Gas (station??) in orbit.

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check this article out:<br /><br /><br />"Having an HLV capable of putting 100 or 120 tons in orbit enables us to launch a complete (but empty) fuel Depot into orbit with a single launch. If the Depot is capable of storing propellant for extended periods, the propellant itself can be delivered long enough in advance of mission dates to prevent any delays."<br /><br />This is the first sign, at least to me, of sometype of sustainable infrastructure in orbit. I like the idea, but is it really feasable? I guess the real cost would be the time it takes to dock and fuel up.<br /><br />"I'd like unleaded please. Also a six pack and a stick of gum. Does anyone have to go potty? Do it now. Its a long time before we reach the next station."<br /><br />lol, just having some fun. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#0000ff"><em>"SCE to AUX" - John Aaron, curiosity pays off</em></font></p> </div>


"Space Tugs"???<br /><br />Whow, where did we get space tugs from. Are you suggesting unmannded space tugs to manage orbiting modules/derelict satelites? <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#0000ff"><em>"SCE to AUX" - John Aaron, curiosity pays off</em></font></p> </div>


Tugs, etc. all sound fine in theory but suffer from the problem of trying to build an infrastructure in space that isn't more of a hindrance to technological advancement than a benefit....the Shuttle/ISS dependency. Are so many resources and eggs put into one basket that it has to be maintained even though it may prove inefficient and an obstacle to spending money elsewhere.<br /><br /> Some figure would be produced where a tug is practical because of ....'fill in the blanks'. But the reality becomes that there aren't 30 launches a year but only 2 or the tug isn't fully completed because...etc. Suddenly a big white elephant is being built and maintained in LEO and has lost most of its original raison d'etre.


Is there unbiased current assessment of the CX-OLEV on a site other than their own? This is good news but a few months back I heard it was still without customers.


<font color="yellow">Is there unbiased current assessment of the CX-OLEV...<br /><br /><font color="white">I've no idea, sorry.</font></font>
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