Quantum Mechanics: Entanglement

Jan 2, 2024
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I assume we all know what my beginner's book says. That particles (a pair of Photons say) can be entangled. So, if one is separated from the other then they act in exact synchronisation even if separated by light years. So if something happens to one then the other 'knows'. And it happens instantaneously.

To get the flavour: Einstein called it Spooky action at a distance, I think. Although there is not supposed to be any ability to transfer information (this would break the speed of light limit) it is thought that in the case of black holes losing one of a pair and one escaping might provide something useful (Hawking Radiation).

My point in making this post is not to tell you what you already know but to test an idea:-

But first: As the Universe moves forward in time which view below is the right one?
  1. The universe is a "now" that moves forward extending what "already is" into the future in a deterministic way. Only "now" and possibly the past have any existence.
  2. The universe is like a 'timewave' moving forward modifying a preexisting 'block universe' at the Quantum level to result in a changing deterministic macro universe.
  3. Something else
In the case of number 1 Particles are carried forward in time as simple objects that we describe every day and I have no conjecture to add. The weirdness/spookiness remains.

In the case of number 2 particles are not particles but are strings extending throughout a block universe through time from birth to an interaction event. In this case, the original pairing is not lost by separation even when parted as they are still joined by location in the past and possibly in the future. Maybe
The Verse (Turn....) is an ever-renewing renewal project. If goes forward in time in order to go backward in time . . . all at once in exactly the same Verse (thus Uni-Verse (One turn of the wheel(s): to turn; return.... endlessly finite in infinite offset parallel finite (altogether, REALTIME NOW 't=0'))).