Have a Scary Space or Sci-fi Movie to Recommend?


Staff member
Aug 22, 2019

Greetings Space Fans!

With Halloween fast approaching, we're issuing a call to the community to help us celebrate the spooky season in style! We're looking for your picks for the scariest movies set in space, or with the threat coming from distant stars.

We published a list of scary space movies to watch in the past, but we're looking for your help to include any hidden gems that folks may have discovered since we originally compiled our list back in 2015. Your suggestions may be added to latest edition of the list.

Most folks have heard of the movie Alien, but very far fewer caught the 2018 film, Annhilation (though it found a better audience after it was released on Netflix). What are the films you think folks should seek out?


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Jan 26, 2020
Oh goody!

Danny Boyle's Sunshine, Pandorum, The Cloverfield Paradox, Dead Space Downfall...couple of others there but they're in the list linked above.


Apr 1, 2020
The Thing (from 1982) was (and still is) a hoot.

Yeah, I still love that movie. That's the movie that cemented John Carpenter in my heart.

-Wolf sends
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Nov 11, 2020
One of my all time favorites is the original "The Thing" made back in yhe 50's. I recorded it and regularly watch it. Really incredibly on your edge of the seat for that era. Another, really based on "Alien" was "Creature" from the early 80's...pretty good acting and special effects w/o CGI back then. Of course the Alien Franchise including "Prometheus". Hope Ridley Scott will continue with prequels.
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Aug 31, 2020

Greetings Space Fans!

With Halloween fast approaching, we're issuing a call to the community to help us celebrate the spooky season in style! We're looking for your picks for the scariest movies set in space, or with the threat coming from distant stars.

We published a list of scary space movies to watch in the past, but we're looking for your help to include any hidden gems that folks may have discovered since we originally compiled our list back in 2015. Your suggestions may be added to latest edition of the list.

Most folks have heard of the movie Alien, but very far fewer caught the 2018 film, Annhilation (though it found a better audience after it was released on Netflix). What are the films you think folks should seek out?


Help the Space Community find lesser known works to expand our horizons!
The movie Aliens of course because as we start mining those asteroids we are bound to rattle the nerves of someone who already owns the asteroid. Surely their will be a dispute as to why didn't they file a claim in triplicate.
The lawyers step in and the rest is written in history from past disputes.
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Jan 22, 2020
I went to see this with a few of my siblings.
I was so traumatized by this movie, I almost fell on my knees in gratitude when it was over, and got outside into daylight!!!
I was SO tense!
I’ll NEVER watch it again!
Mar 20, 2021
Forbidden Planet was huge! It introduced us to Robby the Robot. Leslie Nielsen was punless, which may have helped him win the girl. ;)
The first ever SF movie I saw. Just over 60 years ago. Very scary. I'm still searching for a comparable security system for my home.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
The Blob (1958) - IMDb
https://www.imdb.com › title

The Blob: Directed by Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr., Russell S. Doughten Jr.. With Steve McQueen, Aneta Corsaut, Earl Rowe, Olin Howland. An alien lifeform consumes ...
Screenplay: Theodore Simonson, Kay Linaker

View: https://imgur.com/a/HucDlY9

I remember this very well. It was the first horror film, that I saw in a cinema. At one point, the blob started through the back of the cinema on screen :) ) and every single head in the cinema turned immediately to the back.
It probably would not be rated now, but in those days, imho, it was a first.

Cat :)
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Scary SciFi movies? I only wish that the current daily news, and the continual political/religious/ethnic violence was a scary SciFi movie. (P.S.: I never saw "The Blob" and for that matter many of the above mentioned movies. However, the title "The Blob" always remined me of one of my Parochial School Nun teachers. Now that was frightening at a tender age).
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