reported, "Small galaxies, also known as dwarf galaxies, are distributed throughout the cosmos, and scientists have suggested they may represent some of the earliest galaxies to have formed. This means dwarf galaxies have often been considered key in studying the origins and evolution of the universe. The problem has been, however, that these galaxies don't always match what astronomers expect to observe. For instance, some spin faster than expected, and others are less dense than simulations suggest they should be. This is where dark matter comes in. These puzzling contradictions, scientists think, could exist because researchers haven't factored into their simulations the combination of gas and dark matter."
My note. Okay, apparently DM in the early universe, simulations and modeling must be very flexible to show DM
Concerning redshifts in this report, z about 10 to 12 in the paper reference. Cosmology calculators show the age of the universe and distances too.
"The age at redshift z was 0.478 Gyr. The light travel time was 13.244 Gyr." for z = 10 and for z=12, "The age at redshift z was 0.372 Gyr. The light travel time was 13.350 Gyr."
Comoving radial distances beyond 32 billion light-years from Earth today where space expands much faster than c velocity. The reference paper makes it clear that Population III stars remain undetected at large redshifts still.
"1. Introduction The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has opened a new window on the first galaxies in the Universe, allowing for new insights regarding their properties and formation. These galaxies at "cosmic dawn" host the yet-undetected first generation of stars (Population III), reionize the Universe, and enrich their surroundings with the first metals.", ref -