Mars Colonies will save Earth and finally make it beautiful everlasting

May 26, 2020
Once Mars colonies have been established, we can save Earth and make it last forever.
Then we can implement policy to make it too expensive to live on Earth forcing the dregs of Earth to relocate to Mars...... once reducing Earths population down to a manageable level........ a level that can sustain our worlds Elite and Beautiful everlasting....... we can create a Utopia on Earth that will allow Earth Elite and Beautiful to indulge in its precious life giving that will last for 100's of Thousands of years and enjoy pleasure everlasting.... as return from Mars will not be a reality for them due to Mars low gravity that will debilitate the Mars occupants health to the point of NO RETURN....... plus...... the lower gravity of Mars will insure superior agility and strength to Earth occupants..... preventing an uprising on Mars on those wanting to return to Earth.... because even if they did manage to return to Earth they would not be able to withstand Earth gravity.

The occupants of Mars will need jobs as it will be a hard life to endure, they will need to create their own oxygen and other needed resources to just stay alive, offering trade to the occupants of Mars will give them the economy necessary to stay alive..... we can offer them the tasks of making and/or washing toga's and supporting new technology.
May 1, 2020
Unless somehow we can oneday terraform mars,the mass exodus of humans will never happen ,humans will always be confined to bases or spacesuits if going for a walk.So whats the point,maybe we will someday have lots research bases up there, but think its highly unlikely we will ever terraform mars so a holiday on mars will just for the few.
Mar 5, 2020
You are describing an artificial society much like H.G. Wells “The Time Machine” of the Eloi and Morlocks. Which Wells modeled on class stratified Victorian England.

Martian colonies would require significant asteroid resources and extensive space infrastructure. To support such a colony every member would be technically competent and disciplined.

Mars would mop the floor with “Earth’s Elite”.

A cautionary tale that any space civilization will be Earth’s children, not Earth’s slaves. Corporate and State control stops at Earth’s atmosphere.

Waving a big stick from the bottom of a gravity well is not militarily advisable.
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May 26, 2020
Im not talking about housing the dregs of Earth comfortably on Mars..... more like a low cost concentration camp on Mars...... you know to thin out Earths population for the purposes of making Earth a Utopia for its Elite.

Imagine Earth population with less than 100K of human Elite and the beautiful of our choosing.


Apr 3, 2020
Im not talking about housing the dregs of Earth comfortably on Mars..... more like a low cost concentration camp on Mars...... you know to thin out Earths population for the purposes of making Earth a Utopia for its Elite.

Imagine Earth population with less than 100K of human Elite and the beautiful of our choosing.
100k wouldn't make a wit of a difference. This is an awfully expensive way to deal with population growth.

This is not a realistic scenario by any measure.
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I'm thinking this is tongue in cheek. I hope. Creating Utopia for the privileged few using methods best described as crimes against humanity? Not much concession to ethics or even to reality in it.
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May 26, 2020
so you think the Earth will sustain itself before we can colonize actual real Earth Like planets with Earth like gravity?
Make no mistake sir, the ONLY way any visitor to Mars will ever be able to return to Earth is if it has a centrifugal living habitat for off work times.
We already know scientifically what will happen to the human body outside Earth gravity, we already know HOW MUCH LARGER intestinal parasites will grow outside Earth gravity and all the debilitating effects along with it.
So for you to say inside your imaginary LIFE IS FAIR WORLD this idea is criminal or wont happen is silly.
There is currently plans for MASS relocation to Mars with out ANY plans to keep Space Travelers in a healthy state to be able to return to Earth, if there is such plans please present them........ these plans will include Centrifugal habitats on Mars that will generate Earth gravity.


Apr 3, 2020
iT'S obvious that since I've been posting pics of real live MARTIANS the mass media ignores them with a vengeance.So to me the 2004 discovery of People,animals,civilization on Mars went unnoticed by billions of people here for 16 years.I designed Mars rovers 1987.Here are some Martians,but GOOGLE>JERRY LEHANE MARS or all your pre-existing beliefs are BS.I'll show you.Nope this image posting isn't working for me>>just see my pics
You need to upload your pictures to a site like imgur and then post the links here.

Your suggested Googling is not terribly convincing.
Nov 19, 2019
In theory that does sound good for future life on Earth except there will never be billions or even millions of people going to Mars just to live underground. No magnetic field means no protection from deadly radiation bombarding the planet. Terra-forming Mars still doesn't change that. There wouldn't be global disaster or extinction event on Earth that would make it better to live on Mars. No geo-magnetic field, barely an atmosphere and the soil is deadly to humans. Most likely there would be several science stations on Mars with facilities to keep them self sustained. Maybe 5k to 10k people would be there semi-permantely but far in the future probably tourists and other commercial endeavors. Just my opinion.
May 26, 2020
In theory that does sound good for future life on Earth except there will never be billions or even millions of people going to Mars just to live underground. No magnetic field means no protection from deadly radiation bombarding the planet. Terra-forming Mars still doesn't change that. There wouldn't be global disaster or extinction event on Earth that would make it better to live on Mars. No geo-magnetic field, barely an atmosphere and the soil is deadly to humans. Most likely there would be several science stations on Mars with facilities to keep them self sustained. Maybe 5k to 10k people would be there semi-permantely but far in the future probably tourists and other commercial endeavors. Just my opinion.

...... so what your saying is that we allow the poor people of Earth to consume and destroy its natural resources to a point that life on Earth is no longer sustainable and becomes worse than Mars life?.......... we dont need another planet.........we have a perfect one right NOW.

What we do need right now is a dumping ground planet to relocate all the dregs of Earth on to, we will supply them with the technology and equipment to sustain life underground on Mars..... if they fail to keep up with demand of acquiring/recycling food and oxygen.... then they will start losing people ......... and it will be their own faults.

Meanwhile the Elite back on Earth will be indulging in all the pleasures that life has to offer without end.
Ah, forcibly ship people to somewhere resource poor - that I don't think is even capable of sustaining a self supporting colony - and if they die there it will be their own fault?

I find the whole proposal repugnant.
May 26, 2020
Ah, forcibly ship people to somewhere resource poor - that I don't think is even capable of sustaining a self supporting colony - and if they die there it will be their own fault?

I find the whole proposal repugnant.
As I said in my original post, it wont technically be forced relocation...... we simply just change policy around the world to make it impossible for the unwanted dregs of Earth to be able to afford to continue living on Earth.... then we will offer them the option to relocate to Mars for a job offer there, in exchange for going to Mars we will allow a select few of their loved ones to remain here on Earth......... for as long as they can afford to....... they will sign a contract and agree to go to Mars making it completely legal.
Jun 3, 2020
Unless somehow we can oneday terraform mars,the mass exodus of humans will never happen ,humans will always be confined to bases or spacesuits if going for a walk.So whats the point,maybe we will someday have lots research bases up there, but think its highly unlikely we will ever terraform mars so a holiday on mars will just for the few.
That is what I like (and hate) about the human race, What on Earth (or beyond) makes you think 'we' are going to survive this virus onslaught? I heard this morning that the number or viri(i)/viruses is now counted in millions. How will we cope with possible mutations? And you talk about colonising Mars? Talk about eternal optimists!
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Mars Colonies will save Earth and finally make it beautiful everlasting

I am trying to get my head around this. Does it assume that over population will force us to seek other habitats? Does it assume that we will survive virus attacks, including mutations? It does seem to assume that mankind is somehow invincible.
In perspective, we are a pretty weak outcome of former catastrophe(s) with no realistic expectation or surviving "the next". Look at our existence in comparison with the dinosaurs.

Jackie Cox

Jun 4, 2020
Once Mars colonies have been established, we can save Earth and make it last forever.
Then we can implement policy to make it too expensive to live on Earth forcing the dregs of Earth to relocate to Mars...... once reducing Earths population down to a manageable level........ a level that can sustain our worlds Elite and Beautiful everlasting....... we can create a Utopia on Earth that will allow Earth Elite and Beautiful to indulge in its precious life giving that will last for 100's of Thousands of years and enjoy pleasure everlasting.... as return from Mars will not be a reality for them due to Mars low gravity that will debilitate the Mars occupants health to the point of NO RETURN....... plus...... the lower gravity of Mars will insure superior agility and strength to Earth occupants..... preventing an uprising on Mars on those wanting to return to Earth.... because even if they did manage to return to Earth they would not be able to withstand Earth gravity.

The occupants of Mars will need jobs as it will be a hard life to endure, they will need to create their own oxygen and other needed resources to just stay alive, offering trade to the occupants of Mars will give them the economy necessary to stay alive..... we can offer them the tasks of making and/or washing toga's and supporting new technology.

Could someone explain HOW we expect to colonize a planet without a gravitational field ? It will never have a suitable atmosphere. The post that Nuclear detonations in Mars Atmospheres will create an atmosphere has a couple queries I hope someone can explain these couple of issues relative to Mars

1) there isn’t an atmosphere to detonate a nuclear reaction

2) without a gravitational field galactic winds blow across the planet surface
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Apr 3, 2020
Could someone explain HOW we expect to colonize a planet without a gravitational field ? It will never have a suitable atmosphere. The post that Nuclear detonations in Mars Atmospheres will create an atmosphere has a couple queries I hope someone can explain these couple of issues relative to Mars

1) there isn’t an atmosphere to detonate a nuclear reaction

2) without a gravitational field galactic winds blow across the planet surface
Mars has an atmosphere, albeit thin, and a gravitational field. What point are you trying to make?
Nov 19, 2019
...... so what your saying is that we allow the poor people of Earth to consume and destroy its natural resources to a point that life on Earth is no longer sustainable and becomes worse than Mars life?.......... we dont need another planet.........we have a perfect one right NOW.

What we do need right now is a dumping ground planet to relocate all the dregs of Earth on to, we will supply them with the technology and equipment to sustain life underground on Mars..... if they fail to keep up with demand of acquiring/recycling food and oxygen.... then they will start losing people ......... and it will be their own faults.

Meanwhile the Elite back on Earth will be indulging in all the pleasures that life has to offer without end.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
"Im not talking about housing the dregs of Earth comfortably on Mars..... more like a low cost concentration camp on Mars...... you know to thin out Earths population for the purposes of making Earth a Utopia for its Elite.

Imagine Earth population with less than 100K of human Elite and the beautiful of our choosing."

Is this guy real?
And I was thinking Atlas Shrugged.

Leaving aside the crimes against humanity aspects (although there is no leaving those aside), I don't think an Earth population and economy of 100,000 can support the levels of technology the wealthy elites are accustomed to, like it will be some kind of Randian enclave of only the most worthy.

Same argument I have against Mars colonies, only the minimum level aimed for with Mars is much lower and the difficulties much greater... enough for survival and self sufficiency rather than luxury.
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Rct. Tsoul

First colonists are nearly always volunteers. Later when you have basic facilities you can sent the trouble makers off. If you start with the trouble makers, they just die. A bullet is cheaper and the end result is the same.

No, the early colonists will have to be well trained and quite capable. Not exactly the recipe you get from most welfare folks. So don't plan on copying the English and just shipping the unwashed masses off to some penal colony far far away. So no Georgia, no Botany Bay, no Johannasburg. Those can happen, but that all comes later, much later. Maybe never.

Besides, the cost is expected to be several hundred thousand apiece, and that's after you already have the base facilities built. Earlier it's many millions per colonist. Welfare is actually cheaper.

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