I get roughly $53 for every person in the US, 16,000,000,000 / 300,000,000. For actual taxpayers, I'm guessing it's a bit higher, probably more like $100/payer. Yes, it is a good investment in our future, so is NIH, NOAA, etc.<br /><br />On the subject of thread, yes, this does feel like shovelling good money after bad. CEV and the various cancelled/deferred science projects could really use a few years of Shuttle budgets. Imagine the start CEV could have in fiscal '07 if it had $3-4billion added immediately. Yes, I know that budgetting doesn't follow that practice. If Dr. Griffin went to the President & Congress and was up front with them, as he has been in the past, he could make this happen. Getting CEV off the ground is important, whatever shape it takes. Getting Shuttle to stay on the ground may be the only path forward - it is doing again what it has done for 2 decades, swallow every bit of budget it can. The Shuttle is set for at least another $20G, over the next 5+shutdown years. I'm sure that NASA can convince Boeing or Lockmart, or even USA, to find a non-STS method of delivering ISS components with that money, if Congress would play ball.<br /><br />I'm skimming the '07 budget guide, and their goal #1 is to Strategic Goal 1: "Fly the Shuttle as safely as possible until its retirement, not later than 2010." Along with this is Goal #4: "Strategic Goal 4:"Bring a new Crew Exploration Vehicle into service as soon as possible after Shuttle retirement." <br /><br />In these headings, there is both maneuvering room, and trouble. CEV, instead of being a promise to buy seats commercially, plus develop NASA in-house capability, is instead a multibillion-dollar out-year expense. This is extremely dangerous for American spaceflight, we are one budget cycle away from an election, with no working manned spacecraft. CEV could easily be deferred in a few years to pay for more Shuttle overruns. It's below several sub-Goals in #3, sciences. All Dr. Griffin needs to do is sa <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div align="center"><em>We need a first generation of pioneers.</em><br /></div> </div>