First, English is not my mother language and I think an error like this is excusable.A hundred years ago, and especially a hundred and fifty years ago and more, our whole modern world might have belonged in some section dedicated to science fiction. Some people never actually worked in the evolution of Computer and Information Technology; never actually lived within the expanding evolutionary / revolutionary dimensions of that seemingly almost incredibly ancient time to this modern time like I did.
Furthermore, "I remember you" should be 'I remind you'. And yet furthermore, you have no place, that I know of, to be reminding me of any such thing. So leave it be. Your replies are getting farther and farther off topic (in particular concerning the multi-dimensionality (the multi-dimensionalities) of multiverse -- they don't have such narrowly confined limits as you would try to imply and force upon people).
Remains the fact that we cannot assume that a computer simulation can be predictive of the nature of things.
Also, I do not claim that the multiverse does not exist, but only that for now is only a conjecture, that we don't know how could be confirmed or denied, so at the present is not a scientific hypothesis.