Pentagon UFO office unveils official website for US government personnel to report sightings

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I did enjoy some Saturn observing tonight. No UAP/UFOs to report or ET phoning home buzzing around in my area :)

Observed 2000-2200 EDT. Full Moon 30-August-2023. August 2023 issue of Sky & Telescope shows Full Moon 31-August-2023 0136 UT/2136 EDT 30-August-2023 so waning gibbous tonight in Aquarius. Moon rise near 2021 EDT. As the Moon rose higher, the fields lit up with moonlight. The Moon hit me in the eye like a big pizza pie, its amore 😊 The Moon and Saturn separated by a bit more than 19.5 degrees according to Stellarium 23.2. I enjoyed views of Saturn ranging 31x to 111x views using TeleVue eyepieces with my 90-mm refractor telescope. The moons Titan and Rhea were distinct in the north up and mirror reverse view. Skies clear, temperature 17C, winds 360/7 knots, h=62%. It was a relaxing evening out and I could see three or four satellites in the early period pass by, most were polar orbiting near 2nd magnitude. Saturn rose above a tree line near 2100 EDT, an easy target to view. Saturn provided more detail at 71x and 111x using TeleVue 14-mm Delos and TeleVue 9-mm Nagler. Hint of Cassini division along with some cloud banding. The rings are closing. Before viewing Saturn, I enjoyed some low power views of Arcturus at 31x and unaided eye views of the summer triangle (Deneb, Vega, and Altair regions).
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Mar 31, 2020
There are a lot of people out there buying into this doublespeak by the Pentagon.
Three credible whistleblowers at a congressional hearing give testimony of non human spacecraft being seen that defy the laws of physics. Misdirection and coverups revealed with members of congress vowing to get the bottom of things.

A wing obviously exists in the military with a definitive agenda. A crash UAP retrieval and reverse engineering program is obviously going on. The AARO needs to come forth and admit the truth. It is time to acknowledge what everyone already knows.

Occam's razor has shifted. Intelligent lifeforms are observing us. We are not alone. The very concept is is not only a justified belief, but a truth as well. The evidence keeps mounting everyday. Thousands of credible witnesses can't be wrong. We are not the center of the universe.
You may not like it, but humankind is on the cusp of a new way of thinking. A new interpretation of the understanding of our existence. it is time to wake up!
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Sep 1, 2023
There are a lot of people out there buying into this doublespeak by the Pentagon.
Three credible whistleblowers at a congressional hearing give testimony of non human spacecraft being seen that defy the laws of physics. Misdirection and coverups revealed with members of congress vowing to get the bottom of things.

A wing obviously exists in the military with a definitive agenda. A crash UAP retrieval and reverse engineering program is obviously going on. The AARO needs to come forth and admit the truth. It is time to acknowledge what everyone already knows.

Occam's razor has shifted. Intelligent lifeforms are observing us. We are not alone. The very concept is is not only a justified belief, but a truth as well. The evidence keeps mounting everyday. Thousands of credible witnesses can't be wrong. We are not the center of the universe.
You may not like it, but humankind is on the cusp of a new way of thinking. A new interpretation of the understanding of our existence. it is time to wake up!
Dave you said it!!!
I watch a lot of strange or unexplainable videos on YouTube and while yes not all of them are credible or even close to being real there are a lot of them that I do believe to be real footage of UFO'S or UAP'S. Often the events are captured from multiple angles by complete strangers or recorded during a live stream making editing of the footage impossible. Every day all over the planet people are seeing, and now thanks to smartphones recording these phenomenon making it in my opinion almost impossible to deny the existence of aircraft (and water craft) that are capable of performing maneuvers far beyond anything that we the public are aware of.
With all the evidence available I just don't see how people can still remain stuck in the mindset that alien life is science fiction and anyone who believes in it is some tinfoil hat wearing kook eating up whatever conspiracy comes his way.
There's much more evidence other than YouTube videos that has convinced me the government is covering up their knowledge of UAP's and many of it is declassified documents that confirm whistle blowers stories that were written off long ago due to propaganda sold to us by the media; therefore creating a stigma that discourages people from coming forward with information. There have been though, some deathbed confessions by those privy to crafts captured throughout the years (starting once we reached the atomic age).
I know that what I'm saying sounds crazy and I believe that that's exactly how it's supposed to sound. Think about how our viewpoints and opinions are formed: Movies and TV have a large influence on our culture and our beliefs in what's plausible and what's asinine. In adulthood we become capable of critical thinking but only within the boundaries we've learned throughout our upbringing in a school system designed to snuff creativity and reward memorization or repatation, preparing us for a lifetime of subordination and compliance. When I was in my 20's I'd accepted the belief instilled within me that alien life was a fantasy story, played out in movies and video games but gawked and laughed upon whenever brought up by someone crazy (or brave actually) enough to do so.
There was a time in my childhood where I questioned how the universe could be so large but so empty but those thoughts were quickly averted by my Grandmother because the Bible says that man is God's greatest creation and nothing about life anywhere else and that's final.
ANYWAYS what I'm trying to get at is that we're conditioned to have a very judgemental viewpoint on anyone who talks about aliens or ufo's and I believe THAT'S the biggest problem when it comes to accepting the POSSIBILITY that aliens might exist and could be visiting our planet.
If nonbelievers could drop all their preconceived notions conceived via years of social conditioning and approach the evidence objectively and without bias they too might come to the same conclusion.
It's an interesting enigma that whenever footage is clear and vivid it's photoshopped but if it's shakey or out of focus it's a staged event hiding within the blurred lines.
My hope is that one day it will all come out and mankind can benefit from the suppressed technology capable of changing our infrastructure and creating endless possibilities concerning our understanding and exploration of the cosmos.
Obviously I could go on and on but I'll cut it off here. Thanks for reading this far..... assuming that is that you did lol. Stay curious my friend.
Sep 1, 2023
I did enjoy some Saturn observing tonight. No UAP/UFOs to report or ET phoning home buzzing around in my area :)

Observed 2000-2200 EDT. Full Moon 30-August-2023. August 2023 issue of Sky & Telescope shows Full Moon 31-August-2023 0136 UT/2136 EDT 30-August-2023 so waning gibbous tonight in Aquarius. Moon rise near 2021 EDT. As the Moon rose higher, the fields lit up with moonlight. The Moon hit me in the eye like a big pizza pie, its amore 😊 The Moon and Saturn separated by a bit more than 19.5 degrees according to Stellarium 23.2. I enjoyed views of Saturn ranging 31x to 111x views using TeleVue eyepieces with my 90-mm refractor telescope. The moons Titan and Rhea were distinct in the north up and mirror reverse view. Skies clear, temperature 17C, winds 360/7 knots, h=62%. It was a relaxing evening out and I could see three or four satellites in the early period pass by, most were polar orbiting near 2nd magnitude. Saturn rose above a tree line near 2100 EDT, an easy target to view. Saturn provided more detail at 71x and 111x using TeleVue 14-mm Delos and TeleVue 9-mm Nagler. Hint of Cassini division along with some cloud banding. The rings are closing. Before viewing Saturn, I enjoyed some low power views of Arcturus at 31x and unaided eye views of the summer triangle (Deneb, Vega, and Altair regions).
Neat. Sounds really interesting and I've often pondered getting a high scale telescope but am not very knowledgeable about the hobby and don't have the slightest idea of where to begin. I don't want to spend too much money but at the same time want a reasonably powerful model with programmable coordinates and memory capabilities. I can't go too big due to limited storage space but am under the belief that bigger is better? Anyways if you can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it, but if not then that's fine too. You just sounded very knowledgeable on the matter so I figured I'd give it a shot.
Look forward to a response but also accept the idea that you may not want to commit your time helping someone you don't even know. Either way best of luck in your endeavors exploring the cosmos via your 🔭
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Neat. Sounds really interesting and I've often pondered getting a high scale telescope but am not very knowledgeable about the hobby and don't have the slightest idea of where to begin. I don't want to spend too much money but at the same time want a reasonably powerful model with programmable coordinates and memory capabilities. I can't go too big due to limited storage space but am under the belief that bigger is better? Anyways if you can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it, but if not then that's fine too. You just sounded very knowledgeable on the matter so I figured I'd give it a shot.
Look forward to a response but also accept the idea that you may not want to commit your time helping someone you don't even know. Either way best of luck in your endeavors exploring the cosmos via your 🔭
Okay, I do not use any sophisticated telescopes with smart technology or computer systems or dial in a coordiante and see if you can see the object :) My 90-mm refractor telescope I purchased in 1991 and use TeleVue eyepieces chiefly, along with some Orion and Celestron models. 1.25-inch focuser. The refractor is mounted on a Vixen PortaII altazimuth mount using dovetail plate and tube rings, just like a rifle scope is mounted (base and rings). The targeting device is a simple, Telrad. A good star chart and easy alignment of the Telrad target view, I am in stargazing fun mode :) In 2018 I purchased an Orion XT10i Newtonian. It has a programmable pad, but I still use a Telrad on it, so easy to adjust and find objects in the night sky quickly without aligning on bright stars about 60-degrees apart. The focuser takes 2-inch and 1.25-inch eyepieces. I use Starry Night application and Stellarium as well as monthly Sky & Telescope charts. If you do not have binoculars, that could be an easy start. I use 10x50 pair. Newtonian telescopes require parodic adjustments, collimation to keep the views in sharp focus. I adjust and clean my primary mirror (and secondary mirror if needed) once per year along with collimation. The refractor telescope min maintenance, occasional eyepiece cleaning and objective lens. I have a stargazing database too I developed using MS ACCESS DB.

When it comes to the Pentagon website, it would be interesting to show all the amateur telescope observer locations and many hours of stargazing (my MS ACCESS DB shows the number of hours for my observing sessions) where no UAP/UFOs are reported being seen and compare to where others claim to see these objects along with the number of hours, they claim to have seen them. In more than 30 years of active stargazing as well as solar observing (I use a solar filter), nothing to report here. I do see weather balloons up very high passing by in the jet stream and also brightly colored party balloons floating by but no ET buzzing me :)
Mar 31, 2020
A UFO or UAP sighting is an extremely rare experience. An astronomer in his or her lifetime may not see one. And yet, the President of the United States may see one. Experienced navy pilot David Fravor saw one. A very credible witness. The Pentagon in the same breath will say there is no credible evidence. Navy pilot Ryan Graves saw one. A very credible witness. The Pentagon in the same breath will say there is no credible evidence. In both instances the UAP's in question were observed performing maneuvers that defy the laws of physics. These pilots did not see the planet Venus. They saw spacecraft. The AARO will tell you that there is no evidence of any object that defies the laws of physics.
Even my 3 year old grandson can tell you that the AARO and the Pentagon are lying. Ryan Graves and David Fravor are telling the truth. Fravor and Graves know what they saw, non human intelligent lifeforms observing the earth.
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The main problem is humans are prone to misinterpretation. We can take a credible observer at his or her word that they saw something, but we cannot use that to prove an ET origin. Here is an example where an airline pilot mistook Venus for a UFO that was rushing towards him, put it into a dive, injured some passengers. In science, something must be repeatable by an independent party. No amount of "one time" eyewitness accounts or images can meet that requirement. If you had a piece of a UFO that several different labs could analyze, that would meet the standard. Anecdotal accounts and images cannot prove the case and are only sufficient for helping to justify further research.
Mar 31, 2020
Why are they hiding a crash UAP retrieval and reverse engineering program? No one can answer that question, only the AARO and the Pentagon can answer this question. We can only hope that the NASA committee is not sleeping in the same bed with either one of these entities. NASA may be our only chance for revealing the truth.
It is obvious Intelligent lifeforms observing us do not wish to contact us or want to be discovered. Our science is primitive in comparison. Fravor and Graves are not the only credible witnesses. Thousands before them were either dismissed or silenced. We can only hope many more whistleblowers will come forth soon. In the meantime members of congress will conduct their investigation.
Mar 31, 2020
Why are thousands of credible witnesses not being heard? Why is all the evidence not important or admissible? There is a good reason . The judge does not want the jury to hear it.

Like it or not we are on the verge of a new understanding of reality one that will define our place in the universe. You may not like your new place in it, but it does not change reality.
The thing that disturbs me about this whole conversation is that the folks who fervently believe in the existence of extraterrestrials visiting Earth are undermining the very thing that they claim to seek - an open investigation into the unexplained observations - by claiming that it is bogus because it has not already validated their beliefs. Believing only other believers and disbelieving all non-believers is not scientific method.
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