Last winter, when it was nice and cool outside (I live in Arizona), I took my Insignia camera outisde. I forgot what for, but I took a pictures. I accidentally took a picture of the sky and I let it expose. To my surpise, it had osme stars in it! I continued for about an hour, and it was preetty cool what I could get. But one night, I tried to get the Plieades and Aldebaran. The Pleiades appeard as a point of light brighter than Aldebaran, which was weird. I don't know what happened. But I'm very familiar with the winter sky; Taurus, Orion, Canis Minor/Major, Auriga... It came out good, but not so good... I don't want a pricy one that gets nebulae and galaxies, just a good one that you can set exposure times and get good images of stars. I don't know much about cameras and I hope you can help! Thanks!
:!: :?: :idea: