How many galaxies are there?

There has been some discussions on the forums on the size of the universe, e.g.

Using the BB model with radius 13.8 x 10^9 LY observable from Earth today, the universe volume as a sphere =
1.1008E+31 cubic light years. Using the comoving radial distance to the CMBR with redshift 1100 or 46 billion light years from Earth, volume = 4.0772E+32 cubic light years. So from Earth, there is more than 37x large volume for a 3D sphere model that we cannot see today. However, the BB model uses 4D space for explaining expanding space and redshifts that are observed and documented. 4D space uses a hyperspace dimension to explain redshifts and expansion. All galaxies where z => 1.4 are moving in 4D space faster than c velocity. Just use the cosmology calculators like Cosmology Calculators ( or LAMBDA - Calculators ( or Cosmology calculator | and look at comoving radial distances shown.

So when we open up hyperspace dimension that is used in the expanding space metric, how many galaxies are there? :)

A good question, how many galaxies are documented with redshifts > 5 and is there a reducing number as redshifts get larger like 11 or 13 reported today? I have some reports from SDSS survey that galaxies cluster near 3.0 or so for most.
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