I did a search for this and didn't really find anything...<br /><br />I remember seeing Comet Hale-Bopp a few years back (I don't remember it too well, however. I was only 10 at the time and not too interested in astronomy then), and looking at pictures of it now it seems a shame I couldn't appreciate it more. Being born in 1987, I also just missed Comet Halley's last visit. <br /><br />What I'm wondering is if anyone knows when the next significant naked eye comet will be visible? A website with projected arrival dates of near-future naked eye comets would be great. I know it's difficult to predict how bright they will be and such (if I remember correctly, Hale Bopp was not predicted to be particularly bright at all, and another comet (Hyukate or something?) failed to meet expectations). But surely astronomers can forecast almost exactly when close or prominent comets will reach us. I read recently that we're possibly overdue a good naked eye comet.<br /><br />Thanks in advance to anyone who has anyone to contribute here.