If you were a time traveller,where would you go to and why ?

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I guess my vision has the CSA becoming a stable entitiy that allows its member states to have greater control and authority over their individual internal affairs. I believe that eventually they would "rejoin" the union to the north, but at the same time the federal government of the union would not have been able to apply so much power/pressure to the CSA states. <br /><br />I do have to agree that we might be better off with several smaller countries on the NA continent. But can't we get the same results by letting some "national" issues that cannot be decided to everyones satisfaction (abortion for example) be decided locally by the states, and then you can move to whatever state conforms to your views.<br /><br />Remember, the roles of the federal government are clearly defined in the Constitution, and the 10th Ammendment makes it clear that those rights/duties not enumerated in the Constitution are reserved for the states. Congress has worked around this thanks to the interstate commerce clause. It's time to reduce the size/scope of federal government and let the states (and local) governments take more responsibility for the citizens.<br /><br />We live in a great country, with incredible freedoms. But most people don't realize that with freedom comes responsibility to take care of your own affairs and most importantly, a duty not to interfere with others freedoms. The federal government, by trying to satisfy everybody in effect satifies nobody and impinges on all of our freedoms through their actions that attempt to keep the middle balance.<br /><br />One more though on the subject. It's not the liberals or conservatives that are dangerous. its the extremeist on both sides who can't see anything that doesn't resonate with their particular worldview.<br /><br />Thanks for reading my rantings.<br /><br />--<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <em><font size="2">"Time exists so that everything doesn't happen at once" </font></em><font size="2">Albert Einstein</font> </div>


I'd go to when I was 15 or so and give myself a 'Sports Almanac' like in Back to the Future. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p> </p><p><span style="color:#ff9900" class="Apple-style-span">-pyoko</span> <span style="color:#333333" class="Apple-style-span">the</span> <span style="color:#339966" class="Apple-style-span">duck </span></p><p><span style="color:#339966" class="Apple-style-span"><span style="color:#808080;font-style:italic" class="Apple-style-span">It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.</span></span></p> </div>


Lordy, take a close look at who holds the positions of power in the federal government and at the views they hold. Look at the federal government's major policy trends over the past 20 years. In fact, the South won the Civil War -- it just took 150 years to do it.<br /><br />Lyndon Johnson. Jimmy Carter. Gingrich. Clinton. Trent Lott. Bush I. Tom Delay. Bush II. All southerners. Because the nation's demographic center of gravity is continually shifting southward, Southerners are pretty much in charge. I am a Southerner, but it doesn't please me to make this assertion. Rather, it simply seems self-evident.<br /><br />I'd love to go back and watch the baseball game in which Babe Ruth "called the shot." And maybe take in a couple or three games of the 1927 World Series -- see whether the Yankees that year were really "the greatest baseball team ever." My bet is that they really were.<br /><br />And maybe I'd go and sit in the stands and watch Henry Aaron hit no. 715. (Whatever lifetime homerun tally Barry Bonds ends up with, in my opinion the statisticians should put an asterisk by the number.) <br /><br />As for the future: I'd like to slip ahead and be sitting in Mission Control when someone finally walks on the moon again. I'm tired of waiting. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#0000ff"><strong>Just tell the truth and let the chips fall...</strong></font> </div>


(1) April 1912 and steer the Titanic out of the iceberg lane so then we wouldn't have all these lame Titanic movies.<br /><br />(2) September 1962 and tell my parents to skip putting me in that hospital wherein after a botched surgury I lost my left foot.<br /><br />(3) 1200+ or - BC to see how they really built the pyramids.<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <em><font size="2">Bob DeWoody</font></em> </div>
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