Fire defys gravity

Nov 4, 2024
What is fire made out of? According to google it is heat and light of chemical reactions. I have been thinking how I could study fire to prove that it is much like electricity but rather the atmospheric voltage.

Fire absent of wind always points perfectly up “away from gravity”. I have been considering that the electron flow could be ambient into the ground. Basically even though the fire appears to be flowing up I think it is possible that a flame creates a light electrical charge or concentration of electrons that are actually being sucked down from the atmosphere?

I know oxygen feeds the flame and the bi product is co2 and h20? Fire is matter but what is it made out of that gives it a gravity defying appearance. Besides heat rises why does lightning start fire?
Nov 4, 2024
My point I was trying to make was although matter is escaping perfectly up direction is it possibly that it’s created from a flow of atmospheric electrons? I know I probably do not make sense I just love brainstorming possibilities.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Combustion is a process. Fire is matter in the process of change.

C + O2 ---> CO2 represents coal burning.

Carbon and oxygen are examples of matter.

Combustion is not matter; it is the process represented by the arrow.

Also, fire (combustion) = a process, does not rise.
Hot gas = the result of the process, rises.

I hope this helps.

Cat :)
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Jan 28, 2023
I'm sorry to disappoint you. In the case of fire, smoke, as a rarer and lighter gas hot because of temperature, simply floats above the cooler and denser layers of the atmosphere. Taking with it the soot, which subsequently falls back.

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