New here so please be gentle.
This whole question.. I have been having unshared thoughts for some time, so please bear with me.
I actually like the idea of Dwarf Planets.. we have Gas and Ice Giants.. so why not Dwarf Planets.. Pluto is still a *planet*.. just a Dwarf one. I'd go so far as being annoyed the opposite way and begin to defend Dwarf Planets..
Like I do not believe Haumea should be included as a 'Dwarf Planet'.. and I think the classification should be 'Asteroid Giant'.. I'd also like to see Deimos and Phobos be reclassified as this, as I believe to be a proper moon, it should be spherical.
Honestly I think Ceres is cool.. and one day, it maybe become, and probably will, Like Luna (one day hopefully soon) .. become the spaceport of which we springboard off to the inner solar system and beyond, Ceres will be our springboard to Jupiter and the outer solar system.
I do think calling The Asteroid Belt 'The Asteroid Belt' is dumb.. well no.. it's perfectly serviceable nickname, but IMHO I humbly suggest as an official name 'The Sol Belt' has much more meaning and gravitas. I mean Luna, Tera, Sol... The Moon, Earth, Sun.. all good and perfectly valid names. But once you learn there are more than one of something you can no long call it 'THE'.. as in the singular article.
We have also the Kuiper Belt now.. and one day we will reach the Oort Cloud.. and I *think* just like all the surprises we found in KB.. I think we will find many things to surprise us also, such as a Brown Dwarf with it's own mini solar system.. making us a quazi, dual star system, and answer that old question on what is tugging on Neptune?