S. H. Glenzer,1,* B. J. MacGowan,1 P. Michel,1 N. B. Meezan,1 L. J. Suter,1 S. N. Dixit,1 J. L. Kline,2 G. A. Kyrala,2 D. K. Bradley,1 D. A. Callahan,1 E. L. Dewald,1 L. Divol,1 E. Dzenitis,1 M. J. Edwards,1 A. V. Hamza,1 C. A. Haynam,1 D. E. Hinkel,1 D. H. Kalantar,1 J. D. Kilkenny,3 O. L. Landen,1 J. D. Lindl,1 S. LePape,1 J. D. Moody,1 A. Nikroo,3 T. Parham,1 M. B. Schneider,1 R. P. J. Town,1 P. Wegner,1 K. Widmann,1 P. Whitman,1 B. K. F. Young,1 B. Van Wonterghem,1 L. J. Atherton,1 E. I. Moses1
Indirect-drive hohlraum experiments at the National Ignition Facility have demonstrated symmetric capsule implosions at unprecedented laser drive energies of 0.7 megajoule. One hundred and ninety-two simultaneously fired laser beams heat ignition-emulate hohlraums to radiation temperatures of 3.3 million kelvin, compressing 1.8-millimeter-diameter capsules by the soft x-rays produced by the hohlraum. Self-generated plasma optics gratings on either end of the hohlraum tune the laser power distribution in the hohlraum, which produces a symmetric x-ray drive as inferred from the shape of the capsule self-emission. These experiments indicate that the conditions are suitable for compressing deuterium-tritium–filled capsules, with the goal of achieving burning fusion plasmas and energy gain in the laboratory.
1 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Post Office Box 808, Livermore, CA 94551, USA.
2 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA.
3 General Atomics, San Diego, CA 92121, USA.