How asteroid dust helped us prove life’s raw ingredients can evolve in outer space

The article near the end says "Ancient Earth Our findings clearly show that Itokawa, and likely many other asteroids in our solar system, can evolve water and organic matter in different ways, and in different conditions, over aeons of celestial time. Equipped with this new knowledge, we can speculate about Earth’s own evolution in the time before life developed. If celestial rocks can develop and even share their organic material over billions of years, as we’ve witnessed with Itokawa, perhaps Earth’s special place in our cosmos, bearing intelligent life where other planets do not, is the result of similar celestial interactions."

Another report on this asteroid, How asteroid dust helped us prove life's raw ingredients can evolve in outer space,

From the report, "Each day, between 50 and 150 meteorites that weigh over 10 grams hit the Earth's surface. These tiny rocks could bear chemical clues about our solar system, but as soon as they enter our atmosphere—and especially after they've struck Earth—they become contaminated, distorting and erasing the clues they arrived with."

My observation. Important to note that none of this meteorite matter has been observed to evolve into life via abiogenesis at work on Earth.

Also this report on the NASA ADS Abstract. 'Surface Exposure Ages of Space-Weathered Grains from Asteroid 25143 Itokawa',, November 2015. "The presence of track gradients in the three Hayabusa particles indicates that the regolith in the Muses-C region on Itokawa was relatively stable at mm to cm-depths for the last ~10^5 years, implying little overturn." See the attached PDF for more, different grains exposure ages 80,000 years or perhaps younger, 25,000 years for some. "Applying the track production rate calibration of [4] to the Itokawa particles gives
surface exposure ages of ~80,000 years for 0211, ~70,000 years for 0192, and ~25,000 years for 0125."

Compare age measurements like this with 4.5 billion year old radiometric ages and the time the stuff of life was delivered to the proto-earth via asteroids and meteorites in the solar nebula model and accretion disk. After the stuff of life was delivered to the proto-earth, at some point, abiogenesis needs to create life from non-living matter then, following the thinking of Charles Darwin concerning the origin of life on Earth in his letter.
Post #2 is an effort to establish transparency concerning dating methods used to reconstruct evolution and how different ages can alter that narrative. When Clair Patterson documented the age of Earth at 4.56 billion years old using meteorites based upon radiometric dating, those same meteorites and others had helium ages 60 million years old or less (Paneth studies in 1953). The asteroid in this report clearly has a range of age measurements that can be used based upon different dating methods for the object. Transparency is needed for the public I feel when encountering these different ages used in dating the same object and relating the finds to evolution.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.

"My observation. Important to note that none of this meteorite matter has been observed to evolve into life via abiogenesis at work on Earth."

I really don't understand what you mean by this (mea culpa).
None of this meteorite matter has been observed to evolve into life Since we have been watching it, it has hardly had billions of years to evolve
via abiogenesis at work on Earth These conditions have only applied since a meteorite arrived on Earth.

Apart from which there is the overriding consideration that those particular ingredients and the particular conditions to which they might have been subjected do not in any way have to be the same that could result in anything.

I know that I have probably misconstrued your intentions, but I am genuinely perplexed.

Cat :)
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
How asteroid dust helped us prove life’s raw ingredients can evolve in outer space

May I please point out, at this juncture, that the question is can, not do or must?

This refers to a possibility however probable or improbable.

Cat :)
Cat, asteroids and meteorites are used to explain the origin of life on Earth. Organic materials essential for life on Earth are found for the first time on the surface of an asteroid,

"New research from Royal Holloway, has found water and organic matter on the surface of an asteroid sample returned from the inner Solar System. This is the first time that organic materials, which could have provided chemical precursors for the origin of life on Earth, have been found on an asteroid. The single grain sample was returned to Earth from asteroid Itokawa by JAXA's first Hayabusa mission in 2010. The sample shows that water and organic matter that originate from the asteroid itself have evolved chemically through time. The research paper suggests that Itokawa has been constantly evolving over billions of years by incorporating water and organic materials from foreign extra-terrestrial material, just like the Earth. In the past, the asteroid will have gone through extreme heating, dehydration and shattering due to catastrophic impact. However, despite this, the asteroid came back together from the shattered fragments and rehydrated itself with water that was delivered via the in fall of dust or carbon-rich meteorites. This study shows that S-type asteroids, where most of Earth's meteorites come from, such as Itokawa, contain the raw ingredients of life. The analysis of this asteroid changes traditional views on the origin of life on Earth which have previously heavily focused on C-type carbon-rich asteroids..."

We have many examples of meteorite dust falling to Earth today. Yes, the narrative for the origin of life is changing based upon various asteroid and meteorite studies yet the same objects continue to burn up in small numbers today and do not evolve into new life here. The objects also come with different age measurements too which can change the narrative of evolution, i.e. the time of evolution events. Transparency in dating needs to be disclosed too :) Post #2 I think shows some transparency here on the object and various dates found on it. The public should see this when covering various object ages reported.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Rod, I understand what you say.

I was pointing out that any dust on any asteroid does not automatically give rise to life.

I am well aware that ingredients on some asteroids might have been involved in the origins of life.

Cat :)


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