Hi guys/gals (-: Do you guys think we will ever solve the theory of everything?

May 31, 2020
Hey! Good to see you all again. Last time I was here you guys gave me a great understanding of gravity. Thanks you all for that.

My next question is do you think we will ever solve the Theory of Everything, what I mean is to know everything about the universe in a small mathematical equation , like E=mc2 for example, but for the entire universe or is it so astronomically complex that it’s like a chicken trying to solve calculus? You would probably need a million super geniuses to solve the theory of everything, by the way do the still call it the theory of everything?

If that’s the case why do people study this field if they aren’t even close to solving the theory of everything, is it just because it’s fun for those people to do it? Each generation stands on the shoulders of the great astrophysicists and , now these days, the quantum physicist before them. So I believe it will take a long time to reach the peak of complete universal understanding. Are we even close or are we way, way, way off on understanding the wholeness of the cosmos?

Thank you very much,
Jul 11, 2020
Honestly I don’t respectively foresee humans ever even coming close to solving the entire mystery key piece to the secret of everything and anything, at every turn we make we come to the conclusion that we truly know less and less about really anything than we thought we did a minute ago. Gotta love the quantum chaos we call life lol.
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May 31, 2020
Quantum chaos, heh, yeah, from what I read from popular physics books the answer seems to be....not anytime soon. Its just astronomical to solve something like that right now. Still I’m optimistic, I hope they find a way to reverse the aging process so I can be there when do solve it, or when the computers solve it, lol.
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Mar 19, 2020
If that’s the case why do people study this field if they aren’t even close to solving the theory of everything, is it just because it’s fun for those people to do it?

It would seem that in order to prove a "theory of everything", one needs to know everything there is to possibly know. Otherwise, how could one prove that a solution to such a theory has been discovered? And it seems many "theories" stay that way, without a "solution". Despite the evidence, Relativity is still known as a theory.

Look at the Big Bang. There is no one theory about it, thankfully. But people go on endlessly trying to define a solution. Certainly one could say that is fun. For that matter, all real science is fun. Not always easy, but fun!

A "Theory of Everything" sounds very enticing. It sounds wonderful. And it sounds too good to be true. And you know what they say about things that sound too good to be true......
Jul 5, 2020
The Theory of Everything is hiding in the life cycle of the universe. Something banged, there was no inception point, and time dilation will show you the way. Special relativity demands that some portions of the universe are passing time slower or faster, all relative to the titanic cycle that is driving endless expansion and contraction. By converting mass to energy, the big U oscillates between dark matter (towards singularity) and dark energy (black hole territory). I believe they are on to something big with the Big Bounce theory.....do you know what a planke star is?
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Jun 1, 2020
We will figure it all out some day in fits and starts. Galileo to Newton to Einstein (leaving out many other giants in science) with bits in between. People are making progress all the time.
Don't give up because its hard. Its also quite fun.
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Jul 5, 2020
Think about it (this is what Einstein did). If expanding stars (fusion) ends in a collapse, but the core goes through severe time dilation, then we see nothing. However, from it's unique frame of reference, it may have re-expanded, but that won't be apparent to us for some time, in billions of years. If a Planke Star is the end-result of collapsed star, then it's "bounce" will end the debate about where it all came from, because there are no ultimate origins to any universe- it's a cycle, a sequel, a circle.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Good old anthropomorphism, assuming humans will still be around in umpteen billion years, having survived the expansion of the Sun in 5 billion years!


"it's "bounce" will end the debate about where it all came from, because there are no ultimate origins to any universe- it's a cycle, a sequel, a circle."
As some of us have been posting for a long, long time.
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May 31, 2020
“there is nothing in biology yet found that indicates the inevitability of death. This suggests to me that it is not at all inevitable, and that it is only a matter of time before the biologists discover what it is that is causing us the trouble” - Feynman

People are worlking on reversing the aging process right now. For example I donated some money to Dr. Aubrey de Grey’s non-profit the SENS Research Foundation which works on reversing the aging process. So there is no reason that humans living today can’t be immortal. I personally want to live forever to see all the great things of the future, some of them described above. Space travel, possible first contact, etc. etc. if that idea excites you that you would like to live longer then say 75 or so , when your just starting to figure things out, then you should try to support the life extension movement. I help some by donating, not much unfortunately, but I also go out and get political about life extension possibilities with people. I hand out pamphlets and free books for kids and their parents ( I.e ‘Death is Wrong by Gennady Stolyarov II. It is a short children’s book you can find on amazon.com. I bought a bunch so if your interested just message me and I could send you free copies, wasn’t cheep for me though so if you want some please hand them out to children and explain to their parents that your trying to raise awareness about life extension and reversing the aging process,) with others who are also in favor of living longer,it’s a political longevity group I sometimes meet up with. They are in every state now.

If everyone in America gave the non-profit one dollar, just one dollar, they could reverse aging in 10 years, thereby making everyone immortal. Self-fulfilling prophecies , like the idea that you want to live forever can become true if enough people believe in it. Once you get the ball rolling and enough people get exited about immortality they can make it a really...a real life global self-fulfilling prophecy. As for covid 19, it would have been cured by now if they gave all the money to the health government organizations, like with the polio vaccine which was free by the way. It’s creator said “would you patent the sun?”. Instead Trump and friends thinks the corporations can solve EVERYTHING. I’m sure they can but it will take a lot more time. Government organizations already specialized in virology can do it faster.

By that time people will be able to fix stars going supernova and do all kinds of wonders with technology, assuming we don’t destroy ourselves with 1) nuclear war or 2) climate change. Those are the two most important things to worry about right now, and we shouldn’t let them happen

Think about the future, doesn’t it get you hyped. Well it does me that’s why I try want to to live forever , or close to it, no some measly 1000 years, that’s a blink of an eye in universe time. SENS.org/donate
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Jul 5, 2020
The Big Bounce also fuses the so-called incompatibility between the quantum and the macro. You see, as Carlo Rovelli has eluded to, they both exist, but only at different times during the universe's expansion/contraction cycle. The point is: the quantum realm can only be manifested during "high energy" environments, the kind associated with close proximity to the singularity. Of course, the quantization of the entire universe is never is actually arrived at because of the bounce. So why do people assume that the sub-atomic realm is happening right now?
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Why do we assume that what we observe as "local laws" are necessarily Universe wide, middle of black holes, through big bangs, God-given certainties?
That is not science!

Program changed g to G which completely alters my meaning,
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Jul 5, 2020
You're a little vague, and I don't follow your reasoning. There is only one "moving" model that the universe operates under (a "god-given certainty", if you will), but it operates under different modes depending upon how hot, dense, and fast it is moving. Science is all about tracking this moving model, and understanding how it morphs and recycles itself, as it goes from expansion to contraction. When the Hadron collidor produces sub-atomic particles, it must recreate the conditions inherent in quantum mechanics- fast, hot, and dense. But the current Higgs universe is too slow, too cool, and too diluted, to produce the quantum reality, until it recollapses, requantizes, reexpands, and repeats the cycle infinitely. No beginning, no end, no problem.
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Jul 5, 2020
According to the Big Bounce theory, there is no "creation", and therefore no "creator"- with a big "G" or a little "g".... sorry if this conclusion rubs you the wrong way- it wasn't my intention.
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Mar 19, 2020
No beginning, no end, no problem.

Sounds like a perpetual motion machine. Haven't thought about them in a long time. Don't they defy some laws of thermodynamics?

But scale could overcome such nonsense as laws of nature.

What kind of fun would we have without problems to solve?! Perhaps we can find a way out of the closed loop of "No beginning, no end." One should consider that as a theory, since a lot of that pesky telescope data indicates the universe will expand endlessly.

Endlessly is also a perpetual concept. Perhaps there is a synergistic relationship here somewhere?
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Jul 5, 2020
Unfortunately, presupposing a "beginning" to the universe is more nonsensical than no beginning. Why? A "beginning" violates the Laws of Conservation of Energy, Matter, and Time. And a beginningless/endless universe does not violate the any laws of thermodynamics because this antiquated"law" forgot about black hole evolution (conversion of gravity back into mass). As far as telescopes looking back, we can only "see" about a couple hundred thousand years before the Big Bang, so you're back to square one: having to choose between a preceding "crunch" or the very nonsensical concept of creating something out of nothing, and I don't think most physicists like dabbling in what I call "Houdini cosmology".
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Mar 19, 2020
"Houdini cosmology" is what we seem to read a lot about.

Big Bangs and endless expansion without a big crunch to start over again appears to be the consensus guesstimate.

However, it is difficult not to agree with :

A "beginning" violates the Laws of Conservation of Energy, Matter, and Time.

It has not been demonstrated that the laws of physics generated by humans hold up on the grand cosmic scale.

And it is likely we will never know.
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Jul 5, 2020
You respond like a "searcher", and don't seem to have actually formulated a possible model of the universe....yet. I'm not singling you out- most inquisitive people speak from that infamous identity crisis and are open to anything. My theory is that people can't put it together because we live in a conflicted imaginary world of lofty ideas, phony assumptions, and grand illusions. Even scientists struggle passionately, trying to sneak in a creator into a universe that was never created to begin with. When you hear those nagging questions of "where did we come from?" or "how did it all come into existence?", it sounds like that cosmic identity crisis, all brought to us by, you guessed, religion and spirituality, and the "alternate " realities they push for, and confuse us with. The universe is evidently unappreciated by those who want to give it a do-over........By the way, when you wrote, " It has not been demonstrated that the laws of physics generated by humans hold up on the grand cosmic scale", i have no idea what you're referring to. Can you explain, in detail?


Jan 26, 2020
Civility is the only thing that needs to take precedence across our forums. I ask all of you folks to do it the easy way and retract all your elbow jabs(and comments that violate our rules) before I come in and start removing posts. I'll revisit this thread in 24 hours. If nothing changes then, well, you've been notified (publicly) prior.

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Mar 19, 2020
We are here for friendly interchange of scientific ideas, not any sort of insulting religious battle. Goodbye (not au revoir).

I ran into someone who had the exact same take on things. He seemed to know everything about everything, but was looking for "intellectual exchange". That is hard to do if you know everything.....

Nice retort Joe, er, I mean Cat!

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