Proton-M/DM-3 - 3xGlonass-M - Launch 2010.Dec.5

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Guest : Baikonur Space Port: Operations with Glonass-M Satellite
:: 03.11.2010

Prelaunch operations with Proton-M rocket/DM upper stage and three Glonass-M navigation satellites began at Baikonur.
Reshetnev ISS and Yuzhny Space Center unloaded the first satellite of the cluster from the container, installed it in the test bench and started integration of the test set-ups.
In parallel, the tanks of the spacecraft propulsion systems are prepared for prop filling. The propellant-loaded tanks are to be attached to the spacecraft later on according to the technology which allows to avoid Glonass transportation to the filling station and back.
groups install solar arrays on the the satellite. The activities are performed in the integration and test facility, site 92А-50.
Proton-M/DM-3 upper stage are scheduled to orbit three Glonass-M navigation satellites on Dec. 5.
Glonass-M satellites are manufactured by Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems company, Siberia. The satellites are aimed at providing global navigation and positioning services.

Roscosmos PAO


Guest : Proton-M/ Glonass-M Launch Campaign Continues at Baikonur
:: 08.11.2010

Prelaunch operations with Proton-M rocket/DM upper stage and three Glonass-M navigation satellites continue at Baikonur.
Yuzhny Space Center began preparing launch facilities of pad 81 for the launch scheduled t occur on Dec. 5, at 1.25 p.m.
Glonass-M satellites are manufactured by Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems company, Siberia. The satellites are aimed at providing global navigation and positioning services.

Roscosmos PAO


Guest : One More Glonass-M Satellite Delivered to Baikonur. Pre-launch Operations are in Progress
:: 10.11.2010

Glonass-M navigation satellite developed in the Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems (ISS) public company was delivered to Baikonur for pre-launch processing on Nov. 8.
Roscosmos teams performed satellite installation in the test facility, assembling of the test equipment, and unloading of the components.
The satellite is to be launched as a part of 3-Glonass-cluster. The first of the same cluster delivered to Baikonur a week ago underwent full cycle of testing. Now it is in the storage.

Flight of the Proton-M launcher with DM upper stage and three Glonass-M satellites is scheduled for Dec.5, at 13.25 MSK.

Roscosmos PAO


Guest : Glonass-M Undergoes Electrical Tests
:: 11.11.2010

Launch campaign for three Glonass spacecraft continues at Baikonur.

The first satellite of the cluster delivered to Baikonur a week ago underwent full cycle of testing. Now it is in the storage.
The second Glonass-M navigation satellite was delivered to Baikonur for pre-launch processing on Nov. 8. Roscosmos teams on Nov. 10 performed satellite pneumatic and electrical tests.

Launch of the Proton-M launcher with DM upper stage and three Glonass-M satellites developed in the Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems is scheduled for Dec.5, at 13.25 MSK.

Roscosmos PAO


Guest : The Third Glonass-M of Cluster 43 Shipped to Baikonur
:: 16.11.2010

Reshetnev ISS experts shipped Glonass-M N41 to Baikonur on Nov. 15. The spacecraft arrived at the space port on the same day.
Glonass-M N31 will fly in cluster 43.
Glonass-M are produced by ISS Reshetnev under the Global Navigation System Federal Special Program.
Three Glonass-M satellites are to be launched on Dec. 5, in line with GLONASS Federal Special Program.

Roscosmos and ISS PAO
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