetical matter in which the Quarks were linked in different configurations than we normally see. Just to clarify this for me. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em>Differential Diagnosis:  </em>"<strong><em>I am both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are</em></strong>."<br /> </p> </div>


I was thinking about radiation the other day and thought that perhaps radiation is simply bits and pieces of atoms that manage to escape the 'energy well' of the atom. This meaning gravity well but for the collection of all forces inside the nucleus.<br /><br />With that being said, would it be possible to synthesize an atom where the 'orbits' of its interior particles were precise enough that they would never eject themselves from the 'nuclear system'? How would this matter behave?<br /><br />If we could squeeze material together this precisely we could potentially create exotic matter like He-2 or H-4. It would certainly help with creating new elements because they would not decay in the picoseconds they currently do.


Radiation comes in 2 flavors;<br /><br />photons: radio, microwave, infra-red, visible light, t-rays, x-rays and gamma rays with the differences being the wavelength.<br /><br />particles: protons, neutrons, Helium nuclei (alpha), electrons (beta) & other baryons and leptons<br /><br />but people usually talk in terms of x-rays, gamma, beta and alpha.<br /><br />"Exotic matter" is described here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exotic_matter <br /><br />Just squeezing particles together with greater "precision" won't matter because of quantum effects. The best bet for new stable atoms with unique properties are heavy elements in the "island of stability". <br /><br /><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /><p>The idea of the island of stability was first proposed by Glenn T. Seaborg. The hypothesis is that the atomic nucleus is built up in "shells" in a manner similar to the electron shells in atoms. In both cases shells are just groups of quantum energy levels that are relatively close to each other. Energy levels from quantum states in two different shells will be separated by a relatively large energy gap. So when the numbers of neutrons and protons completely fill the energy levels of a given shell in the nucleus, then the binding energy per nucleon will reach a local minimum and thus that particular configuration will have a longer lifetime than nearby isotopes that do not have filled shells[1].<br /><br />A filled shell would have "magic numbers" of neutrons and protons. One possible magic number of neutrons is 184, and some possible matching proton numbers are 114, 120 and 126 — which would mean that the most stable possible isotopes would be ununquadium-298, unbinilium-304 and unbihexium-310. Of particular note is Ubh-310, which would be "doubly magic" (both its proton number of 126 and neutron number of 184</p></blockquote> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


we have no control over electron orbits in atoms directly and likely will not have it ever<br /><br />electrons leaving their orbits go by random schedule as per quantum mechanics and nobody can tell when any particular electron will decide to go for a walk and when it does why did it do that, all we know are decay probabilites of a given setup<br /><br />there is only one sure way to affect decays and that is placing the particles or atoms into high energy state such as accelerating them to such high speeds that special relativity time dilation kicks in and prolongs decay time, like those high speed muons that live longer time if moving at relativistic speeds in cosmic particle showers<br /><br />another way would be to place unstable particles and atoms into their 'native' place, like inside burning stars' cores or into exploding stars for example, there those particles become stable, when we create them in high energy collisions in accelerators they live only brief lives because they are born into low energy environment and even relativistic speeds are not enough to make them live long enough to be called stable as best high energy environment are high temperatures such that we are not capable to maintain for any extended time<br /><br />it is like if you fill your bicycle wheel with air and you have to keep inflating it every once in a while - it is not in stable state, it happens because the outside pressure is much lower than inside the tire and the rubber of which it is made is a bit porous but if you place such inflated tire into high enough pressure environment (like if you rode your bike on Venus LOL but then your 90 PSI pressure would mean your tire was flat out there I think) you would never have to inflate it again - i.e., it would become stable in that it would keep those 90 PSI, I know that's bad analogy with Venus but here you go <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /><br />vanDivX <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


I was mostly talking about the matter version of radiation. This is good information though. My little brainfart didn't really take quantum anything into consideration...<br /><br />The shell idea is neat and probably most plausible. How would it explain the emission of alpha particles though? (I think it is alpha particles) It can be chance that a proton or neutron spits out but when 2 of each, bound together all shoot out...that needs explaining. I never understood why atoms would choose to emit a helium nucleus but not say...a lithium nucleus.<br /><br />So maybe this shell theory could use some work. I bet if we put together the collective knowledge of all isotopes we could find a pattern. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if it followed the electron format.


Alpha decay is basically a quantum tunneling process governed by the strong nuclear force. QM is weird and random so there is always a chance that in energetic nuclei two protons & two neutrons will act like waves; disappearing & popping into existence outside the nucleus, typically with an energy of ~5 MeV @ 15,000 km/s. <br /><br />ex: U238 == /> Th234 + He4<br /><br />Tunneling is also the mechanism used by enzymes to speed up reactions and essential to modern electronics, so it's very real. Just strange. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


But...but...but WHY?<br /><br />I understand quantum tunnelling but why would nature choose a set up that only allows He4 to come out? Why no H2s or H3s? Even a He3? It is always 2 protons, 2 neutrons. That doesn't seem very random to me, in fact it seems extremely predictable.<br /><br />My thought is this: If nuclear particles are in shells similar to electrons and electrons have 2 per shell, maybe nuclear particles go 2 per shell of each. Say the 'cloud' could contain 2 protons and 2 neutrons. Then somehow there would be a mechanism to cause this cloud to suddenly split off. Maybe all 4 particles ram into eachother or something.


We know to little of exotic matter.Exotic matter is a hypothetical concept of particle physics. It covers any material which violates one or more classical conditions or is not made of known baryonic particles. Such materials would possess qualities like negative mass or being repelled rather than attracted by gravity. It is used in certain speculative theories, such as on the construction of wormholes. The closest known real representative of exotic matter is a region of pseudo-negative pressure density produced by the Casimir effect.<br /><br />The term is also casually attached to any material which is difficult to produce (such as metallic hydrogen or a Bose-Einstein condensate) or which exhibits unusual properties (such as fullerenes or nanotubes), even though these materials have been created and are relatively well understood. It can also refer to material composed of some form of exotic <br /> <br />


Have any of you information on the forbidden spectrum emisions and the type of quantized matter that emits this spectrum ? I am intrested in primordial matter left over after the big bang and think it could be what has been mistaken for supermassive black holes, because gravitons can not escape a black hole if light can't.
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