Is humanity prepared for contact with intelligent aliens?

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Interesting article and reference paper cited, Meeting extraterrestrials: Scenarios of first contact from the perspective of exosociology

Is *science* preparing humanity for a first contact with intelligent, non-human life (perhaps already known in some circles of government and science)? What message about our origins would that intelligent life tell humanity?
May 14, 2021
We haven’t discovered evidence of life anywhere but here, we’re not even sure what to look for. I don’t think we have any idea what to prepare for intelligent life forms, nor how to prepare it.
Dec 30, 2019
Are we ready for contact with intelligent aliens? The US alone has 2 different political parties with differing ideologies that cannot even come together on anything. So, the answer is 'No. We are not ready for first contact.
Jan 28, 2023
Obviously, if extraterrestrials land on Earth, then there will already be an intelligent race on the planet. They will surely look upon us as animals in a pre-intelligent state.
Aug 1, 2023
A new study calls for humanity to prepare for an encounter with extraterrestrial intelligence and examines the social consequences of such contact.

Is humanity prepared for contact with intelligent aliens? : Read more
'What will you believe: What I told you, or what your blind eyes have seen?' (Groucho Marx, Duck's soup, 1933)
Who is sure we haven't had contacts with alien yet?

Not to Heavens, but up, up and away in the sky.
Please have a look at

If some wait for a Press Conférence in front of White House, in Saint Peter's place, they'll wait for ever.
Klaatu barada nicto (from parade and night) won't take place.
Some alien could be in the invaders' business, none is in the Show Business.

Blessings +
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Jul 6, 2021
"However, the question of whether the encounter is with a biological life form or the emissaries of a machine civilization could remain unresolved for a long time,"
I suspect it might be very difficult to determine whether an advanced society's 'visitor' is biological or AI, although I believe our first contact will be an AI of some form due to the rigors of space travel.

As to how we greet it/them is an open question. Humans do have a tendency to open fire before fully evaluating the situation. This approach with an highly advanced space travelling entity would not bode well for humanity!!
Aug 1, 2023
As pointed, some aliens can be invaders, there are hints the Spaceship in 'Rendezvous with Rama' could be a real object, a galley of vampires.

No alien is in the Politics Business, No one is a Preacher, No one is in the Show Business, some Share technologies with us, namely NMR, but not the space travel technology, at least not with everybody.

They Said <<snip>> already went to Stars, met thousands of Alien civilizations, some other reject them. Who knows?
I don't.
Gesund +
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Dec 15, 2023
I don't think we will impress them too much, for the 3 time i have watched someone take a crap in public, and nobody cares. So i am pretty ashamed of the human race, law won't do anything. And hello, it is nice to meet you too!!
Apr 16, 2023
Intelligence and technology have limits. There cannot be super-intelligent beings or faster than light motion; these are just fantasies. Intelligent aliens will also be carbon based. Silicon based intelligence lacks flexibility, it can be used only for specific purposes. Colonizing distant planets is impossible for intelligent beings, 'time' and' survival' act as barriers. So, the only aliens that we can confront will be microbes. Leave it to our microbes to deal with them. But we can expect alien spaceships created by intelligent beings, manned by AI. The AI can do only what has been instructed. Colonizing and real-time communication being impossible, the sole job of AI will be 'searching for aliens' as we do.​
Jan 28, 2023
Intelligence and technology have limits. There cannot be super-intelligent beings or faster than light motion; these are just fantasies. Intelligent aliens will also be carbon based. Silicon based intelligence lacks flexibility, it can be used only for specific purposes. Colonizing distant planets is impossible for intelligent beings, 'time' and' survival' act as barriers. So, the only aliens that we can confront will be microbes. Leave it to our microbes to deal with them. But we can expect alien spaceships created by intelligent beings, manned by AI. The AI can do only what has been instructed. Colonizing and real-time communication being impossible, the sole job of AI will be 'searching for aliens' as we do.​
How else can I explain it. 2000 years ago, people were convinced that there was nothing faster than an arrow shot from a bow. I even think that so long ago, there were no double-reflex bows, only regular ones. Even today, many people are convinced that they know the limits of natural interactions defined by consensus among scientists some years ago. We ourselves have put on glasses for blind eyes. That it is our (current) ability to measure and influence the environment. They may still seem valid to us until we progress beyond them.
Dec 15, 2023
I don't think we will impress them too much, for the 3 time i have watched someone take a crap in public, and nobody cares. So i am pretty ashamed of the human race, law won't do anything. And hello, it is nice to meet you too!!
Theories, we don't know... unless we already have, all i know is i believe it is possible, and i think they are here.... and they have not done anything bad to me, unlike humans... just saying.
Feb 7, 2023
I think scenario 3 is highly unlikely, while the first 2 are unlikely, at least in the foreseeable future. It would be interesting to see how religions reconcile their beliefs with such an event. Jesus, Moses, and Mohamed never mentioned aliens, after all. New and modified religions would likely form.
Mar 8, 2022
Are we ready for entities that quite possibly have the capacity to manipulate minds? memories?
Or possibly manipulate &/or bypass space-time?
Possibly intercept events before they happen?

Humans are just now beginning to manipulate mice minds.

There are some good logic problems to work on.
How does one make hard to alter record keeping that is reasonably accessible to broad swaths of the population and who if anyone is so consistently reliable & unbiased to be charged as the arbiter(s) of fact?
Create such complex rooting that completely erasing things approaches the impossible?
The perfect gift this holiday season for the person you thought already had everything!
And good timing too. When I visited the UFO museum I learned that the supplier of the "tin-foil" conical mind-shielding caps was out of production. But that was more than a year ago. Surely supply and demand has found a supply somewhere. ;)
I wonder how much consideration was given to utilizing the religious community since a Creator, if both beings agree on such, would present strong common ground. A minister just might be .... "all right, all right, all right." *wink*
Dec 17, 2023
We project our limitations on ET. We would send a radio signal, because dots and dashes like Morse code by laser require a huge power source. If an amateur with an 8 inch telescope ever sees flashes from a star, let alone from a galaxy, the first message is "Look at how much energy we can waste!" With the internet, thousands of amateurs would get the RA and Decl and start videoing the dots and dashes before any government could react.
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