A new video of the ubiquitous huge triangle UFOs, which appear to have some cloaking mechanism, possibly one designed to mimic a star field.<br /><br />Another recent report is here. <br /><br />These things have been reported in all 50 states. There's no doubt they exist and are unlike any conventional craft.<br /><br />It's been suggested they are classified blimps because they move so slowly. However, there are no known (admitted) terrestrial craft of this nature. I'm open to the idea they are not ours.<br /><br />I'm also open to the idea that these are experimental military craft. If this is the case, one must wonder what the motive is behind flying them in non-restricted airspace over heavily populated areas.<br /><br />In either case, we have a major dilemma on our hands that is not being addressed by authorities in any manner.