Question Infinity or not infinity that is the question.

Infinity or not infinity that is the question.

Universe itself is infinite.

All matter in the universe is and always will be.

Since we cannot create matter or energy from nothing.

We cannot destroy matter or energy.

Every object out there regardless of its size has a finite body.

So, objects cannot have an infinite body.

What happens to all bodies in an infinite universe?

They cannot hide or pretend to be Dark matter/energy.

So, we research and study applying whatever science we have at hand to explain the transformation from one phase to another.

This leads to various theories, some scientific and many based on opinions.

When we observe images out there and beyond, we notice clustering.

But! we expected expansion.

What is actually going on?
"What is actually going on?"

My take once more!

Infinity (infinities) will always collapse in nonlocal horizon(s) "at a distance."

The "[fractal] zoom universe" nonlocally at a distance both up and out and down and in from the (expansive (inclusive of fractal compactions and contractions expanding to infinitesimal infinities)) local "potential" of infinity (thus the local finite universe) wherever situate and in whatever form, is infinite. That is the vertical hypersurfaces / sub-surfaces of hyperspace SPACE.

The 'Flatland' (t=0) of nonlocal hypertime TIME (infinity of wheels of time turning in offsetting turnover) is also infinite in extent though each time turning (each wheel's circumference of one turn of an infinity of turnings about and upon magnetic monopole center-0-point singularities of exactly the same identical t=0 (flatly infinite . . . and/or net set '0')) is finite. [Past || future (+)] and [Future || past (-)] cancel to t=0.

Matter mass energy is always transformative and thus conserved. Which 'conservation' also means that it was never created, never infinite unto itself, in any kind, any shape, any form, of 'Creationist' beginning (as it would have to have been at that infinitely singular point). Positive matter mass energy. Negative matter mass energy. Infinities forever canceling to 0-point leaving conserved local-finite.

Divisions (null unity ('0')) and/or unity ('1') . . . and parity) in 'clustering', chunky, grainy, fractality is core and key to string-ring-horizon GSBF structuring and concomitant structureless magnetic monopole (dipole moment) EWF point singularity / singularities in "fractal zoom" horizon universe and universes (equally but oppositely open (opening) and/or closed (closing)).

Well, you did ask!

"Brevity may be the soul of wit, but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
May I ask a question. On this BB consensus, and during this inflation period.....did spacetime, light and mass, expand as a shell...or expand as a volume?

Is spacetime(universe) a true volume, or just a local volume?
Classical Motion, and Harry also, do a browser search on "holographic universe" and "holographic principle" (Wiki). I feel the idea as presented -- and recently discovered by me to be independently paralleling me -- is short of a few marbles I fill-in in my own multitude of picturing and modeling over time, but still 2-d / 3- and 4-d super positioning not totally far out from what I see and describe myself....

Theirs reminds me more of a 2-d Flatland flat layer of embedded 3-d bubble wrap than the hyper surfaced hyperspace fractal zooms universes I model.
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Jun 11, 2023
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Infinity or not infinity that is the question.

Universe itself is infinite.

All matter in the universe is and always will be.

Since we cannot create matter or energy from nothing.

We cannot destroy matter or energy.

Every object out there regardless of its size has a finite body.

So, objects cannot have an infinite body.

What happens to all bodies in an infinite universe?

They cannot hide or pretend to be Dark matter/energy.

So, we research and study applying whatever science we have at hand to explain the transformation from one phase to another.

This leads to various theories, some scientific and many based on opinions.

When we observe images out there and beyond, we notice clustering.

But! we expected expansion.

What is actually going on?
Hi Harry!! Did I miss much in the past week or two??
The Universe must be finite in volume in order for electromagnetic waves to propagate in a Pressurized GP1 Aether Particle gaseous medium because otherwise): If the universe was infinite in volume); the GP1 Gaseous Aether Particles would decompress to a point that would no longer permit the propagation of electromagnetic waves!!
From the discover of the CMBR we know that the Vacuum of Space has "Vacuum Energy" expressed in Joules by the simple conversion of 2.75 Kelvin to Joules!!
Talking about matter depends on what you mean??): Do you mean matter with rest mass of which only four particle sacs are known to exist permanently?? The Neutron Sac?? The Proton Sac?? The Electron Sac?? And The Neutrino Sac??
And What about my answer to the question): How Is Both Mass and Energy Permanently stored inside the proton indestructible permeable sac and in the electron permeable indestructible sac??
I say that stored potential energy inside the proton permeable sac is stored in the form of compressed gaseous GP1 Aether Particles Of Mass about A Quintillionth the mass of the electron!!
Sooooo): while GP1 Aether Particles are always particles of mass); energy is the transference of GP1 Aether Particle Mass Momentum To Other Larger Particles!!
When A Spinning Permeable Pulsating Indestructible Proton Sac Touches A Spinning Permeable Pulsating Indestructible Antiprotonn Sac With Opposite Spin Relative To their respective North Poles); the two sacs get ripped apart releasing the stored potential energy and the stored GP1 Aether Particle Mass in the form of X-rays!!
Talk More Later!! Bye!!
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Aug 1, 2023
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Infinity or not infinity that is the question.

Universe itself is infinite.

All matter in the universe is and always will be.

Since we cannot create matter or energy from nothing.

We cannot destroy matter or energy.

Every object out there regardless of its size has a finite body.

So, objects cannot have an infinite body.

What happens to all bodies in an infinite universe?

They cannot hide or pretend to be Dark matter/energy.

So, we research and study applying whatever science we have at hand to explain the transformation from one phase to another.

This leads to various theories, some scientific and many based on opinions.

When we observe images out there and beyond, we notice clustering.

But! we expected expansion.

What is actually going on?
Even protons, neutrons, electrons, have a decay time, it are not eternal, it had a beginning, it will have an end, even if their lifespan could be longer than the life of universes.
Energy and matter were created, since then, no creation nor destruction exists, just transformations, no transformation is 100 % efficient, a loss exists in each one.
Universes, there are billions of it, could end in a 'Big Crunch' (abyss, hell in Bible), reverse to 'Big Bang', ironic term coined by Fred Hoyle, as Albert Einstein cited 'Spooky action at a distance', Quantum entanglement; or universes could Blow Up, leading to an uniforme low de situé site, close to absolute zero temperature, where no work could exist, the 'Outer darkness' in Bible.
We don't know today which is the true option; estimates of amount of matter and size of our universe, even the concept of 'space expansion', are all discussed, as well as additional causes for 'Red shift', besides Doppler effect, e.g. 'Tired light' variants.
There is no 'Dark matter', as a matter of fact, all matter is dark, we can't see it if not illuminated, but its gravitational effects are seen; there is no 'Dark energy'; there is no 'Hawkins radiation'.
None knows what the heck the force, and the psyche, is; laws of Perfect Gases, Bernoulli, Optics, could explain our observations about universe expansion.

But we don't have enough data and resources to discriminate effects of all of this in our ideas about where we are.
Blessings +
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Hello Atland, Adoni and Elhado
Sometimes it's good to use your imagination.

To go where no man has gone before.
Its challenging.

If we look at the universe without its parts.
It will be infinite.

Now put the parts as in matter and energy.
Then try to understand how they function.


The relationship between matter and energy, is like heads and tails on coin.
You can spin it, throw it away and still it is one.

What is the Term Universe?
Aug 1, 2023
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Infinity or not infinity that is the question.

Universe itself is infinite.

All matter in the universe is and always will be.

Since we cannot create matter or energy from nothing.

We cannot destroy matter or energy.

Every object out there regardless of its size has a finite body.

So, objects cannot have an infinite body.

What happens to all bodies in an infinite universe?

They cannot hide or pretend to be Dark matter/energy.

So, we research and study applying whatever science we have at hand to explain the transformation from one phase to another.

This leads to various theories, some scientific and many based on opinions.

When we observe images out there and beyond, we notice clustering.

But! we expected expansion.

What is actually going on?
Universes are not infinite, even if you consider it a Moebius Strip.
Btw: Is there a verge of Universe?
We are spanning and shrinking the spatial distances of Earth in ever less time. That is time travel, Harry, or didn't you know it? I know that most physicists do not know it. Per the speed of light, you travel away from an observer it takes light longer and ever longer to cover the distances between. Brian Greene and others in videos have this figured out with slowing clock measurements over the longer spatial distances between the observer and the traveler, and the distant Big Bang Horizon the traveler is traveling toward away from the observer. But . . . per the speed of light, you travel toward an observer, light takes shorter and ever shorter amounts of time to cover the spatial distances between. Brian Greene and others in videos have no conception of this fact. They have no conception of clock measurements observed to be speeding up over the shorter and ever shorter distances being covered by an oncoming traveler . . . light covering ever less distance between in its travel . . . the time traveler between the observer and the distant Big Bang Horizon coming up ever faster, ascending ever faster, up through light time histories of the universes, thus the traveler's clock, apparent to the observer, ascending ever faster through time in a hypertime travel as it it tries to catch up to the realities of both the traveler, the traveler's clock, and the observer -- and the observer's clock, it is observably behind, thus was slow, in space and time.

I'm certain you watched the videos of Brian Greene trying to deal in time travel -- and failing so measurably miserably for leaving out everything regarding light, time, and light time and hypertime travel, and I mean everything, I've brought up above -- that Panchet Velev showed us here on the Forum. Brian Greene's complete failure to deal in the map's complete failure to be up to speed (so to speak) and [up to date] with the territory it maps was so obvious to anyone with half a brain. Physicist Brian Greene tells people the constant of the speed of light map! is the territory, the only territory there is! The universe's [no barrier] open systemic "wormholes" travelers always travel through -- while traveling through the closed systemic -- tells us no it isn't. The traveler, and the traveler's clock, is always out front of the speed of light in space and time. The speed of light always trying to catch up to reality and only succeeding at the last instant of time.
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Time travel is not possible.

Proof is in the pudding.

Time is not a physical item, therefore cannot be compressed compact or whatever.

But! feel free to prove it.

I'm all ears.

Just two of them
You're kidding of course. And I can prove it by nature and scientific instruments. In nature, your age. And the scientific instruments are called clocks. But that is only one dimension of more than one dimension of time. There are others, such as light time and the hypertime measurements to cross -- to time travel -- between two points in space (to quantum entangle and warp or wormhole space and light and light time). To be or not to be, mimicking Shakespeare, obeying the principle of uncertainty to be in more than one point position of space, moving at more than one velocity of movement through space, at exactly the same time, as (if you think really hard about it) you are doing at all times in the universe at large and small, both locally and nonlocally. The [universal set] of all time(s) is t=0(1) (past (into future) || future (into past) || . . . and parity t=0(1) (superimposing superposition (sic))).
I do not discern and concept that time and space are physical. They are real, but not physical, they have no structure and can not move. And can not be affected or effected with physicality. They remain constant non physical pillars of reality. To me, reality or existence is much more than physicality. But to many learner-ed people, non physicality is only a thought illusion. Physicality is the ONLY reality.

The rest is just ego. No one looks forward to death. Therefore time and space must be physical.

Is our observation distance limited? Range limited? What if we could find a dark target in space where no light is detected. Then look at that dark area with a one hundred year exposure. One hundred years of integrating un-dectable low level light. How far could we see with that generational method?

We might use time to multiply sensitivity. For weak light, thought not to be there.

Someday we might see very far. Much farther than now. Distant light will be low light, we have to add it up to detect it.
we have a finite observation within an infinite reality.

Time is malleable but not reversible.
Time reverses but not how most have imagined and said it would reverse if it did. The very existence of black holes is one form of time reversal. Another is entropy, the return to 'Wild'. If you have a very nice-looking lawn, you have a very nice-looking lower energy state always wanting to return to the higher energy state of the Wild.

We talk about the Savage State and the Civilized State, a specialty of mine since I'm rated a "intuitive visual mathematician" and am a lifelong close student of history, the lessons of history, and the natures of low energy "noble savage" commune state and high energy dynamic expansionist space frontier (past and future (I hope)) civilization. It's all there (past (into future) || future (into past)) . . . energy transfer or jump states from higher and higher complexity lower and lower energy states to breakdown or return to lower complexity higher energy states of initial conditions, the Big Bang state being the 1- and 2-dimensional base state . . . 3- and higher-dimensional states being the more complex less energetic veneer state over the 1- and 2-dimensional lower complexity higher energy base frontier state. When Civilization goes for frontier (frontier civilization), it puts a proper pyramidical state of multi-dimensionality together.

It has futuristically gone out into the past . . . into time reversal. The noted historian of Civilization, Will Durant, put it this way, "History always repeats itself in large aspect but rarely if ever in the small details." Time reversal, but not time reversal as you were thinking of it. In the universe, as some see it, dark matter and energy is the higher energy, less complex or lower (bottom) dimensional, state. And galaxies, stars, and so on, the lower energy, higher complexity, state. Dark matter and energy are the state more towards the initial condition state of universe, the return state to the chaotic frontier 'Wild' (the higher energy (hotter, if you will) more disorderly birthing state of order).

The universe is always working toward higher orders, yet always needing the return to (the collapse to) the lower order base Planck Big Bang frontier state to get the output of the input.
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That is your version of time travel and none of mine, Harry. My version is light time (histories) travel and, as well as the matter of entropy, black holes, and wormholes, and well you know it. A matter of the negative-positive and positive negative.

Both at once, at the same time, in exactly the same light:
Emission point: -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0: reception points. Futures. In closing, the clocks of Relativity (not reality) speed up in always coming from out of the distant constant of PBBBH Horizon.
Emission point: 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9: reception points. Pasts. In distancing, the clocks of Relativity (not reality) slowdown in always going away toward the distant constant of PBBBH Horizon.

The constant of TIME is the constant of dipole moment of light emission and/or reception, not any speed of light which implies a rigidly solid, rigidly singular, rigidly1-dimensional string or non-series stream when there is no such thing. It is Einstein's fatal error regarding the constant, and fatal error regarding TIME, as I have pointed out again and again, and again.... The last latest emission of light is always at the [shake-of-hands] meeting of objects, so to speak. That is when light and light time, and subjective Relativity, finally catch up (always appearing to be coming from behind in TIME) to objective reality.
There is nothing outside the universe and nothing came before about 14-, or 28-, or 40-billions years ago, according to some physicists who deal in magical indirection rather than saying it outright most of the time.

There is nothing outside of an infinite Universe Horizon of infinities of universe horizons, 0-dimnensionL point, 1-dimensional needle, 2-dimensional flatland, 3-dimensional hypersphere. And whatever came before the endless turning, endless turnaround, of a universe clock, is histories always currently repeating in "infinite parallel", in "endless beginning" and "back to the future." 0-d point, 1-d needle, 2-d disk flat, 3-d hypersphere, 4-d turning . . . sort of gyroscopic.

A universe that appears finite. But an immortal traveler in an eternity of travel time would eventually, sooner or later, realize an Infinite Universe in the 0-d, 1-d, 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, Horizon of never-ending horizons (a "fractal zoom universe") he never closes upon any closer than when he started his constant of powering, his constant of acceleration, through what always looked / always looks / will always look to be a finite universe of varying horizons coming out of (ahead), and receding into (behind), that singularity of Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe Horizon.

At one time, I thought that the way things should work, the traveler, in his constant of powering acceleration, would end up in a swirling universe of vortex and black hole. Then I realized that that collapsed cosmological constant of nonlocal Horizon "at a distance" was never going to allow that to happen . . . that the immortal traveler in a constant of powered travel, constantly accelerating, was facing, was observing, was fractal zooming universe, as always illustrated in zoom videos of the universe, rather than accelerating vortex. Not that a countless-ness of vortices, in a universe of vortex, wouldn't be in existence, just that the traveler would never observe them or it locally relative to him, just as the Earth observer, always moving in a moving universe, never observes them locally relative to him either. A "fractal zoom universe" is a universe of constant fractal resetting to set!
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