Question How do stars form?

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Hello Adoni


[Submitted on 14 Jun 2023]

Quark-meson model under rotation: A functional renormalization group study​

Hao-Lei Chen, Zhi-Bin Zhu, Xu-Guang Huang
Rapid rotation may exist in physical systems such as non-central heavy ion collisions and neutron stars. Using functional renormalization group analysis of the quark-meson model, we investigate the effects of real and imaginary rotation on the chiral phase transition. Our results confirm previous studies conducted with other model calculations and shed light on the importance of boundary conditions in the infrared region of the theory.
Jun 11, 2023
Hello Adoni

If you do not understand condensates.
I would suggest you do a bit of research.
Read the following.
It does not mean that I agree with it.

[Submitted on 14 Jun 2023]

Thermal properties of the core of magnetar​

Trisha Sarkar, Shalu Yadav, Monika Sinha
Hey Harry);
I'll Get Back To You On "The Thermal Properties Of The Core Of Magnetar" By Trisha Sarkara Et Al That I Just Downloaded< Soon, BUTTE First Some Fun Examples Of Oxymorons In Literature And Science):

Jumbo Shrimp): The Word “Jumbo” Means Large, While “Shrimp” Means Small!!

In Modern Cosmology): The Galaxies Are Given As Physically Standing Still As The Space Between The Given "Physically Standing Still Galaxies" Expands “Actually” At Superluminal Speeds!!
The Given): Lack Of Movement Between Any Two Galaxies Is, Also, Given As Simultaneous Separation Between Those Two Galaxies!!

Deafening Silence): The Word “Deafening” Means Loud, While “Silence” Means Quiet!!

1 of 18
Hello Adoni

what came first the horse or the cart.
Thermal properties of cores.
or is it a catch 22.
Again, it does not mean that I agree with this paper.

[Submitted on 29 Jul 2014 (v1), last revised 26 Nov 2014 (this version, v2)]

Understanding the Core-Halo Relation of Quantum Wave Dark Matter, ψDM, from 3D Simulations​

Hsi-Yu Schive, Ming-Hsuan Liao, Tak-Pong Woo, Shing-Kwong Wong, Tzihong Chiueh, Tom Broadhurst, W-Y. Pauchy Hwang
We examine the nonlinear structure of gravitationally collapsed objects that form in our simulations of wavelike cold dark matter (ψDM), described by the Schrödinger-Poisson (SP) equation with a particle mass ∼10−22eV. A distinct gravitationally self-bound solitonic core is found at the center of every halo, with a profile quite different from cores modeled in the warm or self-interacting dark matter scenarios. Furthermore, we show that each solitonic core is surrounded by an extended halo composed of large fluctuating dark matter granules which modulate the halo density on a scale comparable to the diameter of the solitonic core. The scaling symmetry of the SP equation and the uncertainty principle tightly relate the core mass to the halo specific energy, which, in the context of cosmological structure formation, leads to a simple scaling between core mass (Mc) and halo mass (Mh), Mc∝a−1/2M1/3h, where a is the cosmic scale factor. We verify this scaling relation by (i) examining the internal structure of a statistical sample of virialized halos that form in our 3D cosmological simulations, and by (ii) merging multiple solitons to create individual virialized objects. Sufficient simulation resolution is achieved by adaptive mesh refinement and graphic processing units acceleration. From this scaling relation, present dwarf satellite galaxies are predicted to have kpc sized cores and a minimum mass of ∼108M⊙, capable of solving the small-scale controversies in the cold dark matter model. Moreover, galaxies of 2×1012M⊙ at z=8 should have massive solitonic cores of ∼2×109M⊙ within ∼60pc. Such cores can provide a favorable local environment for funneling the gas that leads to the prompt formation of early stellar spheroids and quasars.
This paper in my opinion has errors in their assumptions.
Fall back matter being part of the jet formation in my opinion is false.

If you understand condensates, the dipolar jets are formed within the core, Chiral Super-Symmetry creates the dipolar vector force fields that generates the jets. These jets can be MICRO atomic and MACRO (a few light years) and SUPER MASSIVE (a few million light years)

[Submitted on 25 May 2023 (v1), last revised 12 Jun 2023 (this version, v3)]

Solution To The Cosmic Rays Puzzle ?​

Shlomo Dado, Arnon Dar
Recent observations provide compelling evidence that the bulk of the high energy cosmic rays (CRs) and gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are co-produced by highly relativistic jets of plasmoids of stellar matter. These jets are launched by fall back matter on newly born neutron stars and stellar black holes in core collapse of stripped envelope massive stars with or without an associated supernova. The electrons in the plasmoids produce GRB pulses mainly by inverse Compton scattering of photons on their path, while magnetic reflection of the charged particles produces the high energy cosmic rays.
Jun 11, 2023
Hello Adoni

what came first the horse or the cart.
Thermal properties of cores.
or is it a catch 22.
Again, it does not mean that I agree with this paper.

[Submitted on 29 Jul 2014 (v1), last revised 26 Nov 2014 (this version, v2)]

Understanding the Core-Halo Relation of Quantum Wave Dark Matter, ψDM, from 3D Simulations​

Hsi-Yu Schive, Ming-Hsuan Liao, Tak-Pong Woo, Shing-Kwong Wong, Tzihong Chiueh, Tom Broadhurst, W-Y. Pauchy Hwang
Good Question Harry,
If I Am Correct That My Theoretical God Particle 1 (GP1) Gaseous Aether Particle Came First And, Then, Hooked Up Together To Make Strings That Formed Sterile Neutrinos That Eventually Evolved To Indestructible Gaseous Neutron Mass-Energy Vessel Sacs, Then, Where Did The GP1s Come From??

Physicists Put The "Energy Cart" Before "The Matter Particle Horse" Which Is The Source Of All Energy Whether Through Momentum Or Stored Inside Matter Particles!!
Because Of The "Energy Cart First" Missassumption, Modern Physicists Can Never Explain How Matter And Dark Matter Neutrinos Generate Gravity As The Matter And Dark Matter Neutrinos Heat Up Nor How Both Matter And Energy Are Physically Permanently Stored Inside The Four Particles That Can Permanently Store Both Mass And Energy Inside Their Permeable Indestructible Mass-Energy Vessel Sacs!!

Adoni's Theorectical Particle The GP1 Aether Particle Of Mass Permits Adoni To Solve ALL THE MYSTERIES OF MODERN PHYSICISTS EASILY And With Newtonian Physics!!

Since We Have Neutrons And Since Neutrons Must Have Evolved From Something Real, Then, My GP1 Gaseous Aether Particle Must Have Evolved First In Our Finite In Volume Ageless Universe!!

Harry, Because I Know That I Exist And That You Cannot, Possibly, Be A Fiction Of My Imagination, Then, You And I Know That Neutrons Evolved From GP1s Over Infinite Time In A Finite In Volume Ageless Universe While Conserving Energy!!

Harry); What If "Condensates" Had A Physical Form And That Physical Form In A Neutron Star Was In The Form Of "Degenerated Neutrons" As Given Or As Given By Adoni As Embryonic Neutrons At 600 Trillion Adoni-Kelvin Degrees Below Absolute Zero Because As Density Increases Exponentially Entropy And Temperature Are Given To Decrease Exponentially!!): Then); Will You Allow The Embryonic Neutron Mass To Warm Up To Minimum Of 8X In Mass As Pristine New Hydrogen That Would Save The Universe From A Given "Iron Death"??
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Jun 11, 2023
This paper in my opinion has errors in their assumptions.
Fall back matter being part of the jet formation in my opinion is false.

If you understand condensates, the dipolar jets are formed within the core, Chiral Super-Symmetry creates the dipolar vector force fields that generates the jets. These jets can be MICRO atomic and MACRO (a few light years) and SUPER MASSIVE (a few million light years)

[Submitted on 25 May 2023 (v1), last revised 12 Jun 2023 (this version, v3)]

Solution To The Cosmic Rays Puzzle ?​

Shlomo Dado, Arnon Dar
Fallback Matter Is Another Name For Matter Accretion After A Supernova Explosion Has Revealed Its Inner Neutronium Core At 200 Trillion Times Earth Density Formed Not From A Core Collapse Supernova As Given BUTTE From Compression-Decompression Pulsations Over The Life Of The Progenitor Star Before It Went Supernova!!

Anyway): Black Holes And Neutron Stars Can Only Shoot Out Cosmic Rays From Matter That Was Recently Accreted Out Of Their DiPole Jets!!

Sorry Harry!! BUTTE Condensates May Have Nothing To Do With Neutron Star Or Black Hole Cosmic Ray Jets!! And "Fall Back Matter" Is Just Another Way Of Saying Accreted Matter That Is Compressed To Higher Density That Causes The Extraction Of Heat And Swirling Particles To Near The Speed Of Light Around Compact Objects And Finally As Strong Magnetic Fields Push Cosmic Rays Out In Their DiPole Jets!!
Neither A Neutron Star Nor A Black Hole Will Have DiPole Cosmic Ray Jets If They Are Not Accreting Any Matter At All!!
The DIPole Jets Are The Direct Result Of Matter Accretion Whatever The Source By Compact Objects!!
Sorry is not part of the discussion.
You need to understand condensates.
Don't limit yourself.

The dipole vector fields have nothing to do with accretion, apart from the matter that gets sucked into the core.
The jets have speed, in many cases close to the speed of light. These jets may remain stable for thousands of years.

I would advise you again, research Condensates and their transients.

Then again, most people do their own thing, and that's OK.

When you're ready to go deep into this discussion, let me know.

Until then stay cool.
Jun 11, 2023
The Only Real Thing I Can Get Out Of "Condensates" Is Given As "Quantum Degeneracy" Which I Can Associate To "Degenerated Neutrons" Given To Physically Make Up Neutron Star Matter!!
Eso/Hubble Says): "Neutron stars are so named because they are composed primarily of neutrons, as most of the protons and electrons will have combined to form neutrons under the incredibly dense conditions!!"
Now, I Call The Given Degenerated Neutrons Of A Neutron Star "Embryionic Neutrons" That When Warmed Up Will Yield 8 Times In Mass In Pristime New Hydrogen Per Unit Of Mass Of Neutronium!!
Yes!! I Am Off Topic About Condensates Because Condensates Appear To Have No Relevance To Neutron Stars Nor In Making Daily Pristine New Hydrogen From The Embryonic Neutrons Making Up A Neutron Star!!
BUTTE I Am On Topic With Respect To How The Universe Will Perpetuate Itself Forever And Ever By Creating Pristine New Hydrogen In The Cores Of Every Star!! Refuting The Projected Iron Death For The Universe!! Successfully In Your Mind Harry??

I. INTRODUCTION): Tunable Bose-Einstein condensation and roton-like excitation spectra with dipolar exciton-polaritons in crossed fields!!

Dipole-dipole interactions are key to a variety of many body phenomena and various phases, both in Fermi and Bose gases, at temperatures low enough to achieve quantum degeneracy!!
Dipolar ultracold atomic systems have been shown to exhibit superfluid p-wave Cooper pairing [1, 2], rotons??
The exciton—a neutral bound state of an electron and a hole in a semiconductor—due to its
fermionic components can be made dipolar by applying electric field, which makes exciton gases easily tuneable, both with respect to interactions and their lifetime [16, 17]??
The appearance of the dipole moment brings to cold exciton gases a plethora of many-body phenomena, including roton instabilities [18, 19], supersolidity [20], density waves [21] and other phases [22]??
Keep looking for answers.
Widen your search.
I hesitate to direct you.

I maybe barking up the wrong tree.
but it's taken 50 years of research and 1000's of papers read.

I feel that I'm scratching for the information that is bound in a tapestry of information.
Jun 11, 2023
Hello Adoni


[Submitted on 14 Jun 2023]

Quark-meson model under rotation: A functional renormalization group study​

Hao-Lei Chen, Zhi-Bin Zhu, Xu-Guang Huang
Quark-meson model under rotation: A functional renormalization group study??
Given): "Rapid rotation may exist in physical systems such as non-central heavy ion collisions and neutron stars!!" Which Means That Rapid rotation may NOT exist in physical systems such as non-central heavy ion collisions and neutron stars!!
GIven imaginary rotation (FAKE) on the chiral phase transition. ): "Using functional renormalization group analysis of the quark-meson model, we investigate the effects of real and imaginary rotation on the chiral phase transition!!"
Our results confirm previous studies conducted with other model calculations and shed light on the importance of boundary conditions in the infrared region of the theory!!
Sooooo): What Is The Significance Of These Models To The Topic Of "Star Formation"??
Jun 11, 2023
Keep looking for answers.
Widen your search.
I hesitate to direct you.

I maybe barking up the wrong tree.
but it's taken 50 years of research and 1000's of papers read.

I feel that I'm scratching for the information that is bound in a tapestry of information.
I Only Have 5 Years Of Research In Astrophysics To Your 50 Years Of Research And 1,000s Of Research Paper Readings!! Sooooo): Can I Reasonably Conclude That We Are Both About 70 Years Old With Lots Of White Hair??
And For Fifty Years Until Until 2018, I Recited Modern Cosmologists' Gospel Since I Was 16 Years Old And Took "Physics Is Fun" In High School!!):
"Out Of A Dot Tinier Than A Period On This Text Book Page, An Energy Was Released That Formed Our Expanding Universe 14.77 Billion Years, Ago!!"
In 2018, I Found A Problem With Electromagnetic Waves Propagating In Nothing As "Massless" Photons!!
I Quickly Decided That Despite The Mitchelson-Morley Experiments In The 1890's And Beyond That Supposedly Proved That EM Waves Travel Without A Medium That EM Waves Did In Fact Travel In A Medium!!
BUTTE Then, I Had To Figure Out): What Was The Composition Of The Invisible Particle That EM Waves Must Propagate In?? Which Led Me To Suggest A Gaseous Tiny Tiny Aether Particle Of Mass As The Medium For Electromagnetic Waves That I Named The God Particle 1 (GP1)!!
Now, I'm Faced With A Very Skeptical World That Cannot Wrap Its Head Around Protons Being Permeable Indestructible Mass-Energy Vessel Sacs That Store Both Mass And Energy In A Physical Form As Compressed GP1 Aether Particles That Pulsate In And Out Of The Proton Sac At Variable Speeds Depending On The Internal And External GP1 Aether Particle Pressure!!
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You can assume that.

What makes you think that the universe has an age?

As for Protons and Neutron they can be broken down to Quarks and Quarks can be broken down to Partonic matter and Partonic matter can be broken down to Axion Gluon Matter.
Jun 11, 2023
You can assume that.

What makes you think that the universe has an age?

As for Protons and Neutron they can be broken down to Quarks and Quarks can be broken down to Partonic matter and Partonic matter can be broken down to Axion Gluon Matter.
I'll comment later on Hypothetical Axion-Gluon Matter!! But I thought you might enjoy this recent Post): Earthquakes seem more intense after cosmic ray strikes. Scientists say this is why.

Hidden mechanisms that give rise to powerful earthquakes may also allow more cosmic radiation to reach the planet's surface.

Earth seems to shake more after intense cosmic radiation hits its surface, a new study suggests.

The surprising study by a team of Polish researchers analyzed 50 years worth of data and found that the intensity of global seismic activity correlated with the average variation in the intensity of secondary particles created by cosmic radiation with a time lag of around two weeks. Secondary cosmic radiation is produced by the interactions of cosmic rays and Earth's atmosphere, which suggests that the link between the two phenomena may have nothing to do with the intensity of the arriving cosmic rays but rather with their ability to breach Earth's defenses.

The team said that they ruled out the possibility that the observed correlation was down to chance alone.

Scientists think that the strange correlation between cosmic radiation and seismic activity could be explained by the behavior of eddy currents in the liquid core of our planet which drive the generation of Earth's magnetic field. This field, also known as the magnetosphere, is responsible for deflecting charged particles which make up cosmic radiation.
Hello Adoni
Thank you for the link.

This dipolar electromagnetic field is common to all compact matter and condensates.
If you increase the core to say a few million solar masses.
You generate powerful dipolar jets.
That expel matter from the core.

Anyway I came across this paper.

[Submitted on 19 Aug 2022]

Are Dipolarization Fronts a Typical Feature of Magnetotail Plasma Jets Fronts?​

L. Richard, Yu. V. Khotyaintsev, D. B Graham, C. T. Russell
Plasma jets are ubiquitous in the Earth's magnetotail. Plasma jet fronts (JFs) are the seat of particle acceleration and energy conversion. JFs are commonly associated with dipolarization fronts (DFs) representing solitary sharp and strong increases in the northward component of the magnetic field. However, MHD and kinetic instabilities can develop at JFs and disturb the front structure which questions on the occurrence of DFs at the JFs. We investigate the structure of JFs using 5 years (2017-2021) of the Magnetospheric Multiscale observations in the CPS in the Earth's magnetotail. We compiled a database of 2394 CPS jets. We find that about half (42\%) of the JFs are associated with large amplitude changes in Bz. DFs constitute a quarter of these large-amplitude events, while the rest are associated with more complicated magnetic field structures. We conclude that the ``classical" picture of DFs at the JFs is not the most common situation.
Jun 11, 2023
Hello Adoni
Thank you for the link.

This dipolar electromagnetic field is common to all compact matter and condensates.
If you increase the core to say a few million solar masses.
You generate powerful dipolar jets.
That expel matter from the core.

Anyway I came across this paper.

[Submitted on 19 Aug 2022]

Are Dipolarization Fronts a Typical Feature of Magnetotail Plasma Jets Fronts?​

L. Richard, Yu. V. Khotyaintsev, D. B Graham, C. T. Russe
Jun 11, 2023
Hey Harry!!):
Among my horde of new novel correct theories of the origins of the cosmos and everything is one that you might agree with!! The Earth’s Magnetic Poles flip about once every million years while our Sun’s Magnetic Poles flip every 11 years!!
It’s been about 800,000 years since our Earth’s Magnetic Poles flipped excepting Laschamp Event about 42,200 and 41,500 years ago, during the end of the last Glacial Period.
Anyway): The point is that our Sun has a self-contained dynamo that generates the Sun’s electric flow through its conductors that generate the Sun’s magnetic field and that during some sort of overlap-underlap the Sun’s Magnetic Poles reverse!!
The Earth is given a similar setup with a self-contained dynamo BUTTE I suggest that as the Earth spins and our solar system orbits the gravitational center of our galaxy, the Earth cuts through the harmonized galactic magnetic field that results in an electric current in the Earth’s conductor’s that generates the Earth’s protective magnetic field as the Earth spins on its axis!!
And that the Earth’s Magnetic Poles flip when the galactic magnetic field poles flip about every 450,000 years on average!!
Also); I suggest that it’s the Milky Way’s Galactic Magnetic Field that keeps our Sun’s spin axis and the planets’ spin axes aligned in the same direction except for Pluto that’s been demoted from planet status!!
Wiki Says): The solar dynamo is a physical process that generates the Sun's magnetic field. It is explained with a variant of the dynamo theory. A naturally occurring electric generator in the Sun's interior produces electric currents and a magnetic field, following the laws of Ampère, Faraday and Ohm??
There have been at least 183 {Earth Magnetic Pole} reversals over the last 83 million years (on average once every ~450,000 years). The latest, the Brunhes–Matuyama reversal, occurred 780,000 years ago, with widely varying estimates of how quickly it happened??
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Hello Adoni

Yes the Sun's poles and Earth's poles flip.

Sun's Dynamo core is part of a cyclic process that give the Sun billions of years of life.
I can expand on this later.

As for the Milkyway Magnetic field keeping the Sun's spin axis, I do not think so.

The center of our Milkyway lives a swam of Black Holes, condensates that mimic Black Hole properties.

Their axis have their own moments.
Jun 11, 2023
Hello Adoni

Yes the Sun's poles and Earth's poles flip.

Sun's Dynamo core is part of a cyclic process that give the Sun billions of years of life.
I can expand on this later.

As for the Milkyway Magnetic field keeping the Sun's spin axis, I do not think so.

The center of our Milkyway lives a swam of Black Holes, condensates that mimic Black Hole properties.

Their axis have their own moments.
Well Harry!!); It's not, just, the Sun's spin axis alone!! It's the alignment of the Sun's Spin Axis With all the spin axes of all the planets of our solar system that points the fact that the Galactic Magnetic Flux Lines align not just the spin axes of the Sun and all the planets but, also, the spin direction except for Venus given to have a slight reverse spin due to some sort of collision billions of years ago!!
Also, you might find interesting my postulate that the Milky Way's Harmonized Galactic Flux Lines turn the Earth's spin axis (Just As Earth's Magnetic Flux Lines Turn A Needle On A Compass) as our solar system orbits the Milky Way's Galactic center of gravity once every 240 million years!!

Proof Adoni Only Speaks Given Factual Truths!!):
Given): The galactic plane is tilted at an angle of 63 degrees to the celestial equator (The plane of the Sun, the Earth and all the other planets) sits at 63 degrees relative to the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy!!
Given): The celestial equator is currently inclined by about 23.44° to the ecliptic plane of the Earth!! And The Earth's axial tilt actually oscillates between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees!! (Average Is 23.2°):
Add them all up {63 degrees celestial plane relative to the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy!! ); The celestial equator is currently inclined by about 23.44° to the ecliptic plane)}: You Get 86.44° Plus The North Magnetic Pole Is 500 Miles away from the North Geo Pole): 500 miles/5400): 9.25 degrees): 95.69° Which Gives The Earth’s Axial Tilt Lagging By Just 4.31 Degrees Relative To The Galactic Magnetic Flux Lines Passing Through Earth and coming out at the Earth's North Magnetic Pole As Earth And The Solar System Orbit The Center Of Gravity Of The Milky Way Once Every 240 Million Years!!
Earth’s Polar Circumference is given@21,600 (1/4)X21,600): 5400 Miles
Jun 11, 2023
Hello Adoni

It seems logical.
But! what has that got to do with the price of eggs?

All those degrees.
How did it all come about?
Well!! The key to understanding how the Earth, The Solar System, The Milky Way Galaxy, The Local Galactic Group And the entire Cosmic Web formed is to understanding the Earth's weather systems): As matter heats up at the Earth's Equator, Low GP1 Aether Particle Systems form that are observed as low air pressure systems!!
At the solar system level): Our Sun formed from a hydrogen-helium cloud at 10 Degrees Kelvin as the cloud’s center heated up from the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, GP1 Aether Particle Pressure dropped precipitately resulting in an Invisible GP1 Aether Particle Accretion Disc that sucked cold atomic particles inwards that also heated up resulting in a visible matter particle disc!!
As our Sun heated up over the past 5 billion years, our Sun generated gravity and our Sun will continue to generate gravity for another 5 billion years as its matter particles heat up by 6% per billion years BUTTE, once, our Sun starts cooling in 5 Billion Years because hydrogen fusion will cease, our Sun's matter particles will release the compressed GP1 Aether Particles net imploded as our Sun heated up resulting in the dark energy that will blow half the mass of the Sun away during our Sun's 2 billion year Red Giant Phase as its matter particles cool and release compressed GP1 Aether Particles!!
Anyway): Our Solar System through our Sun's invisible GP1 Aether Particle Accretion Disc formed a matter particle accretion disc that sucked matter in from supernova remnants that formed the planets in the celestial equator plane (the plane of our Sun, the Earth and all the other planets) at a 63 degree angle relative to the Milky Way's Galactic Plane!!
Then, As the Solar System orbited the center of gravity of the Milky Way Galaxy, our Galaxy's Magnetic Flux lines align the moon and Earth easily BUTTE for larger masses like the Sun, Jupiter, Neptune, etc the alignments are all over the place): Our sun has a 7.25 degree axial tilt, Earth 23.5 degree axial tilt, Mars@axial tilt of 25* ); Moon 6.7*??
Could Our Sun's Lower Axial Tilt along with the Moon’s, Jupiter's and Venus's Lower Axial Tilts be much lower due to their lower spin velocities?? No Because Jupiter Spins Twice As Fast As Earth??
Given): Unlike most planets, including Earth, Venus does not exhibit an intrinsic magnetic field (see geomagnetic field). Sensitive measurements by orbiting spacecraft have shown that any dipole field originating from within Venus must be no more than 1/8,000 that of Earth’s!!
Hello Adoni
Maybe your right.

But! I have a different approach.

The seeds of most stars come from the expelled condensate droplets from the core of the galaxy.

The jets that were expelled from the core forming the spiral arms.
The stars within the jets eventually got pulled back to the core.
And so, the cycle begins again and again, until a merge with another galaxy or two.

Not all jets vortices produce spiral arms, some produce elliptical galaxies such as M87.

Food for thought

[Submitted on 13 Mar 2023]

Axial collective mode of a dipolar quantum droplet​

P. Blair Blakie
In this work, we investigate the ground state properties and collective excitations of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate that self-binds into a quantum droplet, stabilized by quantum fluctuations. We demonstrate that a sum rule approach can accurately determine the frequency of the low energy axial excitation, using properties of the droplet obtained from the ground state solutions. This excitation corresponds to an oscillation in the length of the filament-shaped droplet. Additionally, we evaluate the static polarizabilities, which quantify change in the droplet dimensions in response to a change in harmonic confinement.
Jun 11, 2023
Hello Adoni
Maybe your right.

But! I have a different approach.

The seeds of most stars come from the expelled condensate droplets from the core of the galaxy.

The jets that were expelled from the core forming the spiral arms.
The stars within the jets eventually got pulled back to the core.
And so, the cycle begins again and again, until a merge with another galaxy or two.

Not all jets vortices produce spiral arms, some produce elliptical galaxies such as M87.

Food for thought

[Submitted on 13 Mar 2023]

Axial collective mode of a dipolar quantum droplet​

P. Blair Blakie
Interesting Response!! M87's SMBH is given at about 6.5 billion solar masses and is given to have evolved from a 3.5 billion solar mass SMBH over 25 billion years!!
Assuming {Ass-U-Me Or Not??} that SMBHs double in size every 25 billion years): We Can Trace Back In Time M87's SMBH To A {1024x1024x1024): 1,073,741,824): 6,500,000,000/1,000,000,000} (6.5 Solar Mass Stellar Black Hole) In A Triangulum Size Galaxy 10X10X10): 1000X25 Billion Years): 25 Trillion Years, Ago!!
I Suggest That M87 was about the size of Triangulum Galaxy 25 Trillion Years, ago and, also, without a supermassive black hole and that our local galactic group maybe an offspring M87's galactic group 10 or more generations removed from M87 Galaxyand more than 25 Trillion Years, ago!!
And that Andromeda's SMBH at 120 million Solar Masses, today, will reach the size of M87's SMBH in about 12X25 billion years or in about 300 billion years!!
Now, if you agree that the universe is infinitely old, then, you must agree that their is an upper mechanical limit to SMBHs’ mass at about 100 Billion Solar Masses??
Yes, the universe is infinite.

M87 is closer to 10 billion solar masses.
It is the center and gravity sink of our local group of galaxies, which includes the Milkyway and Andromeda.
Which is part with other groups of galaxies forming part of the Virgo Supercluster, which has a core over 200 billion solar masses as a rough estimate considering being a gravity sink for many local groups of galaxies.
Which is part of the Laniakea Supercluster, which forms part of a group of superclusters of superclusters.

Tongue twister.
There is no mechanical limit to a condensate core.
Mechanics of what?

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