New Firefly movie "Serenity" trailer!

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Another good episode <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>


Agreed. The 'Jaynestown' episode is right at the top of my list of favorites. Personally, I do find it funnier than 'Our Mrs. Reynolds,' though no one as interesting to watch as Saffron ever appears onscreen. Still not sure what the funniest episode might be. It might not be 'Jaynestown,' in spite of how amusing it was to see a confirmed mercenary mistaken for Robin Hood. What about you? Any ideas?<br /><br />Oh, and by the way, just minutes to go till...<br /><br />From SCIFI.COM | Firefly:<br /><br /><b>FRIDAY, SEPT. 16</b><br /><br /><font color="yellow">"Out of Gas"</font><br /><br /><i>An explosion leaves the dying Mal to recall how he first acquired his ship and assembled his crew.</i><br /><br />EVERY FRIDAY AT 7/6C<br /><br />The nice thing about this episode for anyone who may have missed the pilot is the additional backstory it provides. You already know how Mal met his right hand, Zoë. The pilot showed the two of them in the trenches in the War of Independence. That same pilot also showed Simon and River Tam, along with Shepherd Derrial Book, being taken aboard Serenity as passengers. What about Wash, their pilot? Or Inara, who is not only Serenity's best paying passenger, but also the ship's only passport to respectability? Or, gruff, but always entertaining - not to mention terminally afflicted with gold-fever - Jayne Cobb?<br /><br />The story left untold by the pilot gets told in this episode.<br /><br />And a new link: Moviefone: 'Serenity': Movie Exclusives.


Saw it last night in a special preview here in Auckland, New Zealand. "Serenity" is intelligent, funny and moving. I hope this fine film is a big hit for Joss Whedon and fans of quality Science Fiction films. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p>One Percent of Federal Funding For Space: America <strong><em><u>CAN</u></em></strong> Afford it!!  LEO is a <strong><em>Prison</em></strong> -- It's time for a <em><strong>JAILBREAK</strong></em>!!</p> </div>


<i>Well, here I am again, looking around the auditorium, noticing how quiet it is, wondering why that is...oh, wait, maybe it's because this is no auditorium and I'm alone on that island where Tom Hanks was stranded a few years ago. Or, worse, watching the movie, and everyone else was smart enough to get out of the room.</i><br /><br />Now, now, stop sobbing already Serak! <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> I haven't got much to add to this thread, but this upcoming film definitely has caught my interest. Thanks for an excellent thread! <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" /><br />


<p>MattBlack,<br /><br />You lucky dog! Still a week to go for most of us. I hope the movie is a big hit, too, but have you seen any of the advertising for it?<br /><br />The ads are finally out, appearing here and there on television. And I will admit I'm a little bit worried. They are nowhere near as well put together as the trailers. Prayer and crossed fingers are still recommended.<br /><br />This is the last Friday before the movie's release next Friday. That being the case...<br /><br />From SCIFI.COM | Firefly:<br /><br />FRIDAY, SEPT. 23<br /><br />"Ariel"<br /><br />The crew raids a hospital for medical supplies while Simon diagnoses River's worsening condition.<br /><br />EVERY FRIDAY AT 7/6C<br /><br />In my opinion, that is an awfully boring introduction to one of the best episodes of the series. As someone I know recently put it, 'Yeah, Ocean's Eleven in space!' If you liked that movie, then this is probably a good thing. If you didn't, then rest assured this episode is possibly the most exciting and riveting produced for the series. Because I'm not too thrilled with the single sentence used to describe it on the SciFi Channel, a little more:<br /><br />In this installment of the Firefly series, Dr. Simon Tam, fugitive from justice, hopes to enter a top-flight hospital and get access to the diagnostic equipment he needs in order to learn more about what the Alliance government did when it experimented on River's mind and brain. To secure the help of Serenity's crew, Simon has proposed a bold undercover operation which should leave the crew in possession of some of the hospital's drug supply, with which the place is well-stocked - stuff worth a fortune on the black market.<br /><br />There is more news, I'm sure, but that's all for now.<br /><br />(Rhodan, your sympathy for my condition is duly noted...and you're welcome!</p>


I think the long trailer is good, but much of the advertising doesn't do this film justice. It's my prediction that Nathan Fillion and Summer Glau will become stars on the strength of this movie. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p>One Percent of Federal Funding For Space: America <strong><em><u>CAN</u></em></strong> Afford it!!  LEO is a <strong><em>Prison</em></strong> -- It's time for a <em><strong>JAILBREAK</strong></em>!!</p> </div>


Well, actually, that's about all I've got at the moment. The pilot just ran on SciFi, followed by 'The Train Job.' At 10 pm tonight, there will be a behind-the-scenes special which should be interesting. 'Bushwacked,' a Reaver episode, has just begun playing. One of the few in the series to take place mostly in space.<br /><br />Matt,<br /><br />I agree with you about the trailer and the ads. The biggest weak-point in bringing Whedon's creation Firefly to a newer bigger audience can be summed up in one word: advertising. There just isn't that much of it.<br /><br />Though I've managed to recruit a few people in the real world to go see the movie, only <i>one</i> of them knew about the series Firefly. <i>None</i> of them knew about the movie. This should be worrying Universal and - one would hope - persuading them to get a bit more serious about promoting their venture. Otherwise, Universal runs the risk of repeating the mistake made by Fox: Make something excellent and special, which only a small number of people know about or end up seeing, watch it fail.<br /><br />I don't think the movie will actually fail, in the sense that it won't generate any profits. I'm sure it will make back enough money to pay for itself, not to mention some nice vacations and houses for some people working for Universal.<br /><br />For me and other fans like me, however, failure is pulling in less than $80 million worldwide and thereby failing to secure a sequel.<br /><br />The terrain doesn't look very promising and the troops (fans) are edgy and worried. What's up with the boys at Central Command? Are we going to move on the enemy (unconverted moviegoers) or not? H-hour is almost here and still no word on The Plan. All we have are rumors and fragmented reports.<br /><br />From RottenTomatoes, the movie is still receiving a Fresh rating, but not all the reviews are in, of course. And the 'featured critic' (a spot t


Talk about counting your chickens. Yes, I'm ready to start thinking about a sequel. The critics are onboard, they like the movie. If the <i>audience</i> likes it, then there will definitely be sequels. Joss Whedon, who wrote and directed the movie, and who created the series Firefly on which it is based, has promised as much.<br /><br />So will anyone show up at the theaters this weekend and the next to build the box-office revenues to where they need to be for Universal to gamble on a second movie? Don't know, but here's hoping!<br /><br />The New Science Fiction Movie Serenity debuts in Theaters by Dan Wilson (Best Syndication)<br /><br />September 30th 2005<br /><br /><i>Sci Fi buffs should be excited about this movie. It takes place in 26th century outer space. The movie reunites the defunct Fox network Firefly TV series cast in a wild-west atmosphere big screen Sci Fi drama. Fox cut the series after 11 episodes in 2002.<br /><br />The end of the series spurred a cult legion. The series loyalists call themselves browncoats after the small band of freedom fighters at the shows center. It is expected that these loyalists will pack the theaters....<br /><br />The film premiered at the Edinburgh International Film Festival and is receiving great reviews on the Google movie review site (4.3 out of 5). Science Fiction fans, including those that have been keen on Battlestar Galactica and Star Wars should love the movie....</i><br /><br />Go see it! I'm about to, and will be reporting back about how the finished product looks after I've seen it. More later. Looking forward to seeing you at the theater!<br />


Hope you have a good time Serak! <br /><br /> gives it a 'fresh' rating; 80% of reviews were positive: here's a link to their website where you can read about 20 reviews:<br /><br />I hope it gets a decent box office return in the States, otherwise it may not make it to the cinema here. <br /><br />edit: well duh! You already posted that link yourself. <img src="/images/icons/crazy.gif" />


<i>Serenity</i> currently rates 83% FRESH on the Tomatometer (66 of 80 reviews positive.) And Roger Ebert, probably America's best known film critic, gives it the "thumbs up."


STP--Just a random thought...<br /><br />Since both <i>Firefly</i> and <i>Serenity</i> both draw heavily from old West themes and influences, and since we've already touched on the Han Solo parallel, I was trying to think of a Western analogue for Mal Reynolds.<br /><br />How about Clint Eastwood's William Munny in <i>Unforgiven</i>? Both are damaged men, who have lost the only thing other than themselves and their friends that they deeply care about, and whose greatest wish is essentially to be left alone. Munny goes killing one last time not out of a sense of justice or altruism, but for money and revenge...But just because his motives are base doesn't make him wrong. Several times when I watched Mal on <i>Firefly</i>, I thought of William Munny with a shotgun to the head of Gene Hackman's corrupt, murderous sheriff Little Bill. He says, "I don't deserve this," to which Munny replies, "Deserve's got nothing to do with it." And kills him. Both Mal and Munny aren't heroes in the conventional, comic-book sense but realists hardened by life, who take no joy in some of the things they do but recognize that they must be done because the alternative is worse.<br /><br />Anyway, just throwing that out. Thoughts?


The movie ROCKED!!! It had action,comedy,resolution and it felt like the series not like soke cheap sell-out to make money.<br />I hope there is sequel, thought I've read of a possible trilogy. I hope he gets the show back on the air.<br />


RAM,<br /><br /><i>Serenity</i> briefly broke atmo and hit 90% on the Tomatometer a day or so ago. Didn't last, of course. Seems to be hovering around 80% - at the moment, pegged at 79%.<br /><br />About your William Munny notion, I think it's a good one. Though, as you say, Mal's somewhat more humanized by his sense of humor. After you see the movie, however, you may see a key difference between Munny and Mal: Mal's capacity for mercy.<br /><br />I still think you have it right with the Clint Eastwood comparison. But I've got a different character in mind. Finally wrote my 'review' - more of an overview, really - and put it on the other thread: Serenity: Han Solo Meets Dark Angel Meets Josey Wales.<br /><br />Josey Wales loses the Civil War, but doesn't stop fighting for what he believes or the people whom he decides matter to him. He's plenty tough, makes unlikely allies, but never sends up the white flag. My review doesn't go very much into the Josey-Mal parallels since I set out to make other broader points, but I definitely think they're there.<br /><br />Anyway, no cheap sell-out, as Omacar rightly declares. The movie has a few layers, among them its allegorical aspects with respect to what the show itself went through. You know, let the Alliance be Fox, out to once and for all ground a certain Firefly-class ship, let Mal be a tougher harder Joss Whedon who is nevertheless just as driven to keep what he built in (or would that be 'on'?) the air, let the various underworld deal-makers Mal does business with be the advertisers, etc. No, I didn't come up with this insight, but it does make sense, doesn't it? Then there are the parallels to more timely real-world events. Me, I like the movie's message about what really matters, no matter what world you find yourself in.<br /><br /><i>Serenity</i> garnered $4.2 million on Friday, so there is certainly caus


<i>Serenity</i> is #2 nationally at the box office, despite playing at over 1,000 fewer theaters than <i>Flightplan</i> (#1) or <i>Corpse Bride</i> (#3) and not starring Jodie Foster or being directed by Tim Burton.<br /><br />BTW, you're right, Josie Wales is a better analogue for Mal...It's been so long since I've seen that movie, I didn't think of it. I did see <i>Serenity</i> on Sunday, I was absolutely blown away, and I've been spreading the word any way I can. I'd post a detailed review here, but (this is absolutely true, cheesy as it sounds), I took a chunk out of the tip of my left index finger doing some home repairs on Saturday, so I'm typing as little as I can get away with. More later.


<i><b>Serenity</b> is #2 nationally at the box office, despite playing at over 1,000 fewer theaters than <b>Flightplan</b> (#1) or <b>Corpse Bride</b> (#3) and not starring Jodie Foster or being directed by Tim Burton.</i><br /><br />The buzz for the movie is beyond anything anyone has a right to expect. Especially when you consider the advertising for the movie is, um, virtually nonexistant?<br /><br />Fox advertised for <i>Star Wars</i>. Which opened at a very limited number of theaters. <i>Serenity</i>'s ads are appearing...where? Lucas had a fan-base he didn't even know about. <i>Serenity</i>, on the other hand, has a dedicated and extremely passionate fan-base ready to hand, and Universal knows all about it. Reach out beyond the fan-base, gorramit! (Uh, sorry, backsliding into total geekdom and slang from the series.)<br /><br />Nevertheless, the buzz around this movie is actually <i>more</i> impressive, considering the lack of ads. Like you say, it came in <i>second</i> at the box-office!<br /><br /><i>BTW, you're right, Josie Wales is a better analogue for Mal.</i><br /><br />Thanks. And I was not entirely happy with my original review, which ended up being more of a history of how the series became a movie. So I tried again here: 'Serenity'=Return of the Western Hero. Josey Wales is the movie where the Man with No Name finally acquired a name and chose a place to make his stand. Likewise, Mal is done with trying - and failing - to put his civil war defeat behind him. He aims to misbehave. : )<br /><br /><i>I did see <b>Serenity</b> on Sunday, I was absolutely blown away, and I've been spreading the word any way I can.</i><br /><br />Same here. I am recruiting for this movie in a fashion which causes me to wonder if I sold Amway in a former life. But at least I'm not alone in this insanity:<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Want a Serenity sequel? Proa</font>


Just back from the cinema.<br /><br />The film is absolutely cracking. I've been avoiding all the Firefly threads until I'd seen the movie.<br /><br />All I can say is WOW. The film has it all Action, Suspense, Humour, Love, Violent space battles and Evil aplenty.<br /><br />I'd heard there would be deaths, and I did guess one of them.<br /><br />Cinema was fairly full (First preview screening at 13:20, film opens properly tomorrow) Saw somefriends of mine in the bar afterwards. Told then they had to go see.<br /><br />Was surprised at the demographic in there. Lots of 50+ year old couples. The movie got 4 stars in respected (probably the second best in this country) movie magazine which is always good. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>


the thing I liked about the movie:<br /><br />A good and rational motivation for the "bad guys".<br /><br />They weren't out to kill everyone, take revenge upon all humanity, they wanted one thing: A better place. The problem: How they thought they could do it, they didn't have qualms with trying to change people, instead of changing the system. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p align="center"><font color="#c0c0c0"><br /></font></p><p align="center"><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">--------</font></em></font><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">--------</font></em></font><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">----</font></em></font><font color="#666699"> </font><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">-------------------</font></em></font></p><p><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">"This is my Timey Wimey Detector.  Goes "bing" when there's stuff.  It also fries eggs at 30 paces, wether you want it to or not actually.  I've learned to stay away from hens: It's not pretty when they blow" -- </font></em></font><font size="1" color="#999999">The Tenth Doctor, "Blink"</font></p> </div>


<i>The film is absolutely cracking. I've been avoiding all the Firefly threads until I'd seen the movie. <br /><br />All I can say is WOW. The film has it all Action, Suspense, Humour, Love, Violent space battles and Evil aplenty.</i><br /><br />Yes!<br /><br />Great movie. Science fiction fans should go out and see it, this weekend especially. If they do, there could be more movies with these characters.<br /><br />Also agree with Saiph's comment about how good and evil were presented in the movie. They are defined ideologically - it's possible to see why either side believes it is 'good.'<br /><br />There's not much else to say. I'd like to see more movies about the crew of <i>Serenity</i>, but that may not happen. However that may be, here's something for everyone to check out:<br /><br />Vividas Streaming - <i>Serenity</i> - 9 minutes


Early signs are its doing well at the box office, I havn't read a single bad review. Pretty much all have been good.<br /><br />I've told everyone to go see it, i know they won't be disapointed. Going to see Lord of War next week (I hate Nicolas Cage he just annoys me for some reason) but I might watch Serenity again afterwards. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>


<i>Vividas Streaming - Serenity - 9 minutes</i><br /><br />Very, very cool. <br /><br />I have to wait until the 17th of November before I can see the whole thing.


<i>Early signs are its doing well at the box office, I havn't read a single bad review. Pretty much all have been good. <br /><br />I've told everyone to go see it, i know they won't be disapointed...</i><br /><br />From Serenity opens #1 in the UK! (<br /><br /><b>#1 new opener!<br /><br />#1 movie of the weekend!<br /><br />#1 gross per screen!</b><br /><br />That means you and your countrymen, Flynn!<br /><br />[<i>Edit: A little more -<br /><br />Weekend Total: £958,816 <br />Screens: 355 <br />Screen average: £2,701<br /><br />According to UK sources, this means <b>Serenity</b> has knocked out its competition in the British Isles.</i>]


Great news.<br /><br />It got a good week for release, 2 fairly big films out next week but no real competition this week.<br /><br />Wallace and Grommit and Lord of War both out next week.<br /><br />Just picked up a copy of Hotdog havn't read it yet but the cover says.<br /><br />"Star What? - Serenity best sci - fi film of the year" <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>
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