What Martians are you referring to? I suppose the rovers that have been operating there for so long are now, technically, Martians. I am sure they will be glad for the company.Eleven million of our names are on the way to Mars right now. I wonder if anyone here is also on the way, and beginning to think of this differently, Like many different thoughts about the reception from the Martians.
Eleven million of our names are on the way to Mars right now. I wonder if anyone here is also on the way, and beginning to think of this differently, Like many different thoughts about the reception from the Martians.
Yep I'm with us 11mil people are really not that many in the scheme of things. One: the ships from outer space who come here to visit they usually don't land on the ground. Maybe the "surface" of Mars is like our atmosphere. What if we just can't see through the "surface" and are really trolling around their "sky". And are our names going to be taken well or not. I wonder if us 11mil people are being watched not by the intergallactic space agency. Hmmm. Yep I'm wondering about us and how it's perceived. With Love"Eleven million of our names are on the way to Mars right now. I wonder if anyone here is also on the way, and beginning to think of this differently, Like many different thoughts about the reception from the Martians."
It must be such a great honour, and such an Earth-shattering thrill to be one of only 11,000,000 people whose names are inscribed incredibly tiny - I do hope the Martians have really good eyesight and understand what really important names those people belong to!
I am really sorry that I don't care a flying 'whatever' about such things and I won't be one of the 'few' names of Earthlings that will forever go down in Martian history as those who made first contact (Oh I forgot mechanicals). That is assuming Martians read English and don't think its gibberish or random noise.
That's funny, a new guy and he's brought us gifts!What Martians are you referring to? I suppose the rovers that have been operating there for so long are now, technically, Martians. I am sure they will be glad for the company.
I assume that it is to early to talk about Mars colonisation. No human has ever stepped on Mars` surface and I don`t think we will do that in the nearest future. I guess that some day we will travel to Mars because technology doesn`t stay on its` place and some day we visit this planet but I asure you that it won`t happen in the nearest future. From the scientific point of view we cannot even figure out how to take enough petrol to get to Mars and you are talking about colonisation, that`s hilarious to hear)Eleven million of our names are on the way to Mars right now. I wonder if anyone here is also on the way, and beginning to think of this differently, Like many different thoughts about the reception from the Martians.
Several to choose from:Where's the full story about 'names on Mars'. I could do with a laugh!
Such as?What if our names won't be sent to Mars and there was another reason for collecting them...