Jeff Bell really needs to go a long way from the space business...<br /><br />Having read yet another load of diatribe from this guy over on SpaceDaily.com (http://www.spacedaily.com/news/oped-05g.html) I can only come to the conclusion that this guy must be really bitter about not achieving something with his career that compares with the people celebrating yesterday.<br /><br />Yes things happen slightly different over here in Europe, but then you would expect that from a space agency and community with a very different structure. For example, of course the people of various nations want to hear comments about what is happening in their own language, afterall they put up some of the money.<br /><br />Last year he rejoiced at the loss of Beagle 2, now he can't help take desperate potshots at trivial things about this mainly successful mission. He half got my respect back with the "Recovering Space Activist" thing because some of his points had merit, but with this cynical cr*p I'm affraid that it's time SpaceDaily politely suggest he go and do something else - like the gardening.<br /><br /><br />Dave