Question How to immunize a theory


Oct 23, 2019
I found the article of a "climate study" emphasising "that we need to be patient when it comes to emissions mitigation". This is a typical example of the "guru-climate science". When the theory doesn't fit with the reality you adapt your theory so that it is valid again. Physicist call such "theories" "not even wrong". You cannot falsify them. And a theory which cannot be falsified is normally called "faith" but not science. It is quite ridiculous how these scientific priests desperately try to defend their faith....


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
"When the theory doesn't fit with the reality you adapt your theory so that it is valid again."
Yes, you note the occurrence of new facts, and modify the theory to take account of these. What is wrong with that?

"You cannot falsify them. And a theory which cannot be falsified is normally called "faith" but not science. It is quite ridiculous how these scientific priests desperately try to defend their faith...."
Of course you can falsify them, if new facts come to light.
Hence a modified theory is not "faith" - it is a modified theory which is relevant only so long as it accords with the facts. Hence, what follows is, to say the least, rather obscure.
Would you care to try again?

Cat :)
Mar 5, 2020
Too much of Science is based on assuming that scientists are not driven by the same political forces that drive us all.

The Empire recruits talented scientists when they are young. These people have all the technical qualifications to do science so these are not “fake” scientists.

The Empire gives them a taste of real science, not the stuff that stopped being relevant 50 years ago.

One day they are working with cutting edge science that the public knows nothing about. The next day they are writing a paper patching over a hole that some new argument has made in their “fake” irrelevant science.

Elevating someone into their elite society produces a unshakable conviction in their societies righteous domination over the rabble.

The Empire have always been masters of manipulating the talents and ambitions of people to meet their own goals. Scientists are no different than anybody else.

“Climate Science” is not about science it is about producing political division. They want you thinking about climate and not about slaughtering the Oligarchy.

I could be wrong.
Dec 11, 2019
Too much of Science is based on assuming that scientists are not driven by the same political forces that drive us all.

The Empire recruits talented scientists when they are young. These people have all the technical qualifications to do science so these are not “fake” scientists.

The Empire gives them a taste of real science, not the stuff that stopped being relevant 50 years ago.

One day they are working with cutting edge science that the public knows nothing about. The next day they are writing a paper patching over a hole that some new argument has made in their “fake” irrelevant science.

Elevating someone into their elite society produces a unshakable conviction in their societies righteous domination over the rabble.

The Empire have always been masters of manipulating the talents and ambitions of people to meet their own goals. Scientists are no different than anybody else.

“Climate Science” is not about science it is about producing political division. They want you thinking about climate and not about slaughtering the Oligarchy.

I could be wrong.

I like how you called them the "Empire" other then the usual "Cabal" or "Powers That Be". And I agree there is much truth in your statements.

It is odd now in the news it seems that some of the Environmentalist and Climate Activists are apologizing for alarmism. It was on Forbes also but they took it down.

Before climate change research is presented to the public, information is taken from scientists and filtered through policymakers and the media.
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