I've noticed some of postings concerning the Orion project, particularly the starship variety. I thought the concept a little primitive sounding oddly enough but probably workable, however the reality is:<br /><br />I went to http://astronautix.com/lvs/oriative.htm and found one thing (Among a few others) that IMO would stop it dead in its tracks if proposed today.<br /><br />Direct from the site exerpt:<br />It therefore could reach Alpha Centauri in 130 years and would cost only one tenth of a GNP, or $ 150 per kilogramme of payload. <br /><br />My response:<br />Note the GNP cost...which is roughly twice the cost estimate for ISS. One thing was surely left out. The cost of 300,000 nukes. Heres one estimate for that cost.<br /><br />During the cold war years, both the United States and Russia stockpiled something like 30,000 nukes in what was referred to as an arms race. The cost of which must have been in the trillions of dollars over the four decade period of this arms race. Even if just $1 trillion dollars, the American public does not have the will for that kind of spending or timeline. Our democracy generally does not accomodate 130 year timelines for much of anything except when private industry tackles a long term problem.<br /><br />Using the arms race analogy, 30,000 nukes in roughly 40 years? I won't suggest it will take 400 years to produce 300,000 Orion nukes. I would suggest that to do it in the much shorter span of time say, 12 years, would require a Natinal effort on a scale dwarfing Apollo or the Manhattan Project.<br /><br />It gets worse, again an excerpt:<br />http://astronautix.com/lvs/oritsink.htm<br />15 billion kg of deuterium would be used in 30 million bombs.<br /><br />30,000,000 bombs? Lets get real here.<br /><br />The cost would be equal to the entire Gross National Product of the United States.<br />Is it possible to get <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><strong>My borrowed quote for the time being:</strong></p><p><em>There are three kinds of people in life. Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen...and those who do not know what happened.</em></p> </div>