Pentagon UFO office developing 'Gremlin' sensors to help identify anomalies in orbit

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This report indicates the Pentagon does not confirm ET phoning home here flying around Earth :)

"Has the United States confirmed sightings of alien craft, or worked to reverse-engineer extraterrestrial technology? A more than 60-page Pentagon report released Friday says no, pouring cold water on popular conspiracy theories about government cover-ups of contact with aliens."...
The Defense Department's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) "found no evidence" that any government investigation, academic research or official review "has confirmed that any sighting of a UAP represented extraterrestrial technology." Instead, "all investigative efforts, at all levels of classification, concluded that most sightings were ordinary objects and phenomena and the result of misidentification," said the report."

Mar 31, 2020
It has been awhile since we have heard from the AARO the office of misdirection, lies and cover up. Military reports regarding UAP disclosure truly are laughable. The meeting in congress by UFO whistleblowers back in July, finally revealed what everyone already knew -the truth. Credible witnesses from the military have been giving testimony for decades. Spacecraft are being observed maneuvering in such a way that defy the laws of physics.

Bipartisan members of congress continue with their important mission, to have disclosure not only available to members of congress, but to those of us in the public as well. Mid- level bureaucrats block them at every turn. Still they continue to fight for the truth against an agenda based on a foundation of lies.

We are not alone. Intelligent lifeforms are observing us. They do not wish contact. They do not wish to be discovered. We are not the center of the universe.


Apr 3, 2020
I don't think any rational member here thinks we are the center of the universe, so to speak.

I for one, believe intelligent live exists elsewhere in the vastness of the Universe.

That does not mean they have paid us a visit. There is zero hard evidence otherwise. Zero.

Having spent nearly 4 decades in service to the US, with significant time in "the building" as part of many highly sensitive programs, I would have been exposed to such info. It simply isn't there. Nope, no matter how bad some want it.

Zero. Zilch. Nada.

Eyewitness testimony can simply be wrong and definitely inaccurate. Seeing may be believing...but not necessarily reality.

Someday, we may have solid evidence. To date, it hasn't happened.

Don't let political "interest" make you think something is true (in the actual sense). Catering to constituents is not for anything other than votes.
Mar 31, 2020
This is the type of logic that the DOD and AARO use. Seeing is not believing and has no part of reality. Eyewitness testimony by credible people is both wrong and also inaccurate. Believe us say AARO, because hey we would (we mean would we) lie to you? We would (we mean would we) misdirect you? We would (damn it, we mean would we) cover up anything?

Seriously though bipartisan members of congress are working hard to get the truth revealed to the public. You can trust they will prevail in the end, since this is a bipartisan issue. Do not allow anyone to use doublespeak to tell you what is reality.


Apr 3, 2020
This is the type of logic that the DOD and AARO use. Seeing is not believing and has no part of reality. Eyewitness testimony by credible people is both wrong and also inaccurate. Believe us say AARO, because hey we would (we mean would we) lie to you? We would (we mean would we) misdirect you? We would (damn it, we mean would we) cover up anything?

Seriously though bipartisan members of congress are working hard to get the truth revealed to the public. You can trust they will prevail in the end, since this is a bipartisan issue. Do not allow anyone to use doublespeak to tell you what is reality.
Good luck with this. Seriously.

Don't assume the worst of people. No double speak was offered or intended.

Don't buy into everything people say, especially politicians. If there was something to disclose/share, it would be. What makes you think for a minute something like this could be kept from the public?

Dave, it seems you will only accept one answer. I ask you to consider there may not be one to satisfy you.
If there really were extraterrestrials here that didn't want to be discovered, I think they would have abducted Dave by now to shut him up.

So, my personal test is that if Dave is still posting here, there aren't any extraterrestrials around to notice.
Mar 31, 2020
There is of course the truth. The truth is we are not alone. We are one seed planted in a universe. We are one example of intelligent life. Very credible witnesses many of them military, have seen on a vast number of occasions spacecraft which defy the laws of physics. We have our own spacecraft (the ISS) in orbit. It has been there for decades. It will not be the last spacecraft we build. We will go to other planets in the future. It is in our DNA to explore.

Intelligent lifeforms observing our world have a better science than us. We have no choice in this matter. The DOD and the AARO do have a choice. They can choose to lie to us, or they can choose the truth.
Jan 2, 2024
If there really were extraterrestrials here that didn't want to be discovered, I think they would have abducted Dave by now to shut him up.

So, my personal test is that if Dave is still posting here, there aren't any extraterrestrials around to notice.
There's still time:oops:

And, how do you know Dave is Dave:disrelieved:
Jan 2, 2024
You can have pinhole cameras. You can project images onto a screen. You can produce a 3D hologram. Can we project a 3D hologram at a distance - under the hologram's control? Yeah, it just gets silly.

Best if we are alone - collective ego - preserve life - very special - must be god - we are the reason - we justify existence -we are great - we are happy - let's discover stuff - the future is us - the universe is ours

But what if not - they are superior - we are slaves - we are subjects - we are told -we are fearful - we cannot justify our existence - we take our place in the pecking order - we better hide - they will take our stuff - where's the sand? We may get extinct - I can't cope - help - go away
I think a lot of the doubt about anomalies we detect are due to operation error. Operation of cell phone cameras. Operations of radar, or switching ranges or resolutions, of sensors. That can make instant accelerations and angles. And then we have the networking and processing artifacts.

And of course now we have A.I. I’m sure we’ll have some good hoaxes. Of many fads and phases.

For me, I want to see their innards.
Mar 31, 2020
Another congressional meeting organized by bipartisan members of congress. Go to
'You tube' UFO hearing live AP (Associated Press) dated November 13th. The hearing was over 2 hours in length. As happened last year on July the 26th, highly credible witnesses with strong military credentials testified before congress .
Some of the topics covered
1. The Pentagon and DOD have literally thousands of high res photos and videos of UAP's they keep hidden from the public.
2. The evidence includes UAP's underwater.
3. This is now the second congressional meeting before congress. Bipartisan members will stop at nothing to get the truth revealed to the public. Look forward to more meetings.
Mar 31, 2020
NASA needs to be first in line and that includes in fully supporting the bipartisan members of congress fighting for disclosure from both the Pentagon and the DOD - surrounding UAP's . There is scientific data NASA can access to verify sightings. The data can also be verified with AI. This is the scientific breakthrough we all have been waiting for. The only question remaining is, is this part of NASA's agenda?
Jan 2, 2024
NASA needs to be first in line and that includes in fully supporting the bipartisan members of congress fighting for disclosure from both the Pentagon and the DOD - surrounding UAP's . There is scientific data NASA can access to verify sightings. The data can also be verified with AI. This is the scientific breakthrough we all have been waiting for. The only question remaining is, is this part of NASA's agenda?
People should enjoy the fiction but avoid disclosing UAP reality. We are not ready for any Alien recognition. In association with AI we should attempt to deal with our problems before Gaia applies the solution at its disposal (Population drastic reduction by war, lol, well you never know!)

Denial is the right course of action to protect our future. We are immature. A partnership (use of if you prefer) with AI may get us up to speed sooner than we think.
Mar 31, 2020
We will continue to explore in space. We will continue to build more rockets and more ships. It is inevitable that the human race will leave its impression on the galaxy. It is the ultimate goal. Trust in humanity. We have the ability to mature and to find wisdom.
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This is not meant to be political, but let’s look at this. Our security and military services are the most paranoid people in the world. Much more than UFO enthusiasts. These are trained and practiced paranoids. They are competent paranoids. AS THEY SHOULD BE. We need them. They live true paranoia.

And if they thought we were in danger, there would be huge monies and huge manpowers on it.

Then again, Trump might come to the inauguration in a new space force flying saucer. With an alien cabinet nominee.
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