David-J-Franks said, [Hi rod, isn't there another method science uses? Take the following;
1. Matter/energy can't be created or destroyed
2. Cause and effect always works
3. The laws of physics are the same throughout the universe.
4. Others I can't think of
There is no absolute conclusive proof that any of the above are 100% true, but they are all taken as 'rock-solid' - ( I've used that word as I know it winds you up from many Jupiter moons ago

). What category/ levels of proof do these come under?
I'm afraid in this case I would call dfjchem721's reasoning rock solid

Okay David-J-Franks and dfjchem721 the biochemist

Starting wth 1. Matter/energy can't be created or destroyed. This today is shown by E=mc^2 and nuclear weapons. Einstein united the conservation of matter and conservation of energy into E=mc^2. There is no abiogensis formula like this. Mixing things up here in observation and math that is tested and proven, my opinion.
2. Cause and effect always works - I agree. Abiogenesis has not be shown as an *adequate cause* to explain the origin of life and the genetic code, and the history of biogenesis documented in the fossil record. Natural selection cannot be used on non-living matter to model and explain abiogenesis. A good example is the origin of plants, even Charles Darwin considered this a serious problem in the fossil record against his theory, still is today along with the Cambrian explosion and other fossils. Louis Pasteur work showed spontaneous generation of life from non-living matter was not observed using the scientific method. Charles Darwin had the warm little pond for abiogenesis in his work to create life's first living cell, the last common ancestor, even though both were contemporaries.
3. The laws of physics are the same throughout the universe. Problem here, these laws are observed and documented in astronomy like the laws of motion, gravity, Kepler's elliptical planetary orbit laws, here in the solar system and other locations like binary star orbits or exoplanet studies. This is well documented in astronomy but not abiogenesis working throughout the universe. Today we have more than 4200 exoplanets confirmed. So far, zero are reported as showing abiogenesis took place on them or abiogenesis is at work on the exoplanets today like the orbital laws that can be observed. Big difference between physical law observed operating in other parts of the universe, and observing abiogenesis at work throughout the universe.
dfjchem721 asked me, "Again, you are left with two options. You have failed to chose. What are we to make of this reluctance? Do you reject No.1? Go with No.2, or do you propose a third option? That is the real issue here, not your well-crafted but misleading notions that it has to be "seen" to true...."
I would think by now both of you should realize I am a creationist, the worst type according to dfjchem721, the biochemist in this discussion. While biology and biochemist believe they accumulated an abundance of evidence to show life on Earth originated via abiogenesis, my opinion about the claims and history of scientific observations is very different. Louis Pasteur effectively abolished abiogenesis as something that is working today on Earth. The fossil record is a record of biogenesis and complex, genetic code information at work, along with death, sometimes massive death in the fossil record featuring abrupt and rapid burials of life that perished. So when I look at the history of geocentric astronomy from Claudius Ptolemy through Tycho Brahe observations and compare to abiogenesis teaching today, geocentric observations used to support that the Sun moved around the Earth were more justified by their direct observations than abiogenesis today or abiogenesis at work 4 billion years ago for example.
This is my opinion, you do not have to agree or accept anything I said here---Rod