Hello Adoni
It seems logical.
But! what has that got to do with the price of eggs?
All those degrees.
How did it all come about?
Well!! The key to understanding how the Earth, The Solar System, The Milky Way Galaxy, The Local Galactic Group And the entire Cosmic Web formed is to understanding the Earth's weather systems): As matter heats up at the Earth's Equator, Low GP1 Aether Particle Systems form that are observed as low air pressure systems!!
At the solar system level): Our Sun formed from a hydrogen-helium cloud at 10 Degrees Kelvin as the cloud’s center heated up from the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, GP1 Aether Particle Pressure dropped precipitately resulting in an Invisible GP1 Aether Particle Accretion Disc that sucked cold atomic particles inwards that also heated up resulting in a visible matter particle disc!!
As our Sun heated up over the past 5 billion years, our Sun generated gravity and our Sun will continue to generate gravity for another 5 billion years as its matter particles heat up by 6% per billion years BUTTE, once, our Sun starts cooling in 5 Billion Years because hydrogen fusion will cease, our Sun's matter particles will release the compressed GP1 Aether Particles net imploded as our Sun heated up resulting in the dark energy that will blow half the mass of the Sun away during our Sun's 2 billion year Red Giant Phase as its matter particles cool and release compressed GP1 Aether Particles!!
Anyway): Our Solar System through our Sun's invisible GP1 Aether Particle Accretion Disc formed a matter particle accretion disc that sucked matter in from supernova remnants that formed the planets in the celestial equator plane (the plane of our Sun, the Earth and all the other planets) at a 63 degree angle relative to the Milky Way's Galactic Plane!!
Then, As the Solar System orbited the center of gravity of the Milky Way Galaxy, our Galaxy's Magnetic Flux lines align the moon and Earth easily BUTTE for larger masses like the Sun, Jupiter, Neptune, etc the alignments are all over the place): Our sun has a 7.25 degree axial tilt, Earth 23.5 degree axial tilt, Mars@axial tilt of 25* ); Moon 6.7*??
Could Our Sun's Lower Axial Tilt along with the Moon’s, Jupiter's and Venus's Lower Axial Tilts be much lower due to their lower spin velocities?? No Because Jupiter Spins Twice As Fast As Earth??
Given): Unlike most planets, including Earth, Venus does not exhibit an intrinsic magnetic field (see geomagnetic field). Sensitive measurements by orbiting spacecraft have shown that any dipole field originating from within Venus must be no more than 1/8,000 that of Earth’s!!