If inertia is applied as constant force in a somatic free healthy environment over a period of time, then the order would suggest that infinite energy is not necessary, only constant energy is required, right?<br /><br />With respect to infinite barrier, wouldn’t time define this barrier? For instance, if "A" traveled at a constant safe speed for "X" amount of time, at some point in space-time, "A" will contact its opposite "-A" in paradox at around the time that both subjects "A" and "-A" attempt time-travel, right (assuming everything has an opposite)?<br /><br />Some say subjects "A" and "-A" will annihilate one another; others say that pieces of the subjects might pass one another; others say that it is possible to survive time-travel, right?<br /><br />Nevertheless, all of this depends on environmental impact to the subject, right?<br />