General Public Comments And Input Is Respectfully Requested, Thank You!<br /><br />International Space Plane (ISP) Program<br />Internationa Advanced Gound Based Assisted Launch System Program<br />http://www.international-spaceplane-program.org<br />http://www.international-space-agency.net/isp_letter_feb_2004.html<br /><br />International Space Agency (ISA)<br />http://www.international-space-agency.net/wash_dc_letter_feb_2005.html<br />http://www.international-space-agency.net/esa_letter_feb_2004.html<br />http://www.international-space-agency.net/color_flyer_2005.html<br /><br />Here are the core elements, which we hope and need to address in our proposal on an Electromagnetic Launch Facility & Program.<br /><br />We need any open public replies by the 20th of May 2005, and this does not have to be in-depth and in detail, just core issues and program elements, Thanks.<br /><br />The following week of 23rd to 27th of May, 2005 we would expand on and refine these core issues and program elements, and comments and any input from the general public.<br /><br />This finished proposal must be ready to be submitted to NASA Exploration Directorate and our NASA HQ Sponsor no later than 30th or 31st of May 2005.<br /><br />1) Basic System Elements & Design & Configuration<br />( Low Tech. Metal Rail & Wheel with High Tech. EM Propulsion )<br />( Launch Ramp at or near 45 degrees, Concrete & Steal Construction)<br /><br />2) Best or Proposed Locations for System / Facility<br />( Mountain Location On or Near Earths Equator )<br />