Announcement NASA AMA: Charles White Knowledge Management Analyst

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Featured Guest
Oct 23, 2019
Dear Charles
In your opinion, as a space engineer, how challenging is it to use a multitude of large flat flexible solar sheets as a "leaflet" lander for planetary exploration? Each sheet does not need a parachute and today's technology can easily provide video and other parameters from the surface of the planet at extremely low cost. It has been proposed before. I imagine 20 sheets thrown on Europa using simple carrier, which will dispense these sheets into the upper atmosphere and will eventually land. All you need is one successful sheet. The logic dictates that floating sheets can land in a wide area providing almost a global picture showing differences in surface chemical composition, weather and so on.

Hi Mikebux,

What is this?? I do not know about these leaflet landers but it does sound interesting. We are trying to microsize our spacecraft communications into smaller packages so this would be something in the future maybe!? I'll have to keep my ear open on this topic.

Thank you.
-Charles White
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Featured Guest
Oct 23, 2019
would an ION engine work in any spacecrafts in space? I would like to see if a model of the USS Enterprise to see if this would work in space & what kind of speed can it produce to get it moving!

Hi Batmanbob,

YES! We are presently using Ion engines (thrusters) on spacecraft.

JPL Ion Thrusters:

NASA Ion Thruster Research:

Also... just an educational note... you used the word spacecrafts but an interesting fact is that word plural form is also just spacecraft, they are just spacecraft regardless of how many spacecraft you have. Fun huh.

-Charles White
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Featured Guest
Oct 23, 2019
Well salutations and genuflects as required!
What can we do to create a global effort to address space and space exploration? Doing this as nationalistic jingoism is ridiculous, and begs the issue of space being a human species opportunity! I'd really like a new org, let's call it the Earth Federation. Then roll NASA and other national organizations and people into this new organization with its own academy for future astronauts. While your at it roll the various Marines and specil forces in as well to be Earth Federation Marines. Whatcha think?

Hi Khaotician,

Can I be the benevolent ruler?? Sign me up.

-Charles White
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Featured Guest
Oct 23, 2019
Hi Mr. White,

My question is about the Mars InSight lander solar panels. By studying the photos of the two circular solar panels, we can observe that they are composed of 1600 cells each for a total of 3200 cells. My hypothesis is a parallel connection of 80 groups of 40 cells in series. Since each cell generates about 2.5 volts, the voltage generated by the panels would be about 100 volts. Can you give us the exact information?

Hi Riblais,

Hmmmm... I don't know. However, I'm going to have to 'phone a friend' on this one. Watch this space.

-Charles White
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Featured Guest
Oct 23, 2019
How does NASA, Boeing, and JPL justify building one-off space systems now that SpaceX has demonstrated the reusable capability? What's the point of SLS which is far less capable than SpaceX vehicles, horribly expensive, over budget, over schedule, and I must say much less technically advanced? SLS is trying to have a 6 man mission in what 10 years while SpaceX is doing 100 man missions in less than 1?

Hi Khaotician,

Simple question... nope! Simple answer... nope!

So first off there are some temporal assumptions in the structure of your question. Some of those things have not happened yet. Some capabilities don't exist yet. I'm not worried about [over schedule] because it has to be done right. I'm a Caltech trained PMI project manager and if you mess with schedule you mess with cost and scope.

Don't forget about Blue Origin and their 'New Glenn' rocket.
Don't forget about United Launch Alliance and their 'Vulcan-Centaur' rocket.
Those rockets in addition to SpaceX's 'Starship' and even a commercial version of the SLS are all under development and they all have various levels of capability.

My thoughts... BUILD ALL THE THINGS!

We are going to need a lot of rockets in the next 4 years as we return to the Moon to stay! We are not in competition as we are racing to develop capabilities, and as a result, NASA is changing how we do business in the future. We are going to 'buy services' instead of hardware to own. For example, we are buying a service to deliver cargo to the International Space Station. This is our new model going forward.

I watched a presentation from NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine talk about this new method but I'm sorry I can't find it right now. If I do I'll edit it into this answer. It's an exciting time!

-Charles White
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Featured Guest
Oct 23, 2019
Hi Mr. White,

As you may know, the NASA Administrator has reinstated Pluto as an official planet making it once again the 9th planet in our Solar System. Regardless whether this is just his personnel choice or an official NASA position, does JPL follow this direction or do they have their own official position?

Hi Mrhelton,

Well the big boss says so... so... uh... hmmm... he's wrong. (Let's see if my integrity saves my job hahaha).

Here is why... ever play a game called 'which one of these is not like the others'? I have and this is exactly what the debate is about.

Which one is not like the other?
* * . * *
O O . O O
. . . o
* . . . .

Well I hope the above game is simple.

Lets organize and put them into groups by size by like types.

* * * * = Rocky Planets
O O O O = Gas Planets
. . . . . = Dwarf Planets


Ceres was discovered in 1801 and was a planet. Then it was classified as an Asteroid. (BOO!) Then in 2006 Ceres became a dwarf planet and has four more dwarf planet friends that are all alike!!! Yay Ceres. Teach your kids proper classification and for an extra challenge, learn the names of all five (current) dwarf PLANETS!

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Featured Guest
Oct 23, 2019
Hello Charles,

We all know all living things use solar energy for survival. Can we use solar energy to convert other metal to other metal? For example -- small iron ball to small golden ball with use of solar energy.

Hi Jaydeep,

Well I think you are talking about how heavy metals are made in Suns and Stars. It's not light that does it but insane crushing pressures of gravity in those stars. The bigger the star, the more exotic metals come from it when it explodes. Our sun is not that good at making metals. The metal we have in our blood like Iron, Zinc, and Copper came from stars like red giants that exploded. So nope, sunlight will not convert metals. Cool huh?!!

Check out this video:


-Charles White
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Featured Guest
Oct 23, 2019
Would it cost too much to build a large modular style space craft and assemble it in orbit, then fueling it up there, this ship would never land on a planet or moon, it would just be a transport for smaller landing ships ?

Hi Ian,

Guess what... we are doing that!

We are going to build a spacecraft station that will be assembled in orbit (wait for it........) around the MOON! This station to be called 'Gateway' will serve as a logistics base and gas station for reusable moon landers in our new push to not just return to the moon, but return to stay.

It's all in the planning phases and here is one idea to build it by Lockheed Martin:


-Charles White
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Featured Guest
Oct 23, 2019
Hello Charles,

We know that human's mind and his body could be the most powerful source of any kind of energy. Why are we focusing on developing more robots and artificial intelligence,?

Hi Jaydeep (again)

[the most powerful source of any kind of energy] <--- that was for drama right? :) I hear you.

Well, there are cases where we need robots to do things that humans can't. Go into lethal environments is one of many places. Robots can also assist mobility-restricted humans. In fact, all of the JPL missions that explored the solar system are robots.

I can say for certain, that Mars is the only planet in the known universe inhabited 100% by robots!!!

Now let us talk about artificial intelligence because that is separate from robots as a topic.

Artificial intelligence allows systems to learn and make judgments that we take for granted as humans. In one case we are using AI systems to automate operations. Automation has allowed us to 'go dark' on a control room for the SMAP mission. I was a co-author of this lesson learned...

While automation is a stepping stone, other artificial intelligence routines are being developed for rovers to classify terrain automatically. There are many reasons we need robots and artificial intelligence, but I get your point, we are beautiful beings and should never be diminished!

-Charles White
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Featured Guest
Oct 23, 2019
Mr White: I designed an in-hull artificial gravity test system to function within the Bigelow Aerospace BA330 space habitat. It can be seen at:
Would you care to comment on the design?

Hi Stan!!!

Nice idea. [People take note... writing a paper is how you present ideas if you want me to read it.]

My comment is concerning the wobble of off-center gravity exerted by the rotating structure. What if someone had three cups of coffee more than the other. Or in the graphic, one is laying back and the other is sitting up. On an inflatable spacecraft, this could be pretty entertaining! Cool idea.

-Charles White
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Featured Guest
Oct 23, 2019
Hi Charles, If all of space is moving out from the big band ..where is the CENTER it is all coming from? What is there now?

Hi Sudsybaby,

Oh yeah this is going to hurt. Our brains have a hard time with these questions because we are used to our little planet with a bright blue sky and clouds drifting to and fro. However, space is a vastly different place.

The answer is... hold on... YOU. You are the center of the universe.

[[Disclaimer: My former girlfriend claims that she is the center of the universe, and technically, she is correct much to my chagrin.]]

We are all the center of the universe. Wherever you go, there you are.

Maybe this video will help:


-Charles White
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Featured Guest
Oct 23, 2019
Hi, I'm a sci/fi fan and having seen so many ideas from science fiction become reality ie the star trek communicator- mobile phone and first man on the moon - apollo
So how come our iss isn't a circle with artificial gravity brought about by controlled spin which surely would help with the reduction in bone and muscle density caused by weightlessness of being in space ?

Hi Allan,

I KNOW RIGHT??? I want it as soon as I saw 2001 when I was a kid.

The real answer is because of the size and resources to build it. The current ISS is made of modules that were flown up by Space Shuttles and some rockets. There are about 15 interconnected modules. We need more rockets that have heavier lift capabilities to make what we saw in 2001, and if you think about it, the one in 2001 was still under construction as well.

This video is pretty good:

-Charles White
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Featured Guest
Oct 23, 2019
When we meet a real live alien💫

Hi Dar,

You asking me? Oh yeah AMA.

I don't know. But, when we do, it will be the MOST significant discovery in the history of humankind. It is so big, that every nation on Earth will want to have credit for that discovery. However, while many people like the mathematical formula that "we can't be alone" the same math formula going the other way can show, "we maybe alone". The math works both ways.

As the Space Pope in my gamer persona, I gave a talk on that topic called Alone in New Eden during the EVE Online Toronto Fanfest. I'm a little embarrassed by that talk because I cried on stage when all the players were looking back at me because we are a close-knit community and to each other, we are not alone.

I'm going to be vulnerable and post that video here. But I ask... give it a thought. Consider the math over emotion. Reflect on how special each of us can be, especially if it is true. We need to be kinder to each other, and take better care of this unique place in the universe.

The answer to both mathematic formulas is presently... we don't know, but think about them eqaully is the intellectual thing to do. It's all I ask.

Charles White, Space Pope - Alone in New Eden (Warning: contains strong language):

-Charles White
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Featured Guest
Oct 23, 2019
what if the reason we can't detect strings is because we're in one?

Hi Awsdeferhunji,

So much to think about. Are we here, are we there. Can we be in two places at the same time? In temporal space, the top of my head is in different spaces than the bottom of my feet, yet I exist. My heart is strung along a timeline of spacetime to the metronome of a distant pulsar.

And now... ThatCelloGuy exists in four different timelines to make music of my soul...

And if that was not enough, then let us try six ThatCelloGuys (I love this)...

-Charles White

P.S. Ok enough for tonight, I'm going to bed. Or am I string cheese?
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Editor-in-Chief Editorial
Oct 24, 2019
Hi again! Thanks for bearing with me... I just had a week vacation hanging out with my EVE Online friends in Las Vegas for one of their World Tour events. It is an event where the game publisher CCP Hf. presents changes to the game and players (like me) also present. One of the players told me how EVE Online saved her life because our community is one of the best in the world... and... it turns out that the company took one of my video quotes to emphasize that point.

So... now, in my after work hours I'll be back to answering AMA questions. :)

Hello Everyone.

I’m looking forward to this AMA and I want to get to as many questions as possible over time.

Let it be known, that I’m not an official NASA, or JPL spokesperson, nor do I represent EVE Online (the spaceship game) at all.

However, I am a fan of both my employer and the game. So please note that I answer as a (proud) private citizen who enjoys his work.

Since I am going to take my time, I have some fellow employees, and some gamer friends that I can ask them questions and I’ll try to get an answer back. I’m not shy at saying “I don’t know” because as a space employee, that is one of the first things I learned. Never make up an answer if you don’t know it, because in some cases, nobody knows!

Thank you for the opportunity to share part of my excitement with what I do with all of you! :)

Hello Charles,

This is Tariq Malik at and I just wanted to thank you again for all of your time in answering our questions and helping us launch our new Forums this week.

If you're ever in NYC, please let us know as we'd love to have the Space Pope in's Mission Control.

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Oct 23, 2019
Hi EjmMissouri,

I don't know... but I'm going to ask my co-workers about this one. [So watch this space.]

-Charles White
It seems that has posted an article that largely answers my question.

it seems that the soil of Mars has a high alkalinity, which is good for growing delectable foods such as asparagus, beans, beets, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, garlic, kale, sweep peas, pumpkin, spinach, crookneck squash and tomatoes, but not potatoes. So apparently potatoes will not be on the martian menu.
Oct 27, 2019
Hi Stan!!!

Nice idea. [People take note... writing a paper is how you present ideas if you want me to read it.]

My comment is concerning the wobble of off-center gravity exerted by the rotating structure. What if someone had three cups of coffee more than the other. Or in the graphic, one is laying back and the other is sitting up. On an inflatable spacecraft, this could be pretty entertaining! Cool idea.

-Charles White
Oct 27, 2019
Hi Stan!!!

Nice idea. [People take note... writing a paper is how you present ideas if you want me to read it.]

My comment is concerning the wobble of off-center gravity exerted by the rotating structure. What if someone had three cups of coffee more than the other. Or in the graphic, one is laying back and the other is sitting up. On an inflatable spacecraft, this could be pretty entertaining! Cool idea.

-Charles White
Oct 27, 2019
Hello Mr White,

Sorry for the delay in replying. I'll be quicker next time.

Thank you for your comment on my Artificial Gravity System on October 23, 2019 concerning a possible “wobble of off-center gravity exerted by the rotating structure.” The solution to this problem are ballast tanks to equalize opposing pod mass, as mentioned in my

It could work like this: After the astronauts have strapped themselves into the seats of the centrifugal Artificial Gravity system, and assumed the position they will remain in for the duration of the spin, sitting upright, laying back, working the arm and or leg exercise units, the operator, stationed off the spinning AG system, would measure the weight of opposing riders. The operator would then activate pumps that either fill or delete water from low profile tanks below each rider, thereby equalizing balance between opposing riders to eliminate wobble.

Not mentioned in my paper is that there should be no problem with Coriolis effect in my AG system. The riders would be strapped in seats in a fixed position, no excessive body movement fore or aft, nor to either side, making the direction of the AG force on the rider’s head constant, thereby eliminating any Coriolis effect.

I would appreciate your views on these solutions.

Best regards,

Stan Mott
Oct 25, 2019
Hi Mrhelton,

Well the big boss says so... so... uh... hmmm... he's wrong. (Let's see if my integrity saves my job hahaha).

Here is why... ever play a game called 'which one of these is not like the others'? I have and this is exactly what the debate is about.

Which one is not like the other?
* * . * *
O O . O O
. . . o
* . . . .

Well I hope the above game is simple.

Lets organize and put them into groups by size by like types.

* * * * = Rocky Planets
O O O O = Gas Planets
. . . . . = Dwarf Planets


Ceres was discovered in 1801 and was a planet. Then it was classified as an Asteroid. (BOO!) Then in 2006 Ceres became a dwarf planet and has four more dwarf planet friends that are all alike!!! Yay Ceres. Teach your kids proper classification and for an extra challenge, learn the names of all five (current) dwarf PLANETS!

Hi Mr. White,

Thanks for your reply, but you still did not answer my question. Does JPL now consider Pluto a full fledged planet since the NASA administrator does consider it one?
May 2, 2020
Hi NASA fans!

This AMA is now closed, thank you so much all for participating and special thanks to @SpacePope for answering all the questions.

Fly safe!

Our special guest for launch week is none other than NASA’S own Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Charles White. He'll be answering questions in this thread over the next few weeks, so if you have questions ask away!


More about Charles White

Charles White is currently a Knowledge Management Analyst for the Office of the Chief Engineer.

Mr. White is a sitting member on both the JPL Engineering Board, as human factors in engineering specialist, and the JPL Lesson Learned Committee as an author and investigator to lesson learned documents and selected case studies.

His lessons learned are published on the NASA website and examples are the extended wearing of the Mars Curiosity Rover Wheels, and how nickel alloys can become magnetised endangering spacecraft missions, among others.

His career at JPL began in 1987 and he has worked on numerous space missions directly and indirectly through institutional support program offices. He has brought information technology changes to the institution. Charles has received numerous awards for his innovative initiatives.

Charles promotes JPL missions to school children and programs as he himself was inspired as a student to work at JPL by Carl Sagan. He eventually met Dr. Sagan at JPL and they sat together on the JPL mall for a 90-minute face to face chat.

In his off-work time, Charles is an active member of the Los Angeles League of Arts and he promotes joining science and art together through a private group known as the Desert Wizards of Mars. This group has brought several art pieces to Burning Man, including the Mars Rover Art Car, and the Black Rock Observatory.

Additionally, Charles has co-founded an in-game organisation known as the Sixth Empire, which promotes an anti-suicide program for gamers in EVE Online. The Sixth Empire has 500 members located worldwide.

He’ll be popping in to answer questions in this thread throughout the week so we'd be delighted if you'd be up for helping us get the conversation started by asking him any questions related either to his work at NASA , or his work with EVE Online.

Here’s some reading for you to get you started:

JPL is the leading U.S. center for robotic exploration of the solar system, and has 19 spacecraft and 10 major instruments carrying out planetary, Earth science and space-based astronomy missions.

Charles is better known in MMORPG, EVE Online circles as the head of the Ammarian roleplaying faction ‘Max Singularity, The Space Pope'.

Official EVE Online Press:
Ask away!
What a bummer you are no longer available I really would like to talk to you

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