The third and fourth dimensions of the universe, minimum, exist in pyramidical relationship over the baser first (1-d) and second (2-d) dimensions. It can be viewed as a pyramid with a flatland dimensional base and a more multi-dimensional multiverse out from and above the base -- the constant of the initial conditional base -- of the pyramid to the countlessness of the apex points (sic), the Planck Big Bang (Black Hole) collapsed constant 'Flatland' Horizon of the Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe.
Of course, this is my universe picturing, my universe modeling, oft described in varying ways. As full of open systemic worm holes (varying in form types) to open systemic infinities as a Swiss cheese-like 3-d Menger Sponge and 2-d flat (pyramid base) Sierpinski Carpet. The in-common base (initial conditional) universe within the infinities of them all. The in-common dimensionality (1-d / 2-d) base within all the multi-dimensionalities.
"Initial condition" (a pyramidical base dimensionality) that eternally is, never was!
Of course, this is my universe picturing, my universe modeling, oft described in varying ways. As full of open systemic worm holes (varying in form types) to open systemic infinities as a Swiss cheese-like 3-d Menger Sponge and 2-d flat (pyramid base) Sierpinski Carpet. The in-common base (initial conditional) universe within the infinities of them all. The in-common dimensionality (1-d / 2-d) base within all the multi-dimensionalities.
"Initial condition" (a pyramidical base dimensionality) that eternally is, never was!