Pyramidical dimensionality


Aug 14, 2020
The third and fourth dimensions of the universe, minimum, exist in pyramidical relationship over the baser first (1-d) and second (2-d) dimensions. It can be viewed as a pyramid with a flatland dimensional base and a more multi-dimensional multiverse out from and above the base -- the constant of the initial conditional base -- of the pyramid to the countlessness of the apex points (sic), the Planck Big Bang (Black Hole) collapsed constant 'Flatland' Horizon of the Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe.

Of course, this is my universe picturing, my universe modeling, oft described in varying ways. As full of open systemic worm holes (varying in form types) to open systemic infinities as a Swiss cheese-like 3-d Menger Sponge and 2-d flat (pyramid base) Sierpinski Carpet. The in-common base (initial conditional) universe within the infinities of them all. The in-common dimensionality (1-d / 2-d) base within all the multi-dimensionalities.

"Initial condition" (a pyramidical base dimensionality) that eternally is, never was!
Aug 24, 2023
In contemporary physics and cosmology, our understanding of the universe is based on the Standard Model of particle physics and the Big Bang theory, among other established frameworks. The concept of dimensions is indeed a fundamental part of modern physics, where space-time is often described as having four dimensions: three spatial dimensions (length, width, height) and one temporal dimension (time). EZDriveMA String theory and other speculative theories propose additional dimensions, but these ideas are still subject to ongoing research and debate.

Multiverse theories are also a subject of scientific inquiry, but they are highly speculative and lack definitive evidence at this time. These theories propose the existence of multiple universes beyond our observable universe, each potentially having different physical laws and properties.

While your description presents an intriguing and imaginative perspective, it's essential to differentiate between speculative ideas and established scientific theories. If you're interested in exploring these concepts further, you might want to delve into books and resources on cosmology, theoretical physics, and related fields to gain a better understanding of the current state of scientific knowledge and exploration in these areas.
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Aug 14, 2020
tashaut5, you obviously haven't read many of my posts yet. In your advice to me you are many decades of reading and thought late and many, many, dollars (well spent to me) short. I've kept quite enough of my favorite physicist authors -- that are agreeable to me, from Einstein to Carroll -- in my library. Those who say you have to be a formal formulative mathematician to even visualize the possible and probable universe in its many facets and dimensions are, of course, dead wrong and too steeped in mediocrity for words to boot.

I've done my picturing, my modeling and most of my tweaking, and all that is left so far is defense, I went for the apex of the pyramid, and its broad outlines, its base as well, and leave the mass of its highly detailed bulk parts to localized experts in such detail. What I deal in is what is wide open to all to deal in regardless of what some closed-minded feudalist in his fiefdom of academia believes.
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I think there is only one physical dimension. Length. I like to keep things simple. I think that this one length dimension comes with one length area. And one length density. And that this length is orthogonal. I believe that all the physicality in this universe comes from one length. The same length. A constant length. And it's the only physical length there is. And a whole universe is a product of it.

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