Question Planets and Stars

May 7, 2020
I have a series of questions because it makes absolutely no sense to me about what we know about planets, stars and everything there after.

We say t't hat this is exactly what happened and this is exactly the way the planets were formed. I do agree with some of it. However, if space is so cold, and it takes an enormous amount of heat to melt rock, dust and the components, how did the process begin in the first place?

A major question, we say that how are planet and other planets look like on the inside but we have never been any deeper than 7-8 miles with a drill bit. How do we know what is going on under our rocky crust? For that matter, what makes up a planet?

Stars, again, what starts the heat if space is cold? Are we just putting an unimaginable number on them because we really don't have a clue? I mean, a supernova can come out of no where. Also, how do we know what makes up a stars core? We can't even get close to them much less know whats inside of them.

I feel that we have idea's as to what and how things are, but are we absolutely sure that's the way it is?

If we are so smart to know all of this, then how come we can't spend more than a couple of hours in space walking? Why is there not a colony on the moon? How come we don't have space travel? My best guess is that all these experts are doing nothing but guessing and agreeing on guessing so they look smart and can be famous. We cannot even predict what our own world is doing but we know exactly what a star is made up of and how it works and we know the exact make up of a planet.


Apr 1, 2020
The fact is, we don't "know". Yes, we have extremely educated guesses. We have models that seem to 1) obey the laws of physics (as we know them), and 2) do result in star/planet formation. Our testing and experimentation "SEEM" to agree with our observations. However, there are also observations that do not agree with the models we've been able to come up with as yet.

As for space walks, moon colonies, space travel, etc... Simple answer: $$$$$

-Wolf sends
May 8, 2020
I have a series of questions because it makes absolutely no sense to me about what we know about planets, stars and everything there after.

We say t't hat this is exactly what happened and this is exactly the way the planets were formed. I do agree with some of it. However, if space is so cold, and it takes an enormous amount of heat to melt rock, dust and the components, how did the process begin in the first place?

A major question, we say that how are planet and other planets look like on the inside but we have never been any deeper than 7-8 miles with a drill bit. How do we know what is going on under our rocky crust? For that matter, what makes up a planet?

Stars, again, what starts the heat if space is cold? Are we just putting an unimaginable number on them because we really don't have a clue? I mean, a supernova can come out of no where. Also, how do we know what makes up a stars core? We can't even get close to them much less know whats inside of them.

I feel that we have idea's as to what and how things are, but are we absolutely sure that's the way it is?

If we are so smart to know all of this, then how come we can't spend more than a couple of hours in space walking? Why is there not a colony on the moon? How come we don't have space travel? My best guess is that all these experts are doing nothing but guessing and agreeing on guessing so they look smart and can be famous. We cannot even predict what our own world is doing but we know exactly what a star is made up of and how it works and we know the exact make up of a planet.

This is all good stuff: Questions, the first principle in science is observation many scientists could learn something from you . It is hard to understand such complex situations. and later in your life when knowledge fills you brain you will have better understanding. The first thing is that most agree that there is a relationship between our universe and an outside area. It is this interaction in our universe which creates the dynamics through our universe. The matter energy the shapes of many things. There are energies outside our universe that interact with our world right now , the matter energy in atomic just about everything and anything. science is terrible in saying "I don't know" and the truth is one day you to will have to say . but the defence will be how you say it. if I wrote outside our universe is three main suns they are so big is beyond comprehension . there is white sun a blue sun and a orange sun. On planet earth atomics are a crystal and the spectral prism energy form the blue star interacts with the crystal and it resonates so fast it spins in every direction in fact so fast that neutrons are really no more then this spectral displacement form energy outside our universe and the protons are the crystalline end pieces. so matter and energy is being controlled outside our universe. in many of the cases .
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May 7, 2020
This is all good stuff: Questions, the first principle in science is observation many scientists could learn something from you . It is hard to understand such complex situations. and later in your life when knowledge fills you brain you will have better understanding. The first thing is that most agree that there is a relationship between our universe and an outside area. It is this interaction in our universe which creates the dynamics through our universe. The matter energy the shapes of many things. There are energies outside our universe that interact with our world right now , the matter energy in atomic just about everything and anything. science is terrible in saying "I don't know" and the truth is one day you to will have to say . but the defence will be how you say it. if I wrote outside our universe is three main suns they are so big is beyond comprehension . there is white sun a blue sun and a orange sun. On planet earth atomics are a crystal and the spectral prism energy form the blue star interacts with the crystal and it resonates so fast it spins in every direction in fact so fast that neutrons are really no more then this spectral displacement form energy outside our universe and the protons are the crystalline end pieces. so matter and energy is being controlled outside our universe. in many of the cases .

I do love space and everything that it represents for us. It is truly a place that is not for the weak. I know that I will never see space. I am not a scientist or an engineer. I am a Navy Veteran who is 100% disabled from things that I have suffered. I do however love to read to expand my knowledge. As I have set my sights on looking at the stars and planets, I find more questions that I cannot find answers too. I also must admit, I have lost my trust in scientists today because of the "I know all because I am a scientist and spent 18-25 years in school to just make a guess at things".

Now with that said, I do look to books for my answers and of course, they are written by or others like them. I mean can someone tell me why the closest planet to our sun is the second hottest? I am reading this from National Geographic Space Atlas. So I continue with all the same questions because I cannot see actions or models that some have seen. However, a computer only puts out the variables that are programmed into it. We all know that physics do not, I say again, do not play by rules that man thinks he knows.

Too many times, we have to change what we have said because we have to change due to that exact problem, physics consistently changes it play. I am very fascinated by space and everything about it. I look thru a telescope and wonder why? As a veteran on a limited budget, I can look with limited ability. I wish that I had money to get a better one, but when you have to spend $8000.00 to due that, well lets say I can say that is the same reason we cannot due more in space.

Now, if we can take the all important dollar or what ever countries use and greed, we could do more in space. Lets just say that if I had the money like Mr. Gates, I would be able to actually see Andromeda in detail. But I do with what I have and try to due the best I can with it. I love the interaction and the incoming wealth of knowledge. As I have always said, KNOWLEDGE MUST BE FREE!!!
Oct 23, 2019
However, if space is so cold, and it takes an enormous amount of heat to melt rock, dust and the components, how did the process begin in the first place?

That is an easy one to answer. There is a lot of energy released due to gravitational potential as a gas cloud collapses on itself. When an interstellar gas cloud begins to collapse and the gas particles move closer to the center of gravity energy is released in the form of heat. It works on earth as well as in space. if you had a sensitive enough thermometer you would discover that the water at the bottom of a waterfall is slightly warmer that the water at the top. It is the same principle on which hydroelectric dams work, in which the potential energy is converted into electricity.

From Wikipedia --
Gravitational potential energy
Main articles: Gravitational potential, Gravitational energy, and Gravity field
Gravitational energy is the potential energy associated with gravitational force, as work is required to elevate objects against Earth's gravity. The potential energy due to elevated positions is called gravitational potential energy, and is evidenced by water in an elevated reservoir or kept behind a dam. If an object falls from one point to another point inside a gravitational field, the force of gravity will do positive work on the object, and the gravitational potential energy will decrease by the same amount.

Consider a book placed on top of a table. As the book is raised from the floor to the table, some external force works against the gravitational force. If the book falls back to the floor, the "falling" energy the book receives is provided by the gravitational force. Thus, if the book falls off the table, this potential energy goes to accelerate the mass of the book and is converted into kinetic energy. When the book hits the floor this kinetic energy is converted into heat, deformation, and sound by the impact.
May 7, 2020
I am very well aware of Gravitational Energy and Kinetic Energy. However, we are talking about several thousand degrees of heat to even start the process. Gravitational Potential Energy means that there would have to be enough mass going thru the gravitational pull to even to be affected by it. There are even elements that do defy our gravity. Look at asbestos, one partical of that material will take 99 years to even touch the surface just falling from a distance of 10 feet. Now, there are factors of that contribute to it rate of fall. But even in an enclosed area, with no wind or disturbances, it would still take longer than a year to fall. We have gases that rise instead of falling. One of the big contributors to helping that heat in planet formation is Hydrogen. Well we know that it is gravity non compliant. I am not trying to destroy what we have learned or make myself bigger than those that are smarter than me. I just look at things and take what is being said oh the how and how come and say that it just don't make sense.

I question a lot. I guess its because we look out and see what is going on, and say this is the reason for this and that. So I say this, we really don't know!!! Tell me how a gravity incident out in the middle of space? Our gravity is due to our spin of the planet. We do models and computer sims but no one can explain non planetary gravity.
We say t't hat this is exactly what happened and this is exactly the way the planets were formed.
As an amateur that reads a fair amount on this topic, I really never read any scientist that use the word "exactly". It takes supercomputers just to model how dirt moves during a major impact, and the coding doesn't produce exact results. They usually are testing whether or not they can falsify a model or two. A theory, or model, only qualifies as such if it can be falsified, otherwise it's not a scientific theory or model at all.

However, if space is so cold, and it takes an enormous amount of heat to melt rock, dust and the components, how did the process begin in the first place?
That's an important and interesting question that has taken a long time to answer, IMO. Ideas and models have come an gone, but the one that produces great results is the BBT (Big Bang Theory). This theory begins with temperatures in the universe of perhaps a trillion degrees, so the universe was extremely hot. Where did that energy come from? Science doesn't know, though some suppositional claims are interesting to ponder.

But when such high energy expanded from something incredibly tiny, it cools, hence the chlll of space, measured at about 2.7 kelvins.

Stars, again, what starts the heat if space is cold? Are we just putting an unimaginable number on them because we really don't have a clue? I mean, a supernova can come out of no where. Also, how do we know what makes up a stars core? We can't even get close to them much less know whats inside of them.
This is why astronomy is so wonderful, we can make incredible determinations from indirect evidence but much is direct.

You might enjoy reading about Fraunhofer and others that discovered spectral lines for the Sun and stars. Once it was discovered (from lab experiments) that those dark lines were due to atomic absorption for specific atoms, the surface composition of stars became known, much to the surprise of some philosophers (e.g. Comte).

I feel that we have idea's as to what and how things are, but are we absolutely sure that's the way it is?
It's somewhere between and "idea" and "absolutely sure". Idea's are subjective. Green is the best color, for instance, but that's just my opinion. Green has a wavelength of about 520nm, which is testable a million times over, thus it is objective evidence that can be useful to know when needed to support a model (theory).

We cannot even predict what our own world is doing but we know exactly what a star is made up of and how it works and we know the exact make up of a planet.

You might enjoy one of the many books written that answer this question. Most Big Bang books will help answer your question but they won't insist they are absolutes or that all is known exactly. Physics is more like a conversation with nature, and some conversations take decades or centuries in order to establish appropriate patterns as to what might be.

It really helps me when I separate the elements that are objective from the ones that are subjective. This helps me understand what can be tested and what is more likely than not.
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Jun 3, 2020
I think you should be very happy with that answer. I am.
I hope a lot more people will read it and give it the 'like's it deserves.


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