<font color="yellow">answer...</font><br /><br /><font color="yellow">please, read my previous posts!</font><br /><br />Shuttle: <br />Lands in hundred thousand pieces scattered all over Texas and Louisiana, Crew dead. <br />Shuttle: <br />Tank Explodes, vehicle breaks up, Crew dead. <br /><br /><font color="yellow">I repeat...<br /><br />- both Shuttle accidents was due to BAD DESIGN!<br /><br />- Shuttle become a true spacecraft only on reentry and landing!<br /><br />- at lift-off, Shuttle is only a (dangerous) "ROCKET with wings" or (more exactly) a "flying bomb"!<br /><br />- both Shuttle accidents starts at lift-off of this dangerous "rocket" (I repeat.. this is the main reason I suggest to use it CREWLESS or STOP FLY!)<br /><br />- also Columbia crashes on reentry because it was damaged at lift-off, NOT because a WINGED vehicle is dangerous!<br /><br />- when Shuttle don't explode or damage its wings at lift-off (because it is NOT a spaceplane but a ROCKET with wings) the successful landing was 100%!!!</font><br /><br />Apollo: <br />Lands in one piece in Pacific Ocean Crew alive. <br />Apollo 13: <br />Tank Explodes, Vehicle dosen't breal up, Crew lives. <br /> <br /><font color="yellow">- Apollo mission was only TEN (only TEN!!!) with only 30 astronauts, Shuttle missions was 100+ with 600+ astronauts!!!<br /><br />- only when an (undamaged) "CEVpollo"-"Pepsi-can" will ends 100+ missions, it will EQUAL Shuttle safety on reentry!!! (if wings are not damaged at lift-off)<br /><br />- only when CEV will make 150-200 perfect reentries we can say that it is better than Shuttle! (or similar WINGED vehicles)<br /><br />- NASA will make this "live experiment" from 2015, and, around 2025, we will have the true answer!!!</font><br /><br /><br />