Just here to say hello, and wish you all well.

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Dear friends.<br /><br />I often think of you, and that fondly. I will read of some US Republican getting caught in some evil act* and think "Hahahaha, I bet that saw some many miles of the interweb paved over with insult, invective and excuses, down at SDC". <br /><br />Or I will read something reported in the press, that MIGHT, with the help of a strange fasination AND a powerful intellect, be warpable into an opening topic vis homosexuality. And I think, "Oh, thats nice for Hicup, he has an excuse to chat to his buddy Crazyeddie again, wonder how long before CE takes pity on him and slips him some nice fellas PH No". <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /><br />Or, as probably needs no explaination, I will sit and stare at some blank boring part of my life, and reminisce about a virtual place that my friends meet their minds in, and the sparks and *tacklepouncehuggles* that result.<br /><br /><br />My life has proceeded along in its usual shambolic fashion. I have a new Nephew since we spoke last, and he is quite content to smile for a living, makes out like a pirate too with all the ladies in the family sure no other child smiles quite as well as this one does.<br />His sister is possible the worst behaved girl-child that the world suffer. I took her to the Zoo, and, at 4 and a half years old, she was well able to frighten and/or intimidate all comers. She mugged one boy twice her size, for his christmas present, and made his MOTHER burst into tears in the process.<br />Quite proud of the tiny monster, obviously. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /><br />The yacht is out in the fleet of Stuarts now. Our first foray wasn't an enormous success, and we have blown out one Number One Genoa AND the Spinnaker amoungst sundry other accidents, though I wasn't aboard when the spinnaker went. We went out in 35 knots of wind. A previous age would say something along the lines of *adjusts his slang for the usual suspects* "Boy Howdy" or maybe "GOSH". Going down Auckland harbour w


Hey mate! Glad to hear from you. We have been expecting a visit over in Free Space. Sorry to hear about your vessel and you having to get back to the grind. So long as you have your health and humor you can blow it all off as earning your passage on planet earth for a few billion miles. Come back more often please!<br /><br />P.S. Grok is back, well, almost...<br />


Welcome home.<br /><br />Haha, most non kiwi's won't have a clue Mooloo land may be referring to the Waikato?<br /><br />


Kane, I can hardly begrudge our good man Avaunt. "MooLoo land" is no more or less descriptive to me than "Waikato". I live on the other side of the world.<br /><br />I will, however, look up both geographical terms on Google right now. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" />


Man, New Zealand is such a cool country. I just googled <i>Waikato</i> and got this website describing Hamilton and the Waikato region.<br /><br />I can see why so many people move there.


Cool - the temperature - is the optimum word. We are in the middle of summer, the weather is absolutely rotten, Rain and more rain for next 2 days. As I write this its 23 Celsius (73.4 Fahrenheit) and humid as hell - 93%.<br /><br />Accuweather<br /><br />Not much better than Sydney, Australia - currently 21 C going for a high of 23 C.<br /><br />
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