earthseed - Well, Smithsonian noted researching sea level rise is hard to research - so I guess it is hard information.<br /><br />Just kidding.<br /><br />Actually, I have found that "Awake!' does not publish reports like this without first determining reliability - though the publishers have used terms like "scientists say." That, of course, is taken with a grain of salt, since we know scientific reports are subject to error.<br /><br />Tuvalu involves a number of islands. If building an airport was the cause of sinking, it would be more pronounced on the island where the airport was built.<br />This is not the case, however<br /><br />My area, SE Louisiana, may be sinking, news reports indicate this. No mention in the local news that I noticed that implicated oil removal as a cause - however your suggestion to that effect is plausible, as I do know examples of where removal of groundwater has caused land to sink.<br /><br />Oil is an important industry here so it is not likely this cause would be publicized here. It would not be economically advantageous to stop pumping out oil, etc., etc.<br /><br />There are probably a number of causes - however, coastle erosion has become increasingly evident over a very large area and obviously all coastlines are not sinking - so I suspect sea level rise is part of the problem.<br /><br />It makes sense, too. Increased ocean temperature would cause thermal expansion which would cause a rise in sea level.<br /><br />And melting of land ice would also cause a rise in sea level.<br /><br />It also makes sense that countries that do not want to lower emissions as agreed on at the Kyoto protocol would encourage circulation of reports denying sea level rise, etc., etc. Those are powerful countries!<br /><br />Remember the "scientific" reports sponsored by tobacco companies? <br /><br />I still need to stidy yoor link - whcih I will respond on later.<br /><br />I will also search for "hard" information - both meanings!