> <i><font color="yellow">It would not at this point be quite fair to compare Skykab with the ISS, as the Skylab was a totally completed lab when it was initially put up. The current ISS is FAR from finished</font>/i><br /><br />The common refrain "It's not done yet" as an explanation always drives me nuts.<br /><ul type="square"><li>The US has been trying to put up a space station since 1984<li>The original space station was supposed to be completed in 1994<li>By 1993, with no hardware in space, US changed direction with ISS<li>In 1997 NASA expected ISS to be completed in 2003<li>In 2005, NASA expects to stop working on ISS on 2010<li>In 2005, NASA still needs to spend another $25-30 billion to complete ISS<li><font color="yellow">When completed, ISS will support the same number of Americans as did Skylab!</font><br /></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></ul><br />It is hard not to conclude that the US is spending huge sums of money to subsidize someone else's space agenda.</i>